'16-year-old female app developer' actually sucked a dude off so she could put her name on his code.

113  2018-02-06 by princessCuck


which used to be a safe space to voice our opinion


The internet has never been a fucking safe space.

r/The_Donald are trying really hard. I'd say they've accomplished to some extent.

By that logic a litany of subreddits have done that.

Them too but TD has done it way better plus large amount of subs. 6 MILLION SUB REEEEEEEEE lol

You spend a lot of time thinking about TD, for a bot

haha yes

Rent free in his pea brain

Criticism of the DOM Reddit? REEEEEEEEE

I like it better when you only pretend to be retarded.

Cry more pls. Lmao

Lmao. But ironically.

Bernie can still win! Keep fighting the good fight!!

Bernie can fuck off to a grave lol. Idc

Typical alt-righters, always talking about putting jews in graves

T_D wants only discussion praising Trump in the subreddit dedicated to praising Trump


Are you stupid?

T_D poster

Do you really need to ask?

That’s the definition of a safe space

Go post more in TD you autistic mong. Go praise CLEAN BEAUTIFUL MORE ya dumbass lmaooooo

What exactly did T_D do to you?

It was the BEAUTIFUL CLEAN COAL that got me hooked up!! 😍😍😍

How can you even post something like that and not see the irony?

Haha wow, I haven't seen someone self own themselves so hard in a while. You might as well get some special flair, "Might be functionally retarded"

You realize this is the same argument SRSers used to defend SRS against accusations of "safe space" for years, right?

Just because you openly admit to being a safe space on the sidebar doesn't you mean you aren't a safe space.

Like why do you guys unironically try to deny the fact the Donald is a massive safe space.

The sub has literally filtered every credible media source that has ever said anything negative about Donald Trump.

It's why the sub is full of infowars and fake news websites.

why do you guys unironically try to deny the fact the Donald is a massive safe space

Because you can't rip on other people for being sensitive snowflakes that need to be sheltered if you openly admit that you need special protection from opposing views.


I hate that this word has become some synonym for weak ass bitch instead of attention whore lookatmeimspecial

Let me know when they ban people before they even post there.

Eh, people always have excuses for t_d's snowflakery. There are subs that can't even mention t_d by name because t_d cried to the admins. It doesn't matter if they are a Trump fan club, they aren't a default, etc., etc. It's a total safe space. Call it what it is.

Lol, you realize that is bullshit right? Those sub mention bans by the admins are the ADMINS doing and it was done in both directions. You had retards in places that literally existed to just follow every single thing the donald does and brigade there. Those places that exist purely to hate a single thing are always guaranteed to be retarded, just look at ESS having posts in 2018 for further proof.

So much butthurt because you can't troll there. Sad!

I don't fling shit with pigs lol. Nice try mate. REEEEEEEEE all you want about that safe space. Even daddy wants safe spaces https://i.imgur.com/gfECaK4.jpg

You really are invested in this, huh.
What happened, Ed? Did someone sent you a mean message? Did they call you a cuck? Talk to us, we're a family, we're for you.

Not really.

Yeah, and how did the admins get involved? Because people were crying. I don't have a problem with people having subs about the donald because it's pretty hilarious sometimes. Down vote brigading is stupid as fuck because if you want to laugh at a community you want the up and down votes to be organic. I'm just saying that every one has a sob story. Subreddits that don't want to talk to people from the donald have their own stories and reasons. It's no different than the donald wanting their sub the way they want it.

As far as AHS, for all I know the donald is false flagging on AHS to have plausible denial if they get anymore heat or attention because of content on their sub. It's all a bunch of chicanery and tom foolery if you ask me. Both sides.

Are you fucking retarded? You can't false flag AHS entire community and mods going along with you after showing blatant fake shit.

Not retarded enough to believe without question what some rando on the internet tells me. I saw the post but didn't read the comments because the post got no up votes or comments on the donald. I went back and can't find it now so I don't know how the community and the mods reacted to it. I know that AHS needs to implement some of the rules SRS had about low hanging fruit and a post needing a certain number of up votes before it could be submitted. I know that some of the denizens of the donald are rather excitable so I wouldn't rule out that it was real but I accept it could have been a fake false flag. I don't have enough info about it.

Remember the days when admin posts were full of "wut about SRS"? Never thought I'd be nostalgic for those days, but here we are. I don't know why anyone would want the donald banned. Even if you don't like Trump, the subreddit provides drama and amusement - what's not to like? As far as the shitty stuff that's posted there so what? I want to know what people are thinking and talking about. I also agree with the admins, that the donald mods are doing an adequate job of being responsive to admin concerns, so they aren't doing anything to be banned. Everyone needs to shut the fuck up and quit crying.

No you misunderstood. I was talking about the billion upvotes and defense of the post being made in AHS when it was clearly created in the T_D for the express purpose of screen shot to cross post to AHS as proof of why it needs banned.

Yes, I totally understood what you are saying. What I am saying is that I can't find the post so I haven't seen all the up votes and mod support. I would believe it was a false flag but I can't know for sure and I haven't been able to look into it myself. I'm withholding judgement. I'm not going to say that was a real post on the donald but I'm not going to say it was 100% false flag either.

The person literally screenshot it with zero comments and no voting on it. It got 1x,xxx upvotes on AHS because it was Drumpf jerk and the mods defended keeping the post up on AHS because T_D is a hate sub therefore this lynch post is legit. It was completely circular logic that just equals, fuck Drumpf. These are the retards that think they are morally superior to everyone around them.

It wouldn't be so bad if they kept their retardation isolated, but they don't. They brigade the shit out of everything and they infest every last part of Reddit with politics and try their hardest to make sure any views contrary to their own either get downvoted removed or banned whether it is users or entire subs.

