Hey, this post has over 1000 updoots so there's gotta be drama in here somewhere.

0  2018-02-06 by throwawayforme9000


You can get good equipment from china but you have to know exactly what you want and know how to ask for it. For example, I have some CCTs from HGM and they are great, but when I went there and saw a brewhouse for someone else I thought it was poorly designed. The good thing about companies like premier and DME is that they do the design and engineering and the manufacturing is in china, so you save money there. Do your research. Communicate constantly and you might get something worthwhile. Otherwise, stick with american designed at least.

I should have added this as an addendum. Don't use their pumps as they will be chinese made so finding info like a pump curve about them will be difficult and getting replacement seals or servicing will be time consuming. I recommend buying pumps domestically since they will be easily serviceable and spare parts are easy to get.

I would recommend not skimping on a keg washer and getting a higher end washer. Washing kegs is always a chore don't make it worse by having a difficult washer.

I travel for work and my minivan is my office. My iPhone is my work computer. I keep 4 large batteries on hand at all times. My battery would probably last longer if I wasn’t constantly on my phone.

It's funny because when these radleft types scream in a men's issues conference, or anything associated with the right or centrism, it's the speakers getting their just desserts, it's justified anger against "fascism."

But when McGowan gets it, oh it suddenly becomes verbal abuse.

Only when the irrational identity politics turns against YOU has it gone too far.









ecks dee


Isn't this the college that forced the former president out because he would not fire a professor who was cleared 3 times of falsely being accused of rape.