My (28f) BF (28m) of 5 years dumped me unexpectedly a week ago. I was devastated and all I wanted was him back. He just called and said he made a horrible mistake, now I’m angry he caused me so much pain. What do I do?

5  2018-02-06 by Aemilia75


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Get together and then break up with him.

fuck him right in the pussy and bounce tf out


don't take him back unless he actually tells you what the fuck that was all about. perhaps counseling? I would have a really hard time trusting him again.

/u/jolie178923-15423435 why would you have a really hard time trusting him abefore knowing the reason of why he actually did it in the first place? Are you making up your mind ahead of time? Why ask him for the reason anyway then?

why would you have a really hard time trusting him abefore knowing the reason of why he actually did it in the first place?

I'm not sure I really understand your question. Trusting someone isn't something you can make yourself do. Getting abruptly dumped with no warning signs is going to damage a person's ability to trust, regardless of the reason it happened.

I agree that the reason only matters if OP wants to get back together with her ex - if she doesn't, it doesn't really matter why he did it. But if they do get back together, she and he both need to understand why it happened so they can prevent him from doing it again.