I have ascended - AMA

25  2018-02-06 by Mini_Gaunt

Proof: This is my account

I unsubscribed to both SRD and CringeAnarchy, I am now a radical centrist.



The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Shit, I have been caught.

do any of your fetishes involve puppy play?

No, I am a weeb, not a furry degenerate.

My tastes focus more around tentacles for that reason.


not all of us are furries :P

Don't lie to yourself. Be true to your furry self.

This is a safe space from furries. Thanks.

Can we...purge...all furry supporters?

And by purge I mean straight up gas them all.

GOOD question. Can we? Figure out the logistics.

I’ve put some thought into this but I’m pretty sure it will work.

First we need the white supremicists to work with the Jews. Jews have to buy gas. Whites have to setup the facilities.

/r/drama will need to conduct a campaign promoting a free for all to attend furry convention. A furvention.

When the time is right we stick /u/Ed_ButteredToast in a buttery furry costume. He will lead the furry horde into a well constructed facility built by the supremicists, paid for by the Jews and protested by the idiot femnazis.

Once the last furry is in, we slam the door shut, gas them all, sell their furry bodies to science.

Ed will be lost to us but it is a sacrifice we can live with.

fuck 🦆 you too 😭😭😭

Awwww bby it’ll be ok. Well build you a nice memorial statue for doing one useful thing in life. Ensuring the furrycaust.

Losing Ed is unacceptable to me. He's my favorite shitposter. Can we trade him for /u/jumbledfun?

Meh sure. They’re pretty interchangeable.

I think you need to step away from the internet for other than legitimate business things, and completely reassess your existence.

Can we trade him for /u/jumbledfun?

I think you mean /u/pizzashill.

I'm leaving soon. My trolling on /r/neoliberal has revealed the truth I wanted to deny.

SJWs aren't contained to the progressive wing of the party, but in reality, they're the neoliberal Clinton wing of the party.

This means, sadly, I can never vote democrat again. I can't vote Republican either because they're just right-wing SJWs.

So this leaves me with only one option.

I can be apolitical. And considering political arguments are what I do, I have nothing left. So I gotta quit the internet.

If you go on progressive forums on reddit, and many other places, you will notice a clear divide between social justice activists and what many on the left deride as SJWs. Progressives, also known as social justice advocates/activists, acknowledge the importance of the issues "SJWs" appear to care care about. But genuine progressives feel that the tactics, rhetoric, unpredictable hostility, and approach by SJWs are counterproductive to building a broad-based coalition to effect change on these issues. Progressives instead want to spread their values in a more constructive manner, and actually pushing for change on a policy level.

Many SJW stances on their preferred issues can be framed as progressive but upon deeper analysis have clear shades of regressive ideology. SJWs are actually more akin to conservative leftists than to progressives, since the SJW approach isn't liberal at all; it's about applying prefabricated regulation (albeit through social rules instead of legislation), as opposed to the liberal ideal of fluid, individualized regulation.

Additionally there is a tendency for a short fuse when engaging in discussion and salient points are dismissed or ignored when the one making them is prescribed "privileged".

A lot of the issues that are fundamentally tied to social justice are definitely worth legitimate attention. Genuine social justice advocates are fighting the good fight.

That being said, progressives don't approach the topic with the kind of unpredictable hostility that has entrenched itself in the SJW crowd. You just can't have worthwhile discussion when the air is filled with vitriolic lack of patience and disrespect for the opposition. There may be a time and place to express anger but it has no place as a modus for any campaign if the ultimate goal is acceptance of that stance.

The professed sincerity of SJWs to social justice causes is never subject to proof and emotions always, always trump (empirical) evidence.

Accusations of racism, of sexism, of any -ism really are freely tossed out by SJWs. Tossed out against people on the same side of the political isle, mind you. They only ever attack people close to them in terms of political affiliation. They never venture outside of that bubble because they instinctively feel there is no fertile ground beyond that point for their tactics. Instead they turn on their allies.

Nuance does not exist and is dismissed by SJWs as an attempt to derail the conversation by being not critical enough. Breaking out their accepted narratives by asking questions also gets you into trouble.

I personally identify as a feminist, and have been active in various feminist movements on campus and through my political involvement: movements combating human trafficking, advocating for safe abortion and contraception access, prenatal care investment, pay equity, combating slut-shaming, addressing double-standards in the media, advocating for paid maternity leave, domestic violence awareness, sexual assault on campuses, consent, breaking the glass ceiling, etc. These these issues are extremely important.

