Canadaddy interrupts woman to mansplain wokeness to her

57  2018-02-05 by Lesmothian


We prefer peoplesplain thanks.

Fuck it, let's just shorten it to explain.

That's offensive to exes.

Exes are subhuman. Check mate

I believe you MEANT to say exes are subhupeople.








That's exactly the point

Canadians aren't people tho?

Are you saying they’re not people though, buddy?

all i see is a woman correcting another women... where's the problem?

It looks like you wrote a lowercase I instead of an uppercase I. This has happened 2164 times on Reddit since the launch of this bot.

all i see is a dumb bot

Bad bot

good bot

Shit bot delete yourself

Do you r͘͞e̡a̢ll̴̡͡y̧ wanna die an agonizing death? (._.)

I'm a Bot bleep bloop |  Block me | T҉he̛ L̨is̕t | ❤️



Build a wall to keep us Leafs out. We deserve it.

Hupeople has a good ring to it

Trudeau and Trump should make babies to balance their problems out.

yo americucks, instead of raking us do what every good person does, torch the lawn.

What a fucking twat. "We like to say peoplekind." If someone said this at my dinner table, I'd tell them to leave and give their plate to the dog instead.

So the term Feminism is okay because it's really about equality, but the term mankind which has been around 500+ years is sexist? WTF?

Shouldn't we be the same logic turn feminism to people-ism?

This sounds rly whiny.

I dont see the drama, he is correctly refering to the species known as hupeople beings

It was obviously a joke, here's the context. The woman asking the question is part of a church that's about "the female aspect of God" and she kept going on and on without actually getting to her question. When she finally gets to it, it's basically "Can we get more money for our organization?" After he starts to answer it, she interrupts and says she has a second "question", but it's just "We'd like to share the message of God the Mother with you sometime, because it's really the truth, and it's really amazing, and it's something the world doesn't know."