I agree there was something fucky about it. Let's say, for the sake of argument, a t_d poster went off his meds and made the post. It had no up votes and no comments and shouldn't have been posted to AHS regardless. The whole thing was stupid. That's why I hit the back arrow and didn't read any of the comments on the post. Now I wish I had. I believe people could be doing things to try and get the donald banned. I'll have to start paying closer attention because I don't want to miss out on any drama.

That's just the shit that was too blatant that it gets caught. Just imagine all the shit that flies under the radar and gets rationalized with it is for the greater good.

T_D is protected by the admins

Protected from what exactly?

Let me know when you take out daddy's dick out of your ass lol

When do I post there exactly?

I told you about taking daddy's dick out of your ass, not about posting in TD? Are you drunk?

Nothing I said had anything to do with Trump though. Are you drunk?

It feels good doesn't it?

Does t_d have anything to do with trump πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

Are you retarded? We were literally talking about sub moderation/activity and Reddit admins. Don't just post thinking emojis but actually do it on your own.


They already do that. I'm banned but I've never commented or posted there.

its a little justifiable there because its a sub devoted to the worship of Trump and they never pretended otherwise. Compare that to /r/politics which is supposed to be a general sub, which became a complete echo chamber for the other side before the election and hasn't taken a step back since.

Ah r/politics anything right of the left has a good chance of being downvoted to oblivion.

I remember being a turbo horny 16 year old male who did stupid shut because of his boner, but can you imagine the post nut regret that guy must feel after he blew his load in her mouth?

Yes! /u/DeepDickedHillyBilly. That was a very good observation on your part.

Just say her reward is already in her mouth and don't follow through.

Sounds like a great way to get Weinstein'd

If bullshitting to get laid was a crime there wouldn't be enough people left over to man the prisons and courts to convict you.

I forgot step 1

Step 1: Have Money

Huh. I used to write some pretty good code and never got blown for it. Born too soon, again. :(

Well you have to develop something worthwhile enough to plagiarize. Nobody is going to give you a bj for making flappy bird clones.

Nobody is going to give you a bj for making flappy bird clones.

You better shut your whore mouth



https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/7vfy7n/16_year_old_developer_of_bitcoin_tracker_app/ Previous thread.

As a side note, I'm trying to go next-level with this drama and get BWu and SJW tech journos to report on this story. It's not working out. https://twitter.com/itsnotmyfault01/status/960922318078869504

Imagine getting a tech job after sucking some dude off and fax blasting your resume and first day hired at some mega-corp they are like "OK, compile this shit" and you are like "Uh.... Shit, um - Do you want a blowjob instead?"

The American dream tbh

I will never forget this classic.

lol you think that stops at the corporate level

If I was a major google CEO, I would buy only the finest chippendale dancers.

If I were

I hate you so much bot.

Git gud

I can only imagine how different my career would be if I had known from the start that was an option.

Unlimited supply of qt Indian oneitis



Basically the IT crowd.

Do you want a blowjob instead?

That's the dream. In big companies they have enough Damores to actually do the actual work (until they mouth off and get fired).

For smaller companies though it would be harder to manage (in some places hiring devs is super complicated because of the lack of skilled people, so in a 2 or 3 person company someone like her would be the worst handicap).

how does one get in on this scheme?

What you do is find the loneliest looking programmer, give him lots of attention and make him do your work in exchange for attention and maybe some nudes.

While not a programmer I did go to school with a girl who fucked her way into management.

i wish someone would suck me off for this

When your porn collection reaches a terabyte, it's game over for you already.

Well it's technically one image. Does that still count?

Gonna need the council to judge this

I have 3TB of porn. what does that mean for me?

Forbidden knowledge

I'm not reading all that. Where's the funny parts?

Upon reaching out to the the dev in question, he went to the extent of saying that he β€œallowed her” to call the app hers, given certain β€œcircumstances”.

All i could find, sounds like a blowjob to me tbh.

Ah. Hah.

Repost you dumb fuck. Literally posted here over 24 hours ago. Holy fuck how do you fail this hard at life.

There's no proof anyone got serviced for this code. OP IS A BIG FAT PHONY!

tfw you coded in school but didn't get succ for it.

feels bad man


You are Homer Simpson levels of dumb.

I think she was just trying to de-escalate the situation tbh πŸ˜©πŸ™πŸ»

she fit?

She kinda looks like an Indian Ann Frank.

Brown kid makes a clock and gets kicked out of school for it:

  • Obama invites him to the White House.

  • Later find out that he just took the guts of a clock and put it in a briefcase.

  • Later find out that his dad pulled this stunt before with his older sister.

  • People still consider him a genius and the United States racist.

Girl makes an app:

  • Gets offered multiple scholarships and is considered to be a tech genius.

  • Later find out she plagiarized everything.

  • Later find out she let a socially awkward nerd clumsily finger bang her to steal his work.

  • People still consider her a prodigy and the coding community sexist.

I'm noticing a pattern here :thinking:

more like lack of thinking

More like you're dumb loooooool. O no I won't say anything to back this up, why would I?

What the fuck are you talking about?

Tl;Dr it's not okay to be white

she let a socially awkward nerd clumsily finger bang her

HE fingerbanged HER?!

FUCK did he get the raw end of that deal. I was thinking BJ for sure.

Indian girl SUCKING dick for professional advancement


Oh boy get read to show bobs and vagene for CRYPTOGATE

I think it'll fizzle out a lot sooner. There were actually people who gave a shit about gaming.

Dude gets his dick sucked, girl feels shame, all is right with the world.

Welp. Her reddit profile is just right out there for everyone to see.

I can write you some HTML and CSS, send me nudes ;)