Major snowfall event headed to Iowa 12+ inches

6  2018-02-07 by IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Thanks for confirming what I thought of Iowa

...very white?

Doesn't absentee overlord u/annarchist live in that shithole? Ann, if you die in a blizzard, please don't leave the throne to u/joan_wayne_gacy.

ugh we got buried by fucking 6 inches monday.

I'm going ice fishing in MN this weekend so I won't be home for it.

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Thank you, sexy.

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I can only imagine how much beer you must drink before you start believing you're having a good time.

I'd take the snow in Iowa, tbh. Good luck tho.

Idk. I'm not working. I'm hanging out with people I like. Drinking beer, watching TV/Dvds, fucking around on my phone on reddit, smoking cigars.

Its not like were poor

Jesus, is that mobile? I'd be terrified about breaking through. But using Yolandi Vissir as a humidor doesn't sound like a bad time.

This is the most mayo of hobbies btw.

ya we just drive that bitch on the ice, drill some holes and start catchin. We all got like $3-600 worth of electronics helping us catch. If it gets slow, we go stop by and have a beer with our neighbors.

This tourney was a couple week ago in Brainerd MN

Usually theres 100s of these on most lakes north of the twin cities from December til Late Feb/Early March

How is that woman simultaneously 19 and 50?

Life in the cold and bitter north can be very hard.

ugh we got buried by fucking 6 inches monday.

And it snowed!

Fuck you batch. I take care of things and stuff.

I wear sunscreen and when I murder kids to bathe in their blood I make sure they at least get an hour of N64 before they kick the bucket.

Sooo rood.

This sub would be SRD lite within a week under your tyranny. u/serialflamingo is the best low totem mod tbh. At least then we might get to see some bussy.

I'd probably just straight up make the place 100% bussyposting. At least until we figure out what the hell is going on.

12" of white is indeed dramatic