78  2018-02-06 by Ayylmao11023


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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oh sweet Jesus it gets more self aware by the second

Beyond state of the art image recognition, tbh. Snappy could probably win some AI contests.

Should have invested in dramacoin you fucking retard

Can I have your stuff?

This legit actually never gets old.

You can gave his wife if you like.

Would rather have the son. Kids sell well on the open market.

If you have his wife you can make more kids tho πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€”

That would require being fine with being the betabux, because it's obvious this lovely woman of pure moral fiber has a Tyrone on deck with a dick like a summer sausage and at least six felonies. Hard pass.

Funny, I thought selling Tyrone's children would be fitting...

You make a compelling argument...

her son

Wow something good happened to you, congratulations 🎊

Must be black.

I would offer to take care of your wife if she wasn't about to inherit your debt. Maybe I can talk to her about selling your son to traffickers.

Oh come now. We both know he didn't father that child.

Stupid, if you don't sell it you don't lock in the loss. Bitcoin's coming back in a big way, you just need to believe.


If you double down now, it means your average buying price goes down! You can't make money if you sell!

Bitcoin is trading for an absolute bargain, have you seen the price! You'd be an idiot to miss out on this buying opportunity.


The hilarious part is that people who had a lot of "churn" trying to daytrade cryptocoins may wind up paying more in income taxes on the churn than the coins are now worth.

I tried to warn a guy in my office, who thought he was a shark buying and selling btc, bch, xrp, thiscoin, thatcoin, derpcoin, bagofprunescoin or whatever. It's going to suck ass for people like him -- most of whom will probably not claim the income and then get whacked with uncle sam's dick when the IRS inevitably comes to pay a visit.

seriouspost.jpg but as investment money (should) be throwaway money anyways, if you're at this huge of a loss, might as well hold it.

This is known as the sunk cost fallacy

'Ey alls I'm saying is if you're not a dumbass that invested with money they need, and if you're already in the deep deep red, doesn't hurt to leave it. You should consider that cash gone when you invest in something risky. If you do need to pull it because you need the cash, you did something stupid for investing in the first place on something risky with cash you need.

Yeah I hear you, personally I'd prefer to have 40% of my "Investment" than 0%, but that's just me.

I dunno I mean, of all the cryptocurrencies out there, BitCoin is the one most likely to succeed considering all the press around it. I still think it's dumb as fuck to invest in a cryptocurrency with how they are currently, but if you already did, it is bound to (probably) go up at some point, or at least recover a bit. Especially once all the dumbass twats jacking up the GPU market get fucked over by the price tanking, it'll (probably) recover at least to a point where you'll get most of the cash back.

Unless you were a dumbass that bought when it was high.

It's not going to succeed. It might come back in price temporarily, sure. Or it might just tank entirely

Would only need it to come back temporarily to bail. Unless you're extra stupid and don't bail.

It won't come back up until it bounces off the floor.

Dead cat bounce?

If you sold this far into the correction in the last two "oh my god, it's going to zero" bitcoin panics, you would have sold at $180, and $800.

In retrospect, that would have been a very bad idea. So what's different this time?

I don't know when it will crash but it will eventually. That's all I'm saying.

I think it's too good a tool to transfer wealth from the many, to the few, for it to go away in a hurry.

Or the same thing happens with other cryptocurrencies over the next few years.

Hedge funds want nothing more than an asset they can stockpile, push in the media, and have every Tom, Dick and Sally buying directly from their iPhones.

Especially if that "asset" can just be invented with a few lines of code

That's not how bitcoin works.

I read that there are more than 2100 cryptocurrencies now. Lol

You're still making price predictions. Taking out your investment is equivalent to Shorting. You can open up a short position against bitcoin right now if you think it will go to zero.

Not really,

I mean you can chuck it into a S&P500 and unless the literal capitalist economy as we know it is doomed it will grow in value and you wont be in default.

Bitcoin and other crpytos are retarded "investment" because fundamentally they have no value. You buy equity and you're entitled to assets and profits of a company legally. Crypto by contrast has no legal rights to anything tangible.

It always has nowhere to go but up. Now is the time to hit a loan shark for that cash so the both of you can enjoy a nice sunny vacation once the millions comes rolling in. I would cash in all of my investments so I can hit the life long gravy train but I'm just too much of a wimp to do so because I hate money.

It's not crashing, it's on sale.

Shotguns are a great way to keep yourself safe.

We should make a coin that's indexed to the cost of a single unfired 12ga. round.

Sound Fallout-isk.

Can't wait until he livestreams eating his dick

I didn't get hit in the housing meltdown in 2006 because I knew that shit was a bubble. People were saying all of the same shit, can't go down, has nowhere else to go but up, all of that kind of shit. The number 1 sign of a bubble is when people are adamant about it not being a bubble.

Atleast you did not spend your wifes money while she was in africa like that guy.

my wife ... her son

sorry about that

Cryptofriends deserve it. Think of this as Mother Earth taking her revenge for all the carbonfucking.




Only bitcoin.

Hey, now the house is all for yourself! Party hard!

source your quotes tia

and took her son

Nice, subtle touch. Bravo.