Some autistic speedrun drama #killallgamers: Kryssstal is Threatening to Doxx ALTTP Runners Who Are Voting to Remove Her Cheated Runs From The Leaderboards

22  2018-02-06 by westofthetracks




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I'm a game playing man-child myself but this bullshit is incomprehensible.

this was the closest to a rundown that got posted in the r/speedrun thread before it got locked, basically seems like some zelda-obsessed autist got caught cheating and is mad about it, which would be who cares except she has years worth of twitch chat logs with potentially embarrassing/compromising information about various speedrunners. why anyone would share enough pi in a twitch chat to be doxxable is beyond me, but these are speedrunners we're talking about.

Most of the time, twitch channels for speedrunners only have at most a few dozen people in them, a large percentage of whom are at least somewhat involved in that particular game's community. Since a lot of them know each other, and the chat is pretty quiet, it isn't too uncommon for people to mention where they live, what they do for a living, what university they attend, their first name, etc.

Lol at trying to form meaningful bonds with other human beings on the internet

See what it gets you


Since women suck at video games, I'm guessing this person is claiming to be trans?

is it safe to assume “kryssstal” is a sadbrains tranny?

I read the OP, AMA