GaymerGayters sppperg out and downvote mildly critical joke because they take their video game rape club seriously.

2  2018-02-06 by Starship_Litterbox_B


Cool story, bro


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View the truth about GamerGate here. Thirteen women reported rapes perpetrated by gamers in a one year period, and it all began the eve that GG was conceived, in a tidal wave of bodily fluids procured without consent.

Thank you for keeping our community safe. o7

They may all have different opinions but they are all united in being boring faggots.

Death to all gamers tbh

Reported for inciting violence

Reported for snitching

Wow, rood!! 😡😡

user reports:

1: snitching

user reports: 1: being shitty mod

Show yourself, coward!

It was ed

I swear to baby Jesus it wasn't me :(

║\ ║▒\ ║▒▒\ ║░▒║ ║░▒║with this blade ║░▒║i cut those who ║░▒║disrespect ║░▒║/u/HodorTheDoorHolder ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ║░▒║ ▓▓▓▓ [█▓] [█▓] [█▓] [█▓]

Nice flair fam.

thanks fren

Imagine being so assblasted by people calling you a tard you post your own comment to /r/drama in a thinly veiled attempt to brigade yourseld

I think that you're focusing on the realism of the joke as it pertains to stereotypical gender roles, and I think that there's value in that but at the same time it really isn't my thing. Your comment actually made me realize that even though "get in the kitchen and make me sammich" is an inherently gendered joke, I view it more as a "shitty joke" than a "sexist joke". This is not to claim that it isn't sexist (it obviously is), but only goes to how I evaluate it.

Understanding that all humor derives from the subversion of expectations, this joke attempts to work by primarily subverting the expectation of civility in that we expect people to refrain from making sexist and immature comments in polite society. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, either - off the top of my head the guy who plays Borat enjoyed tremendous success by inventing a character who is basically the living embodiment of "acts in a way that is extremely inappropriate" and he was hardly the first to do something like this. Shit, even the initial joke (which I liked) uses this in leading us to suspect that we would know Apple is run by men because of traditional gender roles only to subvert this with an inappropriate dick joke.

And this is kind of the problem, because although the second joke is offensive, it's offensive in the most lazy, unenthusiastic way possible - in fact, if it weren't for Mamgain's clear anger at the initial joke it probably wouldn't have any energy at all. My expectations aren't subverted in the slightest; if anything I'd be shocked if someone with a /r/imgoingtodetentionforthis personality managed to interact with a woman without asking her to get into the kitchen. Factor in that the speaker is only parroting something that they've likely heard countless times, and this is the difference between Dave Chappelle saying "I'm Rick James, bitch!" and some random asshole screaming the same line years later, but also he fucks up and uses the line when everyone expects him to.

This isn't meant to excuse the inherent sexism, of course. I'm simply stating that I believe the joke is such a turd that I can't even take it seriously enough to address its message on gender roles in the first place. It's a bit like writing one's manifesto on toilet paper and then using that toilet paper - yeah, there's probably some ideas to be argued but I'm not really keen on diving into your septic tank to find out.

Imagine needing to keep yourself safe this much

When you put them all down on paper and you review them in chronological order, it’s just stunning what has been done by the Washington, D.C., establishment to deny Donald Trump his legitimate victory and to discredit his presidency and to get him thrown out of office. And it continues to this day. And it isn’t going to stop. And the release of this memo has got them scared to death in the swamp and in the Democrat Party because, again, half the country — or whatever percentage of it watches the media — doesn’t know any of this. The media has studiously, steadfastly refused to report about Fusion GPS, how the Trump dossier came to be, that it’s a political opposition research document, that it is not legitimate intelligence, that there’s no evidence for any of it. They don’t know this. A large chunk of the American people do not know it. So as far as the Democrats are concerned, their future relies on what the public learns and this memo would be the first step in a series of steps that would elucidate, illuminate, if you will, many of the shenanigans and scandals that were part of the Obama presidency and primarily in the Department of Justice. And this is something that they are hell-bent on preventing and stopping, or — if they can’t stop it — discrediting it before it appears. Much of this I’m gonna expose Hillary Clinton for things and in ways that she has yet to be exposed to many people in the country. So look for ’em to go scorched-earth over the memo. They’re not gonna look at this and say, “Wow. This is really bad! Our the FBI had this happen to it?” They’re not gonna have that reaction because they did it. There won’t be any outrage or won’t be any concern for the rule of law.

Thanks for confirming that you are, in fact, /r/drama's newest pet retard.

So how long until you delete your account?