But these SJWs belong to a particular strain of feminism, a strain of activist intersectional radical feminism (that many academic radical feminists reject, and even many activist radical feminists feel is a perversion of their feminism) that posits that patriarchy is ubiquitous and traditional gender roles oppress and marginalize women on a systemic scale. I don't disagree that society and institutions marginalize women, but these SJWs take patriarchy to the extreme, and try to shoehorn everything they hear and see into their paradigm. Rather than focusing on genuine examples of misogyny and marginalization, they go out of their way to be offended by non-serious jokes made by comedians. They don't really have much sense of humor, and view everything and anything as something that perpetuates patriarchal norms. They make big issues out of non-issues.

Hence, why so many "progressives" at my college (UC Berkeley) were outraged at jokes Bill Maher's made about women over the past several years (Bill Maher was chosen as Berkeley's commencement speaker, yet he received a lot of backlash by Berkeley "liberals" due to "sexist" jokes he made in the past). It's not that SJWs don't find Maher entertaining, it's that they barely find anyone entertaining. After, being around them, I started checking my language. I am usually the irreverent kind. but humor is a foreign concept to SJWs. "Microaggressions" lurk at every corner.

Progressives are more chill: they distinguish serious comments from non-serious jokes, and while we do call out comedians for crossing the line, we aren't overly politically correct to the point where we become unfocused, unproductive, and inefficient.

A lot of these SJWs are also very active on tumblr, which is another huge echo chamber that eschews nuance and rational discussion

Yup, they love cherry-picking stuff and taking stuff out of context. Remember the #CancelColbert movement that happened several months ago (saying that Stephen Colbert's satire on the Washington Redskins amounted to collateral damage racism against Asians). Jesus, Colbert was just joking.

SJWs aren't very interested in advancing progressive goals in my opinion: they focus far less on big-picture movements like overturning citizens united, ending the drug war, getting single-payer healthcare, rebuilding America's crumbling infrastructure, having pay equity for women, ending unfettered free-trade, reigning in on Wall Street, protecting entitlement programs and the safety net, reducing wealth and income inequality, and protecting the environment etc (the stuff Bernie Sanders, Russ Feingold, Barbara Lee, Barney Frank, Sherrod Brown, Pete Stark, Robert Reich, and Elizabeth Warren talk about). In fact, progressives focus primarily on deep-rooted economic issues that harm the middle class, harm members of the working class of all races. Progressives actually don't focus nearly as much time on identity politics. Progressivism in America has been identified with the progressive movement, and progressives in general mainly focus on economic policy issues, championing the economic policies of Teddy Roosevelt and FDR.

SJWs in contrast, are concerned more on demonizing and hating those on the top of the totem pole (males, whites, cisgender people, straight people, etc). As a result, they often get uncomfortable when you call out problematic behaviors and attitudes of marginalized groups, and conflate any criticism of practices and values held by marginalized group as criticisms against the peoples themselves in those groups.

They feel that race, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc, are extremely important in determining life outcomes (which many progressives agree that they are), but SJWs don't care as much about class: as a result, a lot of them would posit that a rich black person may face more challenges overall than a poor white person, which I don't agree with. Yes, institutionalized racism, sexism, is very prevalent, and whites are better off on a structural level, but I'm pretty sure a poor white kid in poverty in the rural south would have it worse than LeBron's child. SJWs aren't interested in intersectionality when it's used to defend the plight of privileged groups (poor white farmers in the rural south). We can't conflate structural configurations with individual cases.

Progressives, in contrast, are out to end poverty for everyone, and make a better society for everyone (Robert Reich talks about how a more equitable distribution of income would help the poor, middle class, and the rich). We bridge gaps between people instead of exacerbating them. SJWs are much more divisive and vitriolic in their rhetoric and approach.

