Autistic Dipshit brags about how awesome his life is, except it's all bullshit.

34  2018-02-07 by MG87



-Became a millionaire before the age of thirty


-Wrote an incredibly well-received novel

-Programmed an incredibly well-received video game

-Designed an incredibly well-received board game

-Releasing a hip-hop album, of which the teaser tracks have been incredibly well-received.

-Planning a Congressional run


If you link us to the incredible hip hop album that you're planning to release r/drama will make sure you'll ride the karma train straight to the FrontPage

Oh fuck I really hope there’s something

Like a shittly recorded mayo rap please drama gods

Like that Riley Reid (?) somebody posted here sometime ago? Hahahah

Releasing a hip-hop album, of which the teaser tracks have been incredibly well-received.

This is like a comedian saying that the "pre-recorded laugh tracks of my show were well received" or something.

>350 plays

>1 like


nigga plz

youll see, youll all see, he'll be the next m&m or smthn

yea well, i don't see any DISlikes

Link it son.

what? no i ain't doxxin myself

Remember that time you got your ass beaten six ways from Sunday by an obese soyboy? The internet remembers. Your hilarious, pasty flailing limbs and quivering in fear will grace YouTube forever, chump.

That was not as homoerotic as I hoped, just mostly sad.

Lmao this is garbage.

/u/WarOfTheFanboys are you my Earth-Three counterpart? or the Earth-Three counterpart of my former weed dealer

/u/awkwardtheturtle pls respond to these allegations! 😀

Jk I miss you 😒. Pls notice meeeee!!

Oh Ed <3 I've missed you so much

I miss our talks, our snuggles, our copypasta. How have you been bb.

Anyway I addressed those allegations here; the rumors of my cuckoldry are sadly exaggerated.

Me too πŸ˜πŸ’žπŸ’‹

Anyways. hy should I believe you? He's got a jaguar. is a millionaire and just released a dope ass fire hip hop album!! What have you got going for you there turtle boy??? πŸ˜€πŸ˜’

Uhhh, uhhhh

I have 2000 followers on my reddit profile, 32 followers on twitter, 24 on instagram. 2.3 million reddit karmas.

brb kms

Make that 33 followers on Twitter and 25 on Instagram! πŸ˜‰

I think the Reddit things count against you.

The fact that your life is so focused on Reddit is fucking sad dude.

When half the site is banned from insecure manlets like you the numbers don't lie. Reddit's dying.

Anyway I addressed those allegations here; the rumors of my cuckoldry are sadly exaggerated.

shouldve known better than to think you were that woke

There's nothing there?

This is also the same former /u/the_donald mod that got his ass beat by some fat comedian

His wife is a furry fag. She had on a hat with red and black furry ears.

LOL The meme is real. Donald supporters are degenerates of the worst kind.

u/WaroftheFanboys is u/xnotch confirmed?

u/xNotch hip-hop album is gonna be lit

Imagine the reaction when reddit finds out that an r/drama mod has taken the billboards. Imagine the impotent fury that comes with the reflection that the only thing significant to come out of all of the cesspool of reddit is Mr. MINECRAFT himself.

Then Wikipedia will see. They all see.

But maybe it's good they dont see.

Reminder that this person fought a liberal cuck IRL and lost

This guy also used to be a /r/The_Daddy mod, but was removed because of all the infighting over there.

does have furry girlfriend in the beginning.

It's a cat-kin, have some respect.

u/WaroftheFanboys lol

That was the most pathetic shit I have ever seen in my life.

The funny thing is that if you slap some gloves on a lot of karate folks and let them go at it, it often devolves into the same shit. Bullshido is widespread.

That was flailing and heavy breathing.

except it's all bullshit

goes on to prove every one of the claims

hey bro, your cat-kin gf is hot.

Posting a magazine ad for a Jaguar

The Kickstarter for your vidyagame failed

Your book apperars to be nonsensical drivel and was no where near successful

You got the shit beaten out of you.

Graduating High School at 17 Isn't an accomplishment.

Getting an AA also isn't an accomplishment.

Do you lay awake at night sweating at the thought of me rolling around in a sweet race car? LOL i love the triggering!

I don't lay awake at night, your wife won'tt stop with the meowing. I know my cock is big but I think she prefers ot barbed

((( sweet race car )))

posts a basic bitch Jag but no GTR


GTRs are sweet, but ultimately I chose the Jag because I knew it would get more chicks. I'd love to race against one, though.

Jags are just Aston Martins for pussies

I don’t think anyone is laying awake at night sweating at the thought of you tbh famalam.

I kind of want to sue this guy.

>Not a link to /u/ComedicSans

2014 Jaguar F-Type, Red exterior, red top, red leather interior

Well at least he's a bussy afficionado like the rest of us.

This happens every time you call an alt-righter a virgin/basement neckbeard. The all tell you they're actually 6'6" chads with a 15 inch cock, married with 8 purebred white children and making 6 figures somehow despite living in a red state.