ChapoTrapHouse praises Venezuela for its economic strength in these troubling times

121  2018-02-06 by marooncat1501


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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Why does nobody ever mention the leader of venezula was a bus driver? it seems to be a good excuse but i never hear it, step 1 to socialist utopia person in charge has an education related to governance and not a heavy vehicle license.

how does that work though, everyone is equal comrade

power to the working class but give them a rattle so they dont want the keys.

But he had keys. For the bus. You said it yourself.

He could have been in real estate.

Everybody is starving in a planned economy. He is already more than qualified to run the government.

Everybody is starving in a planned economy

According to plan.

Alright, you got yourself caught

Crashing this country...

Perhaps he's wondering why someone would starve a man, before detaining them šŸ¤”

We live in a glass house, let's not throw stones. In relation to having a leader that's unqualified to hold office.

> this literal cartoon commie is as bad as Drumpf

never change Shilly

I didn't say he was as bad, I said he's unqualified and incompetent, and he is.

Oh man that sounds serious, I hope those people were acquitted

They are black, Brompf has already sent his SS death squads AKA the police to execute them in the street.

Trump literally accused people of treason for not clapping at a state of the union.

"They were like death and un-American. Un-American. Somebody said, 'treasonous.' I mean, Yeah, I guess why not? Can we call that treason? Why not? I mean they certainly didn't seem to love our country that much.

Yea this sure sounds like he's going for the death penalty, it s not like English is a language where words aren't always the legal term or anything.

He accused them of treason you fucking retard.

Treason is a serious accusation and treason carries the fucking death penalty.

I've seen you defend some absurd bullshit, but are you unironically going to defend Donald Trump accusing people of treason because they didn't clap for his bullshit?

Really? That's how dumb you've become?

Someone says those democrats are bad and don't love our country

I know things like nuance are hard for you but since President Trump is such a dictator why isn't he rounding up the Democrats for treason then?

You really don't know he has a habit of talking inflammatory shit about people?

How long of him NOT rounding them up for the literal treason you think he is accusing them of to prove i'm right and you are autistic?

7 years without Democrat Leaders being hung for Treason sound Fair?

He didn't say they were bad and didn't love the country, he outright fucking accused people of treason because they didn't clap for him.

What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?

If Obama said this you'd be screeching from the rooftops talking about tyranny and other retarded shit and everyone knows it.

Considering I voted for Obama that's pretty unlikely. It's not like you're some sort of cultist who is accusing everyone who doesn't agree with you of being lesser humans who deserve to die for Voting for Trump or anything right.

We'll see how long it takes President Trump to not have those people you think he is literally accusing of treason just run around committing Treason until you realize you're just being triggered over nothing again because the mean guy used bad words.

Are you actually this stupid?

It doesn't matter if he acts on it, the implication matters, words matter you fucking retard and they matter even more when you're president.

This clown has been attacking our institutions for over a year and now he's outright accusing his opponents of treason and citing the "deep state."

People like you will be the downfall of this country. Your refusal to hold demagogues like Trump accountable and your constant attempts to downplay his retardation and pretend anything about this is normal.

citing the deep state

being anti-American is treasonous

Yea you sure aren't a crazy cultist when you manage to twist what he said after I quoted him saying it and it doesn't say a single word about the deep state.

People like you will be the downfall of this country. Your refusal to hold demagogues like Trump accountable and your constant attempts to downplay his retardation and pretend anything about this is normal.

Remember when I said you were the cultish one in a glass house throwing stones for accusing everyone who doesn't agree with you on everything for being evil and unclean like you are now?

Doesn't it concern you in the slightest that you are this predictable?

Yea you sure aren't a crazy cultist when you manage to twist what he said after I quoted him saying it and it doesn't say a single word about the deep state.

He called them unamerican AND treasonous. Are you out of your mind?

Remember when I said you were the cultish one in a glass house throwing stones for accusing everyone who doesn't agree with you on everything for being evil and unclean like you are now?

I don't accuse people that disagree with me of things for the simple fact they disagree. Tons of people disagree with me, intelligent people with perfectly valid reasons for doing so and I have no problem with them.

Trump supporters are different. To downplay this to a disagreement is absurd, it's not. These are people with a deep disdain for reality.

Trump supporters are different. To downplay this to a disagreement is absurd, it's not. These are people with a deep disdain for reality.

It's not like you're some sort of cultist who is accusing everyone who doesn't agree with you of being lesser humans who deserve to die for Voting for Trump or anything right.

You get that you are literally such a hysterical democrat stereotype I can call what you are going to post before you do it right?

