Surely this will end well

103  2018-02-06 by Starship_Litterbox_B


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Step one: report your local La Raza (the Race) office as racists.

Step two: ask you local La Raza supporter why they like racists. They’ll deny it but meh. They’re lying.

Step three: report said supporter as a white supremacist (remember, Latinos are considered white!).

Step four: report everyone you see as a racist.

Congrats! Everyone is now a fucking racist.

IDK who the fuck got it into white people's heads that "La Raza" was a group, but that shit is not lol. There is no "La Raza" office. Saying "La Raza" is essentially saying "The Squad" but for Mexicans.


There's a gang that goes by "la-raza" and American conservatives jumped on it in an effort to smear other people that use the term.

Trump jumped on it to smear a federal judge.

Luis O. Osuna, president of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, explained that la raza "translates to the people and the power of people banding together for justice."

lol I guess Meixcan lawyers are as ridiculous as every other kind

You should be less supportive of these folks, because they're all trying to join the mayo race (hispanics are hilariously racist).

I could understand why a dude from that group might not be able to preside impartially over a case involving Trump, especially during his “build a wall and make Mexico pay for it” campaign. I mean, it makes sense to me, from what I’ve seen presented here.

How does it make sense to you that a federal judge, with a family that came here before Trumps family even did, is not able to preside over a case based on his heritage?

I don’t know anything about the dude’s family, I was talking about that group he’s in

It's almost as if a typical white supremacist would describe the phrase white power as "the people and the power of people banding together for justice."

That is not at all what they say or believe. What in the actual fuck?

Why are conservatives so bat-shit crazy?


You on drugs mate?

La Raza is one of the largest Hispanic advocacy orgs in the US of A. They recently changed their name but multiple student org chapters still refer to themselves as La Raza.

So yeh there are multiple offices.

But wanna make it fun?

U.S. Rep. Henry Gonzalez (D-Texas), a liberal Democrat, attacked the formation of the Chicano Movement party, La Raza Unida, as "reverse racism. ... as evil as the deadly hatred of the Nazis." Denouncing what he called "the politics of race", he said, "Only one thing counts to them, la raza above all."

Por la raza todo, fuera de la raza nada.

A brown person holding a sign!!!! We are dooooommmmmmmmed. Deport xem asap!

lol put down the david horowitz book

Do you doubt the Jew?


Ok, but the comparison of an advocacy organization to a nation wide gang is fucking retarded. Like they conflict a group of lawyers to hardcore gangbangers when they like to point out "La Raza"

I compared them to racists. Which they are. Never said gang.

Lawyers are far more destructive

You're operating on 1990's wrestling terms. There is indeed a massive political group called la raza, they even have la raza lawyer groups...

Mexican/Mexican-american immigration advocacy and assistance group, with chapters all over the US.

On a quick Googling I see that they changed their name six months ago and that's what you're talking about. Apparently 6 months ago La Raza stopped existing and now it's called UnidosUS

By the way what you did there with intellectually dishonest and you should be ashamed of yourself. Whenever you use a tactic like this and people see through it they associate your entire position with dishonest behavior.

intellectually dishonest on drama


hearts and minds folks

You should be gilded x10 for that last paragraph.

Having actually worked with a local La Raza office it saddens me greatly to contrast the poor old Mexican-american lady that is working herself to death just to help a few poor families secure a better life for themselves with the white privileged shitheads that make people like her out to be some sort of evil demon working to undermine America. She IS America, it's these racist white wing assholes that need to be deported, they represent a hatred that is against nearly every ideal America has ever held itself to.

That said, technically at least in some minor way almost everyone IS racist, even if only a little bit.

Hey I worked at a La Raza office in law school. I’m not bashing on helping people, I just despise saying one race is the race. :p it’s racist

they represent a hatred that is against nearly every ideal America has ever held itself to.

Progressives: America is a land of tolerance, free of ethnic hatred

Also progressives: America is a white supremacist hellworld founded by crypto-Nazi slaveowners

There are people today that actually believe this.

Why is she part of a racist organisation that discriminates by race those who it chooses to help?

Huh. That's funny. The immigrants I know don't shit on our country. Maybe it's just because they're real Americans and not racist trash?

Please go fuck yourself, kthanxbi

Why would they release the website without its core function being functional?

media attention!

/r/Drama is the best media coverage they could get?

They'll probably get much more as the internet's indigenous right-wing groups get their claws on it.

why they indigenous tho

It's ARE internet, paleface

quit being so indigenous

I use every part of the shitpost

I'm not sure if you're aware, but we were on Notch's wikipedia page at one point.

mySQL databases not a default wordpress plugin.

select * from racists


It's okay, they can just make a quick php script:

 shell_exec("sqlplus script.sql" . argv[0])

You forgot a space before " and that's the only problem with this approach.

Dammit I caught this right before I read your comment and now I look stupid

Anyways, it doesn't look like there's an sqlplus with mysql, so that's another fun thing. And it should be @script.sql or even < script.sql for bonus points.

