In a thread about how stereotyping Chinese people as bad at basketball is wrong, SRDine stereotypes Boston Celtics fans as racist. Downvotes for pointing out this irony.

44  2018-02-06 by BIknkbtKitNwniS



One Chinese user says that most Chinese people actually agree that they aren't as athletic as black people. Gets whitesplained to and also downvoted.

its almost like living in polluted metropolises is bad if you want to be able to exercise.

TIL white people were so good at oppressing Chinese that one billion people in a completely racially homogeneous country still have racial self loathing. And it's all white people's fault

There's all kinds of racist, self loathing mentality that stems from colonialism history and the current culture that's hard to stamp out.

The fuck? Saying that someone is better at playing ball games than you is now self-loathing?

One of these days Celts are going to rise up and fight back against the scourge of anti-Celtic sentiment you fuking mark my words

/u/buttscovered has it figured out. It’s tradition to talk shit about the Irish since they have always been considered the “niggers” of white people.

So who are the “niggers” of Asians? I’m just asking so I know who to bash.


/u/Honk4Tits hahahhahahaha

Ah, I see you never met a Hmong or Cambodian. Flips are the Spics of Asians.

I'm so blasted.

Good question Lawgustmarck, thank you for asking. It depends what region but Indians are generally considered in academic circles to be the niggers of Asians

God dammit. I asked my Chinese wife and she said Viets.

Could people please agree on one group to bash?

Your girlfriend isn’t totally wrong, but is probably just relying on outdated sources. Scholars mostly agree that perceptions of the Vietnamese softened after a healthy dose of Agent Orange was dealt to them.

If your wife is from the mainland, she has no place to look down on anybody.

Ask her about Thai or Filipinos or or Malays or god forbid Hmong.

She says we should gas them all. So....I’m gonna have so say TIL my wife is mildly racist.

Mildly may not be the right word.

Vietnam is China's Cuba.

Cambodia is China's Mexico.

Thailand is China's Brazil.

The Phillipines is China's The Phillipines.

So who are the “niggers” of Asians?



No fuck u that's the Italians.

Also maybe the English

Irish are an English sub-species.

I've literally never been this triggered in my life 👹

For real tho aren't you? Isn't that why y'all speak English?

They didn't start off that way, it took centuries of forced breeding after being conquered made them that way.

It’s tradition to talk shit about the Irish since they have always been considered the “niggers” of white people.

Did you mean slavs

If you go back far enough in American history you mean "anyone without strictly British ancestry."

I have seen chavs, tho.

I'm 6"2" and not bad at basketball.I have lost a 1 on 1 game of basketball to a Chinese teenager who smoked cigretts the whole game, as he played. I never showed my face at another basketball court in Tonghua again.

On topic: all I know is, number of fouls when driving (to the basket) would skyrocket.

Not really in today's game. I mean,the Monstars were, on average, at least a foot taller than the Tune Squad, and I think we all know how that game played out.

/u/Goroman86 comparing a cartoon to real life. Not an argument

>Space Jam

>Not real life

Frist of all how dare you

>bugs bunny
>not a cartoon

I never don’t upvote you

That's such an offensive and inaccurate accusation!

By that I mean they forgot to include the Red Sox fans too

Hey now! Everyone here knows David Ortiz is one of the "good ones."

FACT: Your average Boston sports fan is typically only two drinks away from Italian soccer fan levels of racism.

u/ButtsCovered understands it's totally cool to be bigoted and prejudiced as long as it's against the right people, lol

No bad tactics, just bad targets

By the way, if you want to learn something interesting and useful, read

It explains an unintuitive thing about the normal distribution (aka the bell curve): that while it seems that its tails are just close to the x axis and that its rate of decrease slows down after the bends on either side, that's an optical illusion and in reality it is an exponentially decreasing function that decreases faster and faster the further you go from the center.

The height of the curve at 1 SD [standard deviation] is 4.5 times higher than that at 2 SD. The curve at 5 SD is 250 times higher than that at 6 SD and it keeps getting steeper and steeper.

Which means that having literally a thousand times more people under the curve doesn't hold a candle compared to shifting the mean of the curve 1 SD to the right, at the extreme end where you have to recruit top 11 soccer players.

Regardless if what determines the difference in the mean, genetics or training.

Yo u/ozokerite looks like you got confused between baseball and basketball since you used sources claiming racism from Red Sox fans to try to prove your point that Celtics fans are racist. Those are two different sports there champ and Chinese people are trash at both of them.

I was referring to Boston sports as a whole, since that is where this assumption of racism stands. Baseball is where more of the recent drama has come from, but basketball has also had its moments.

I also was not saying that Celtics fans are racists. I'm saying Boston, as a city, has been in the news for sports-related racism more than most other sports cities.

Finally, insulting the Chinese's baseball abilities was irrelevant. I see no point in that statement.

I was referring to Boston sports as a whole, since that is where this assumption of racism stands. Baseball is where more of the recent drama has come from, but basketball has also had its moments.

The topic at hand is basketball and why there is a lack of Chinese players in the NBA. Basketball is not baseball and while there is probably a large overlap in their fanbases as they both represent the city of Boston, the racism occurring at Red Sox games is not proof that Celtics fans are also racist. You can also look at the racial makeup of both the teams and their fanbase and you will probably see a lot more white people on the Red Sox and in their fanbase compared to that of the Celtics. After all only mayos can be racist in our current year.

Finally, insulting the Chinese's baseball abilities was irrelevant. I see no point in that statement.

It was relevant because i thought you should know that out of a country of 1.3 billion people, only two players that have been born in China have made it to the MLB. Want to take a wild guess as to what they look like? It also helps support the argument that the Chinese are not very good at producing high level athletes that compete in team sports involving more than two people on said team.

Legit Chinese can't plsy basketball and here is why:

  1. They cannot jump. Go to any park basketball court in Beijing and you will see precisely zero slam-dunks. I have never seen a Chinese guy irl jump and score. Not once.

  2. This is more important: Chinese people absolutely cannot ever, in any circumstance, work together as a team. This goes way beyond basketball. Anyone will tell you, the Chinese way of doing business is that the boss will call a meeting, he will ramble on self-indulgently in an unfocussed manner for over an hour leaving everyone with extremely vague notions of what he wants. Most people in the meeting will bring office work or sit playing with their phones throughout. The point of the meeting will remain completely unclear: there will be no summing-up; the meeting will end abruptly when the boss remembers his hot date with the girl from accounting is tonight. Nobody will ask any questions or coordinate or consult with anyone else: everyone will, instead, just go away and proceed to do what they think the boss wants. Instead of a team working to achieve goals you will have half-a-dozen people all working on wildly different, contradictory projects and the least-disorganised at the end of the month will "win".

This is how the Chinese do business. This is how the Chinese play sports.

Chinese people absolutely cannot ever, in any circumstance, work together as a team. Bitch please.