You're going down the same path people play over and over again because you are emotionally a child who gets upset by the bad guy saying bad things.

You don't even understand people think you and yours are as bad as the hillbillies yelling about Obama right?

Interesting how you always come back to Obama instead of any other President it's almost like this is the "first" election you've "lost"

Alright, I'm just going to assume you have a severe learning disability.

I kind of figured after the uraniumone fiasco, I've kept responding to you over the months because you're entertaining, but your mental illness and delusional has become too much even for me.

He never said that you butthurt sperg lmaooo.


Waaaa drumph waaaaa, waaaa women waaaa. Just copy past that and save yourself time.


Is Trump qualified to hold office?

Age and Citizenship requirements - US Constitution, Article II, Section 1

No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.

Term limit amendment - US Constitution, Amendment XXII, Section 1 - ratified February 27, 1951

No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.

Yes, lol

Using that logic, the leader of Venezuela is also qualified to hold office. That's not the point the original comment made.

Using your logic, a bus-driver is qualified to be president of the united states.

Did you even read the context of this argument?

They are both qualified, I'm just being pedantic because you asked if he's qualified to hold office

As to who has more relevant experience, running a national company is probably better than driving a bus. This is ignoring conflicts of interest and ethics/corruption, and I don't know anything about the Venezuelan guy other than he was a bus driver, but yes I'd say Trump is more qualified than some bus driver.

Bestā˜ļøļøBrainšŸ§ FolksšŸ‘

Why did I type all that, what I actually meant to say was "shut up fag"

Mmmhmmm sure.

Ours was tackling people and shaving off hair in WWE. Lol

Sometimes when I'm on public transit I wish Mao was driving it.


They also think that factory workers would be extremely self disciplined and efficient if all supervisors and managers were made to go bye-bye. This shouldn't surprise you.

But he was an excellent bus driver! i think this gets overlooked by most.

Also this isnt fucking drama, im tired of chapo saying retarded things im here for people sperging out i go to topminds to jerk myself off about my superior (((centralism)))

Where did I say im a centrist nigga?

are implying this is an agendapost? i knew you were a faggot but this takes the bussy cake.

I dont know what any of this means

He's calling you out for anti-semitism

stop radicalising lolcows

You're not J-WOKE?

Motherfucker, don't play dumb. You are constantly in here with Stormfront talking points. Off topic, asking how the six million number could be real, and wasn't it the insidious Jew that wrote the history books anyway? Stand behind your thinly-disguised ethno-nationalism or just shut up

Holocaust was for sure real retard. Why does that make me know what a bussy cake is again?

le bussy ecks dee XD

Why haven't you deleted your account yet?

Maybe tomorrow



Lol You're actually worse than Ed

What are you doing here if you're not???

just hanging

wtf I love stock markets now

Are CTH braindead?

Bonus: They're so stupid they think stock market performance is economic performance.

Granted, a shitton of people think that, but that just means americans are dumb.

They're so stupid they think stock market performance is economic performance.

Ask them about Puerto Rico on that one

I was just thinking of all the "look at the stock market, Trump saved the economy" Daddy fanatics

No, thats the GDP growth.

Daddy didn't get his promised 3% and he is basically riding the momentum from a hard-fought eight year battle by a real president. Trump is a dementia-ridden rapist lard humunculus who will take credit for anything.

I still wake up in a cold sweat sometimes, hoping this HP Lovecraft-inspired carnival ride was just a fever dream, but nope, it's all fucking real and we probably deserve it

we probably deserve it

We don't deserve Daddy, but we need him.

I still wake up in a cold sweat sometimes, hoping this HP Lovecraft-inspired carnival ride was just a fever dream, but nope, it's all fucking real and we probably deserve it

lmao "dah pwesident sed meen werds on the teevee" is your lovecraftian nightmare?

It's ok, it's almost over, this is the markets correcting Obamas non-euclidean nightmare of zero wage growth and zero interest.

Even Daddy thinks that

So horseshoe theory confirmed?

Horseshoe theory is Horseshoe law, as far as i'm concerned.

Daddy is Hugo Chavez confirmed.

Do you think think that indexes arenā€™t a good measure of economic performance? Because they are.


Markets can go down during strong economies. We have multiple 20+% drawdowns in the past without a recession. Markets do often trade in tandem with GDP but to think the correlation is 1:1 is silly. Markets measure expected earnings - which includes costs of labor and capital. GDP could be going up but if costs of capital and cost-push inflation rise faster than profits than the market will go down.

You know what a good measure of performance is? Real GDP.