For example, if you're male, you can't be a feminist or call yourself one: you can only be a feminist ally. And even then, you're not allowed to invade feminist space by talking about issues that you face as a man: you are a bad person if you join feminist causes b/c you feel feminism will help men as well (a lot of SJWs really disliked Emma Watson's UN speech lol). According to SJWs, if you are a guy, the only acceptable reason to support feminism is if you want to uplift women, and you are willing to put aside your personal struggles and concerns as a privileged man in the pursuit of that. (Btw a lot of liberal feminists find this bs and absolutely believe men can be feminists, and even most feminists of the other schools, including radical feminists, believe men can be feminists. Only the SJWs are really in favor of the male ally thing...and SJWs are hypocritical: they complain when people say "I support women's rights yet I'm not a feminist" by saying that supporting women's rights makes you feminist by definition, yet SJWs attach all these other conditions that you have to meet to be a true feminist)

I identify both as a feminist and as a gender egalitarian. The feminism to which I subscribe is pretty inclusive as well

We definitely need to acknowledge structural factors that contribute to gender inequality. Women are disproportionately marginalized due to gender norms, and this should be acknowledged and corrected for. That's why I'm a feminist, although if I had to be more specific, I'd say I'm mostly a liberal feminist (with some shades of intersectional radical feminism, though not enough to make me a radical feminist).

However, I also believe that we shouldn't conflate systemic inequality with individual cases. While men benefit from structural privilege in the U.S. (and around the globe), that doesn't mean they can't face serious issues on a more individual level due to their gender. And in my view, that's not any less significant or important. So this is where my "gender egalitarianism" kicks in.

In my view, the end goal should be to completely eradicate gender inequality for everyone. Wanting to uplift everyone also doesn't necessarily mean we're "creating a false narrative that we’re all hurt in the same ways and at the same degrees by the evils of gender inequality, and that no one's really benefiting," or "toxic to solidarity," as some critics of liberal feminism argue.

In my view, as long as male feminists are genuinely concerned about women's issues and ending inequality, it's not necessarily problematic to inform men that supporting feminism is in their best interests as well. After all, we do need to build a broad-based coalition if we want to effect change in the long run.

So therefore, I don't believe that the concept of "men's rights" is inherently wrong at all; infant, it's needed. Men do need a space to discuss how gender roles affect and marginalized them; denying them that space b/c men are systemically privileged in SJW bullshit. If you are concerned about men "invading space" and "derailing conversations," then allow them to have separate meetings on men's issues related to gender norms, etc. Ideally, feminism, men's issues, and gender egalitarianism should work together.

My criticisms with the men's rights movement though is that in my view, there isn't enough push back against bad apples who are genuinely misogynistic and sexist (hence the red pill people who talk about how men need to be alpha males, need to learn "game," and "seduction," and all that stuff...which does contribute to the marginalization and subjugation, dehumanization, etc. of women. many of these alpha male idiots completely dismiss "consent" rules and practices, encouraging men to "go for it," which is messed up).

Moreover, a lot of the focus by MRAs is on attacking feminists, not distinguishing SJWs from feminists who are doing the good fight and actually advocating for gender egalitarianism (many of them are). Moreover, I think many in the men's rights movement are too reluctant to agree that men have structural privilege, and they deny how serious some of the stuff women have to face are (rape, assault, etc). There definitely are important men's issues that need to be discussed (suicide rate among men, custody cases, rape in jail, male victims of domestic violence, etc), but I feel the men's rights movement as a whole is very misguided atm.

Ideally though, feminism, men's issues, and egalitarianism should work together. And SJW efforts to shut down any discussion on men's issues (b/c men are privileged, so who cares about them, and if they were decent men, they would put aside their concerns and be more concerned about others, more marginalized ppl instead) is bs.

SJWs have hijacked the term"progressive." They are significantly to the left of the vast majority of self-described progressives in America (way to the left of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Jesse Jackson, Dennis Kucinich, Paul Krugman, for example). And most actual progressives in the U.S. focus their attention on deep rooted issues in our political economy (money in politics, financial deregulation, massive wealth and income inequality, single-payer healthcare, crumbling middle class, unfettered free trade) rather than identity politics. So SJWs are very different and distinct from mainstream progressives in America.

SJWs truly believe that it's not worth engaging with people with whom they disagree, because it's incumbent on the opposition to "educate themselves." SJWs even view leftists who are slightly more moderate than them (even though they'd be very progressive in the american context) as the enemy who conform to a "neoliberal paradigm" haha. Pretty hilarious that I've been constantly called a "right-wing neoliberal privileged capitalist cisscum" by SJWs, even though I'm a Scandinavian social democrat, and I oppose the Republicans, criticize President Obama from the left (he's way too moderate), think that the Democratic Party Third-Way establishment is too centrist, corporatist, militarist, too beholden to special interests, too close to Wall Street, and too willing to violate people's civil liberties.

