Girl is given a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel around the world, but her boyfriend is threatening to break up if she takes it.

11  2018-02-05 by [deleted]



How old are you? I'm betting you're under 25. Only people that young make the stupid decisions. And I don't mean that in an asshole-ish way. You literally don't have the life experience to know that she would regret staying for him, not your fault.

Am I the only one who found dating someone to be a life experience?

Love isn't that big of a deal at her age (or yours - even though you don't see it yet. You'll be fine.), I promise. Take the trip, OP.

Met my wife when she was 18 and I was 23. Ten years later and we still bang like bonobos every week. Bad advice that completely ignores how OP might actually think young love is important is...bad.

Why were you hanging with highschoolers as a college grad and why are you telling us this like you aren't ashamed?

She was a college freshman and I was a very much delayed sophomore/junior since I spent two years working instead of getting my eddycashin.

Jesus you waited two years and still failed enough classes to be considered a sophomore in your junior year?

Fuck that guy anyway, the Wooderson Philosophy is air tight.

Dating an 18 year old at 23 means you can only get a girl that needs you to buy alcohol for them.

brain damage

Well, he's posting here, sooo

No I get it, she wasn't like all the other hs girls she was mature. Hope it was second semester at least lol

If his boyfriend is really that in love with him/perfect for him then he won't leave her even if she goes. Knowing his good of an opportunity it is. It's just a year for fucks sake. The guy is a lil bitch.

Ed you obviously fail to see the greater workings. Whore OP wants to get some strange dick. OPs whore bf doesn’t want to spend 9 months being blue balled so would like to chase some ass.

Really they should break up, hate fuck a lot of strangers, then makeup bone each other.

Thots and man whores? Lmaoooo.

Thots and man whores

Thots and whores


Met my wife when she was 18 and I was 23.

Ewww. That's, like, totally gross and creepy.

She's looking for validation to be a whore with international dick from bitter old harpies and fatties on/r/relationships lolol

In all fairness to Chad here, he’s absolutely right. I had a blast when I spent two months in southern China and it mostly involved activities /r/relationships would reeeee at.

Everyone just wants some foreign tang.

hashtag Men enjoying sex is abuse.

Hashtag donttakehertopoundtown hashtag bcfattiesfuckbetter hashtag standagainstpenetrativecolonialism.

They hate men enjoying anything so of course

Nice try incel.


Incel lmao

The only answer is to break up with him.

The actual answer is to don't give up IF breaks up. OP should take the trip regardless. It's just a year Jesus Christ lmaooo.

Here's how you know to break up with him:

Is he a man? If yes, break up with him.

t. r/relationships users

As much as I enjoy laughing at people who made terrible choices give terrible advice to people about to make more terrible choices, I don't understand why are we having so many posts from that sub right now, there's barely any drama here.

They automatically lock and remove threads that get linked elsewhere, so people are linking them because they think that is stupid and easy to abused.

Oh, in that case, please do carry on.


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