I have decided to join GamerGate. An apology is long overdue.

0  2018-02-06 by Starship_Litterbox_B

When I first witnessed the brutal rape of local girl gamer cherryX420_unicorn, I was so enraged at the LoL guild responsible that I sort of lost my mind. I have since viewed gamers with great suspicion, and to this day whenever GG would threaten to rape and brutally murder women in lobbies and chat, I would be reminded of seeing cherryX420_unicorn's blood dripping down her thighs as a teenager in a purple and green striped hoodie thrust his hardened cock into her unwilling vagina. He was a ginger with beady eyes, and I'll never forget the words he said to me: "Oy vey, goyim, get wrecked or git gud."

So imagine my surprise when, last night during a random bathroom encounter with strange men on a dark highway in a state far from my home, I saw Zoe Quinn injecting fix-a-flat into her tire at a rest stop. I asked her if she could use some help and she grimaced, pulled her coat closed and wrapped her arms around her chest. She slipped off into the darkness and I realized to my horror that it was MY car she'd been tampering with, and that it was actually a corrosive agent she'd been planting in my wheel to murder me.

It all came crashing down then, the truth about ethics in journalism, the wild rape gangs of male feminists, the incels whose fingers stroke the keyboards which really are but tools of male liberation.

I'm so, so sorry gamer men. You are the last front in the fight to stop the SJW infiltration of unique, interesting men's hobbies. I will never forget your willingness to accept me for who I am, and the way I hurt you when I coldly rejected you. I would like to give you my full support, so I have already chosen a small gaming blog that reviews games through a "social justice lens" to stalk and harass. I will prove my worth to you and pull my weight. Starting today I am a new man.


Im pretty ashamed i was part of gamergate at any point, i just wanted to jack it to oversexualized 2d waifus, why do the feminists have to kinkshame me?

Because you're a cis. You're also a fucking normie that thinks motherfuckers confuse sexual preferences with gender. There are 28 genders and more are being discovered every day.

you know that 28 genders thing was some obscure as fuck tumblr post that most of the people who know about it are triggered soyboys?

Someone seems a little touchy about that subject.

lol what? if anyone its you for falling for the classic

everyone look at this random tumblr/reddit/twitter post it totally represents a large amount of people confirming my retarded views and isnt cherrypicking for maximum outrage

Wow, this is a new level of autism. So you must be told how to take things written because of the low functioning autism?

By the way, welcome to /r/drama.

Now go fuck your mother.

new level of autism

You obviously dont spend much time here newbie if you think this is high level autism for drama.

I guess I was wrong about you being an autist, you're just a boring retard.

That look your mother gives you all the time, that's the disappointment she has about not getting that abortion like your father was pushing her for. Who am I kidding, you have always been her $20 mistake.

Hey man calling me boring is really mean, and hurt my feelings could you not do that.

Unironically, welcome to gamergate.

Pls clap

Are you u/EzraKleinVox or not?

(((WHO))) is this Extra Klein you speak of, goyim?

Don't lie bby.


why do you think you're entitled to our emotional labor aka reading this tripe?

i mean, you don't even seem drunk wtf

Born and raised on a Native American Reservation, and have spent my whole life in committed relationship with Asian men. I have never found white men attractive, especially the whole blonde and blue eyed thing. But most of my gay friends have been white through the years. My best friend from childhood to this day is white.

I'm not turned on by racial references, but it doesn't disturb me particularly either. It is all in the context isn't it? I presume the lover of each of us is turned on by our looks, right? Our looks issue from our particular ethnic background. If what I am excites them, and I am in love with them, what is the problem?

what is the problem

beats me, didn't read a damn thing

You can't skip the pasta and expect to be full desu