Only a pseudo intellectual could take my comment and think Iā€™m implying 1:1 correlation

GDP is a good measure and sometimes inaccurate

Market indexes are also good measures and sometimes inaccurate

But you, Sir, are, of course, a TRUE intellectual. It is, truly, beyond me, and any other educated Sir reading, how anyone of true intellect could misinterpret your retarded ramblings

Weak. Come back when you have something better.

I have one, delete your account you retard!

How are you healing up? Hope youā€™ve been doing better since the stroke

Use r/powerdeletesuite to scrape your comment history and then say bye bye!!

Do less

I didn't realize I was in the rarefied company of a genuine-article intellectual. In fact, I was under the impression from reading your comments that you were a complete and total fuckwit

Man drama has just gotten so...weak... since I took a break.

Yeah man this place really went downhill fast when we lost you, our best source of self-aggrandizing shitposts and misunderstood, half-remembered econ 101 flashcard insights

I mean, yeah.

Strong rebuttal

drama users being experts on the economy


Youā€™re gonna have to get some new gifs Edward that one is more used up than your sister

That comeback! Oh my god! How will I ever recover!!11!!!

Probably with another overplayed gif

Not after that I can't.

It's not surprising at all that communists don't know how the economy works.

Tbh, most people who graduate from U.S. public schools know how the economy works.


Do you really have to ask that?

I love it when people become market experts just because some random piece of data fits their biases.

Just look at the severity of this global market meltdown

check out this ONE MAP that you WONT BELIEVE will make you THROW OUT all your TOILET PAPER

/u/jkid all ideology is a joke didnā€™t you read Marx?

Opposing neoliberalism by supporting ā€œnicerā€ capitalism makes you a capitalist.

/u/jkid all ideology is a joke didnā€™t you read Marx?

Mate, capital is like 1000 pages. Aint no one got time for that. Just read some Maoist pamphlets

Who gives a shit about opinions of CTH subscribers?

I just dont like em >:(

This isn't a "vent about people I don't like" sub. Post your shit agenda posts somewhere else SMFH

Also fuck šŸ¦† ChapoTrampHouse and all the drama related to it. Pathetic af sub lol

Ok faggot

Now delete your account and apologize

Compliments will get you everywhere around here big boi

This isn't a "vent about people I don't like" sub

Really? Because that's how I've been using it.

shhhhh!! Dude wtf!! šŸ¤«

I know it can be hard to tell sometimes

Not a soul in all of history has ever given a fuck what you think or how you feel. If anything, knowing Chapo gets you assmad makes me want to upvote the shit out of every socialist agendapost

u mad lol

I imagine that guy is holding the last vanishingly small speck of self-respect you had before you ramped up your pasta archival and tireless shitposting to their current levels. I'd think with the terawatt-level autism energy you are cranking you can probably do a little better than this off-topic meme

nice OC pasta you've got there.

Don't get a big dick just because you're the resident freak show attraction, Ed boy

My god these people really do just live in their own little worlds

They're literal children.

It's nice to see the middle schoolers are rejecting the alt-right fad of their highschool and college aged elders. The pendulum always swings back!

/u/spacemoose1 can their people afford food or toilet paper yet? Do your parents still pay your phone and credit card bill?

Made it just to piss you off <3

Thanks for the win.


Despite economic warfare from the neoliberal "opposition",

wut? Who the fuck is engaging in economic warfare with Venezuela?

they managed to survive.

No they don't. Not really. Their economy is failing and people are fleeing the country. Did you already forget about the almost daily riots last year?

The trump administration is butthurt because Venezuela is still alive and resisting neoliberalism and guarimberos.

Yea no. They're barely a country at this point. The people are starving and have been revolting on and off and inflation is out of control

The CIA is secretly wrecking the economy. I mean, why else are shelves empty when we set price controls below the cost of production?

I would be fine with Chapo and all the retards that give them money relocating to Venezuela since they hate America so much


We should send cargo ships with brocialists stacked like cordwood to Venezuala. Then round up all the anarcho-capitalist/libertarian neckbeard tards and send them to the lawless utopia of Somalia. They deserve to drink in the grandeur of their goofy-ass retarded ideologies rather than just furiously patting themselves and each other on the back via shitposts

In fact, we can set up a little commune for them and call it Chapotown, and give them plenty of koolaid and rat poison for activities


Most Chapotards prob don't wipe their asses anyways.

TIL South Africa doesn't have a stock market.


0 x +9.65% = 0

u/throwmeaway80808 M H 32 points 6 hours ago

can always count on CTH to provide further evidence on why 21st century commies are too fucking dumb to feed themselves let alone let alone lead any successful revolution. thanks for the constant reassurance guys



what in gods name is that subreddit.