I'm not a traditional liberal: I'm a progressive, and I'm to the left of "liberals." Liberals include Nancy Pelosi, Martin O'Malley, Kirsten Gillibrand, Joe Biden, etc., and I'm too the left of them. I'm a progressive instead of a liberal, and I'm rooting for Bernie Sanders and/or Elizabeth Warren in the 2016 Democratic Party primaries. Yet nuance goes over the heads of many SJWs, and I'm automatically viewed as a "neoliberal" right-winger, despite the fact that I've long opposed neolberalism. On the right, I oppose the Tea Party, the Republicans, Blue Dog Democrats, Third-Way centrist Democrats (The Wall Street ones), and "Liberal" Democrats. I identify economically very much with the progressive caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives, making me a progressive. But I'm opposed to the "SJWs" on the left, and find their values and tactics to be antithetical to true progressivism.

Here's my break down of America's left wing and its various factions:

Blue Dog Dems like Joe Manchin and Mary Landrieu are center right. Third-Way Dems (like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Andrew Cuomo, Barack Obama) are centrist in the U.S. context. Liberals (like Nancy Pelosi, Kirsten Gillibrand, Joe Biden, etc.) are center-left. Progressives (think Elizabeth Warren and Dennis Kucinich) are left-wing. Socialists like Cornel West, Noam Chomsky, etc. are a bit further to the left of progressives (most progressives support regulated capitalism with strong safety nets, whereas socialists oppose capitalism). Even further to the left are communists. But SJWs are on the fringe far far left, and are not progressives, but in fact are radical ultra far leftists.

And I'm not even joking: a lot of SJWs have shit on self-described democratic socialists (and even communists) for focusing too much on class, and not enough on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc. lol And intersectional feminists want to see the destruction of capitalism anyway, so in addition to being anti-capitalists (and embracing socialism, communism, or something else), they are ultra leftists on social issues, putting SJWs further to the left of even the typical communist.

you're a furry

Wow rude! I'm not the one cosplaying as a shark, nerd.

Arf arf


Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o notices you have a bulge o: someone's happy ;) nuzzles your necky wecky~ murr~ hehehe rubbies your bulgy wolgy you're so big :oooo rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy it doesn't stop growing ·///· kisses you and lickies your necky daddy likies (; nuzzles wuzzles I hope daddy really likes $: wiggles butt and squirms I want to see your big daddy meat~ wiggles butt I have a little itch o3o wags tail can you please get my itch~ puts paws on your chest nyea~ its a seven inch itch rubs your chest can you help me pwease squirms pwetty pwease sad face I need to be punished runs paws down your chest and bites lip like I need to be punished really good~ paws on your bulge as I lick my lips I'm getting thirsty. I can go for some milk unbuttons your pants as my eyes glow you smell so musky :v licks shaft mmmm~ so musky drools all over your cock your daddy meat I like fondles Mr. Fuzzy Balls hehe puts snout on balls and inhales deeply oh god im so hard~ licks balls punish me daddy~ nyea~ squirms more and wiggles butt I love your musky goodness bites lip please punish me licks lips nyea~ suckles on your tip so good licks pre of your cock salty goodness~ eyes role back and goes balls deep mmmm~ moans and suckles

Dicks are so cute omg(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ when you hold one in your hand and it starts twitching its like its nuzzling you(/ω\) or when they perk up and look at you like" owo nya? :3c" hehe ~ penis-kun is happy to see me!!(^ワ^) and the most adorable thing ever is when sperm-sama comes out but theyre rlly shy so u have to work hard!!(๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧ but when penis-kun and sperm-sama meet and theyre blushing and all like "uwaaa~!" (ノ´ヮ´)ノ: ・゚hehehe~penis-kun is so adorable (●´Д`●)・::・

What were you and what are you now?

I was a incel, but now I am Chad. Thanks r/Drama.

>now I am Chad

>Posting on /r/Drama

Pick one and only one.

Do u kno dae way?

Sorry, I don't speak Ugandan.

Wow a racist!!

how many days of nofap did you go through before you could levitate and alter physical objects

The wizard powers come sooner if you surround yourself with Ben Shapiro posters and cardboard cutouts of famous atheists.

How much attention do you need before you fuck off?

How did it feel to suddenly gain 500 IQ points?


What is your view on using tactical nuclear strikes to control crime in Chicago's ghettos?

Sounds good.

What do you know of the Hyperboreans?

Nice, daddy Vivec.

MtF or FtM?



holy shit i bet you can see Russia from up there