Alright you know what fuck you

Why are you ashamed of earning six figures consulting ENTERPRISE QUALITY ORACLE CUSTOMERS? Honest question.

I read that in an Indian accent

Please do the needful.


Screw it we'll do it in COBOL and Visual C

Probably because the site was made by lazy mexicans.

lazy mexicans

Redundancy overload

It's never gonna be functional lol

It's missing my city.

I have to agree to their terms of service before they share their death squad hit list with me? How fascist is that?

Also, the map for Oregon is hilarious. There's no Rude Krude Brood in SE Portland or that Nazi cult in Silverton, but there is a cluster of about 8 around Eugene. So is Eugene a hive of Nazi activity, or is it the place where whiny University of Oregon students like to accuse their neighbors of being Nazis?

This sounds like that Evil Woman list those MRAs did years ago.

Make sure you report every soyboy.

Link plz? Is that anything like the "Shitty Media Men" list feminists made to coordinate industry blacklisting of anyone anonymously added to the list?

Link plz?

google: tag the sponsor

I think it was called Register Her or something. It's long since dead and never created any drama aside from it's existence.

fucking lol, it is just like it!

Bonus points for Rich White Saviours worried for the help/takeaway or Spoiled Social justice Whingers of disappointed/dismayed/confused immigrant parents.

He has to be a false flag operative, there's no way he's serious

Guys, I just had an idea.

What if everyone just stops being a colossal faggot?

Good observation /u/BigLordShiggot or /u/BigLordFiggot

Shut fuck up

Great idea, call your muslim bull to buttfuck your pussyhole. Typical libtard.

اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَر


Can you be anymore cringey? Lmao



Also /u/GayLubeOil, /u/CloacallaFestival and a bunch of others

Goes back to /u/manhattantransfur at least.


Hard pass

Cool it with the homophobia

Shit, I forgot. Bateman's dating someone from the ACLU.

>he posted on r/drama

"And it happened that the Christ was reclining at the table in his house, and many colossal faggots and sinners were dining with Jesus and His disciples; for there were many of them, and they were following Him." Mark 2:15

Let me think



do it


I will slap the dick out of your mouth.

You can take the dick out of my mouth, but you can never take the dick out of my bussy

Undock yourself before you poz-rock yourself.

no u

Where's the fun in that?

Is this like a dating site for meeting racists and the anti-racist activists who love to hate them?

Tinder, according to the HuffPo contributor who wrote about not being able to stop herself from having sex with racist Trump supporters.

Whoa! What? Link?

Holy fuck, my sides. She was so used to unfulfilling beta sex she had never encountered a slightly competent partner and got hooked on Chad lol

Wasn't that Canadian professor guy literally Hitler for suggesting doing a website like this for unhinged, leftist, postmodern professors at colleges?

clean ur room man is an oracle

No bad tactics, only bad targets

this but unironically.

"Wash your balls" guy made ratemyprofessor?

i don't know what that is, but i don't think whoever made this website does either

I've turned people using 'postmodern' in wrong contexts and I just want to say you Peterson fan boys are killing my liver.

i rather like him, but he is doing untold damage to the definition of that word

We should submit every person on Anthony Wiener's contact list

If anyone here is branded a racist, please let me know so I can help you sue the people behind this site onto the street.

Women aren't allowed to speak here so shut up.


Are you sick and tired of these racists taking to the streets and spreading hate with no repercussions to their hate filled rants?

Don't you wish you could expose them for the racist bigots they are?

They already did that themselves, and all you would do is give them ammunition. People like Antifa already made White Supremacy a powerful group now. Congratulations!

People like Antifa already made White Supremacy a powerful group now.

As if either of these groups has any power

Such memes!

What? So you're saying freaking out over the words "it's okay to be white" doesn't stop racism but makes it worse?

I don't believe it, you just hate the blacks don't you

The fire rises!

Oh I've got some reports to make.

How did you even find this OP? The domain only got registered yesterday and their twitter has 1 follower

So, you made this?


I don't think you realise the lolcow you have just stumbled upon, but holy shit this is going to be funny

I love that reaction GIF and I love that you would use that reaction GIF in the first person context

This is a quality post

I have a google alert for "white."

Imagine actually thinking 'Zero tolerance is the only option' is a good slogan for a website supposedly for promoting tolerance.

Nothing screams anticapitalism more than using the same website design as applebee's

At least racists can spell "Database"


I would like to nominate the mod team and all the commenters of /r/Drama.

I'm setting up a similar website called 'Know Your Jihadi'

People will be able to identify and post those people who they suspect of being Islamic Jihadis returning to Europe from Syria/Iraq.

This reminds me of the website the Obama administration had that so you could report people for their thought crimes.

Link for the thought criminals?

It’s been too many years. I’m sure the site is long gone by now, but I’ll see if I can find an article or two today.