61  2018-02-06 by BasedRubby


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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I know people are gonna be quick to jump on the breed as being the source of all the problem and all, but that owner is complete shaite. He's gonna get his dog killed for complete lack of training and poor socialization.

... only to get another one and get that one killed for his inability to handle a dog properly, in all likelihood.

Can't tell if serious or pasta

why wouldnt it be serious?

Ah, the 3rd contender "retarded" appears

Ok, but why would it not be serious?

Weird how people who want to own dogs with a reputation for being aggressive always turn out to be shitty people who want aggressive dogs.

or dumb white girls who wub their precious baby who would never hurt anyone

Usually they really want an aggressive dog. No one is looking at a golden retriever, a lab, and a pitbull and thinking the pitbull is the sweetest of the bunch.

Properly trained pitbulls are not aggressive at all. I grew up with one and it was gentle enough to sleep in the same bed with me.

I was like,5, so my grandpa must have trusted the little guy enough to give him that kind of freedom.

He's gonna get his dog killed

Hopefully this happens before it kills a kid

I worked at a dog daycare where dog fights would break out occasionally. When you have that many dogs mingling, it's bound to happen. There were a few occasions where pitts would start ripping into another dog. We had a hammer handle called the "pitt stick" that you'd stick into the side of their mouth to pry their jaw open if they wouldn't let go. Occasionally this wouldn't work, so the other method in a dire situation was to literally jam your finger up their ass. Surprisingly enough, they let go and chill out.

TL;DR If a pittbull starts gnawing on your kid, start finger blasting it's asshole to save little Billy's life.

Ok I'mm not suprised about them letting go but they chill out? would have thought that just pisses them off more.

Pitbulls are surprisingly kinky.

As someone who is a dog-fucker who studies trends in dog-fucking, I am telling you, specifically, in dog-fucking circles, no one calls any dog a whore. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.

If you're saying "slutty dogs" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Canis Eroticus, which includes things from slutty poodles to Weimaraners with daddy issues to that one pug who always licks his balls at me when I'm walking through the neighborhood. So your reasoning for calling a dog a whore is because random people "call the black labs hoes?" Let's get spaniels and bull mastiffs in there, then, too.

Also, calling someone a pervert or a "dog-sex addict"? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A dog-whore is a dog-whore and a member of the "pets who are clearly gagging for it" family. But that's not what you said. You said a dog is a dirty cocksnorkel, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the canine family cum-dumpsters, which means you'd call bulldogs, Afghans, and other obviously slutty dogs hoes, too. Which you said you don't.

This better be pasta

And even then it's not very good pasta

How dare you besmirch the writings of the prophet Unidan.

hitting the dog will surely be an acceptable alternative to proper training

/u/Taco_Thunder a cup of water? lol on farms they stick a hose pipe up the dogs ass to get them to let go


This just in: /u/Ed_ButteredToast fucks dogs.

How do you respond to these accusations?

Arf arf!!


Will you and Whitney Wisconsin start a webshow about your hobby?

Bitey boi


Huh, I would have expected .30-06 instead

You don't throw away your bread and butter.

I’ve gotten attacked by a 100 lbs pit bull and it bit straight through the muscle and nerves in my ankle . Now I walk like zombie


You know what does work? A gun... Dog ever attacks me its getting fucking shot. Plain and simple.

Why yes, I'm sure that you'll be able to pull a gun, aim and shoot a dog quickly and easily as you're being mauled

It's not like pulling a gun and firing wildly into the mass of flesh on top of you is a complicated action.

Don't they teach people in CCW class that anyone armed within 21 feet is a lethal threat to someone armed with a gun? That's what I remember from my classes.

Anyways, what if the pibble is biting your dominant arm or something?

I dunno, I don't live in a country where the average tard can go to the supermarket and buy a gun. I've been told that the mouths of dogs are their weak points, so "just" grab the upper and lower jaw/mouth and rip it apart. This kills the doggo or at least severly fucks it up. Dogs also have no defense from attacks to their back so if you can "hug" it from behind in a chokehold. That being said, people don't really own pitbulls here either, so if you're getting bit it's probably not going to be an aggressive shit tier breed like that.

Another method; if a pit is on top of you and you're able to, grab each of its front legs and spread them as far apart as you can. This will dislocate both of it's arms and it'll basically be harmless.

This will dislocate both of it's arms and it'll basically be harmless.

Well, unless it's got its jaws wrapped around your jugular.

everyone should store a gun in their bussy just in case.

Typically they latch on so it wouldn't be too difficult

Yes, actually you can.

And what, do you expect me to let the dog maul me? Why did you choose to not link the video in question where the owner of the dog could not get thr dog off the victim? Oh ya, you did not want that seen did you?

How about not talk about shit you have 0 knowledge in.

Im going to defend my self from a dog attack and shooting the dog is a for-sure way to defend my self.

Stop being an idiot man.

What he is saying is that for a small moving target you are better of unsheathing your katana.

Something loud like a gunshot is the type of thing that can make a normal dog go berserk and start attacking everything around it.

Shoot. The. Dog.

You are KILLING the dog... Its going to be almost point blank shot, you aren't really gonna miss...

Its attacking your leg or arms... Or side... Its not hard to hit the dog that close... Its not going to go "beserk" if it's dead

Oh I thought we were trying to get it to stop attacking. Yes if murder dogs some humans might go berserk, too.

You deal with each situation as it arises

Ban pits in the US.

Have you never choked a dog before?

I have a pitt mix rescue that's never hurt a soul and routinely cuddles and plays with kids in our neighborhood, as well as other dogs, without incident AMA

Who cares?

who is paying you to post this?

the powerful, corrupt pitt lobby

Vick, logoff and sleep it off. You are drunk.

I hope it gets rounded up by Trump and euthanized

Taco_Thunder 27 points 1 day ago PROTIP: if a dog ever latches onto you like this, dump a cup of water on its head and it'll release. Also works if dogs are fighting. Just pour some water on them and they'll instantly stop, instead of biting your hand when you reach down to separate them.

That's not a very good pro-tip. I've had to break up enough dog-fights to know this is pretty bullshit. I've had pits get into fights with each other and I just stood there spraying them with a garden hose and they kept going.

I start up the weedwacker and they scatter.

kissed his sister, pbly

I swear pit bull people are right up there with anti-vaxxers, multi-level marketing "consultants" and Alabama football fans on my list of people who deserve to have their asses snatched up in a bear trap.

Yeah, pitbulls are a scary bunch, unlike my border collie-lab mix Hazel who is adorable and friendly and I love showing her off HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT MY CUTE DOG!