Twitter responds to new This American Life Podcast interview of alt right neo-nazi transphobe Laci Green; Ick! Gross!

80  2018-02-07 by Sc0ttyDoesntKn0w


She didn't accidentally stumble on controversial topics. She loudly embraced these topics. And she also completely ignored people who tried to help her to be less awful.

I like how this is framed. I think we should clarify the user-pinging policy by stating it's okay if your goal is to try to help a fellow Redditor be "less awful."

You are allowed to userping. Just don’t be a dick in the ping.

Now this is a policy I can get behind.

"/u/Smurfprivilege, you have been absolutely horrible person lately. Have you considered being a not shit-stain?"

What the fuck Laci Green was the feminist bogeyman like last year. What did she do? Do twitter SJWs just eat their own that fast?

Do twitter SJWs just eat their own that fast?


To be fair, it seems like she went full normie, and that definitely disqualifies her from being one of "their own".

Well "them" harassing and doxing the shit out of her after she did something "they" didn't like definitely sped up the normielization process.

She did what they all fantasize about doing and fucked a Trumper. Instant redpill.

Is Chris Ray Gun even a Trumper? I always took him as one of the "it's time to reign it in" lefties.

being anti-PC = de facto alt right to the mental midgets on the far left

I think he is like most of us. We don't like Trump, but we hate the people who obsessively hate Trump more.

There is no racial bigotry here. We do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops or greasers. Here everyone is equally worthless.

She was far too good looking to be a sjw.

Laci Green looks like an overweight horse what the hell are you smoking

Point proven.

bith u wat

Photo of fat horse

What did she do?

Talk to people they don't like.

Truly the greatest of crimes.

Fucked a radical centrist rican manlet. Now she's a filthy centrist too and associates with 'white supremacists'

Chris PenisGun has a hidden talent. We should start a kickstarter to get him to sleep with Yvette Ferlarka (sp?) and the bike-lock basher of Berkley.

Just going to prove that a good dicking would solve the SJW problem.

Radical centrist, lol wut

Found the centrist 🙄


Literally who?

She's hot tbh. Doesn't have bussy tho

Meh, I prefer Laci Peterson.

That's what so great about a #inclusive society, everybody can prefer what they want

everybody can prefer what they want.

As long as it has a penis.

She's hot

Fuckable, needs to drop 10 lbs.

Yeah, this really bothered me. @iraglass can ask @JessicaValenti and @Spacekatgal how those silly anti-feminist rapscallions operate. Bad reporting leaves relevant information out, and I expect better from TAL. :/

Imagine thinking these people are good sources on anything.

Of course gravity is real. How can the government throw rocks from the moon at us? Wake up

Jessica Valenti is the shriekiest of shrieking harpies. Literally everything is a patriarchal conspiracy to her, from a tummy ache to a misjudged fart, it's all the fault of the evil, evil men.

Seriously, what a cunt.

"welp, i just sharted. Must be the evil patriarchy at fault for making me hold it in!"

“Gamergate moved my stairs muffin”

Laci Green seems so much happier now she isn’t limiting herself to male feminist cocks.

She probably just doesn't want to get raped so she's distancing herself from male feminists

She probably just doesn't want to get raped

A likely story...

Probably not into being asked for consent thirty times during sex.

Girlfriends friend dated a guy who wouldn’t fuck her if she had been drinking, ended quickly in spectacular fashion.

I probably wouldn't sleep with a woman that had been drinking on the basis I don't want to be accused of rape and I believe most women to be crazy.

They were in an actual relationship and both had been drinking, I would expect my own girlfriend to dump me and call me a pussy if I refused to have sex with her any time we came home from the bar or a party.

Bro my ex literally hinted she would accuse me of rape because she was drunk the night before when I removed to go down to the hotel lobby and get her some sausage links.

It doesn't matter if you're in a relationship. You can bet your ass I never touched her again while drunk.

Sounds like you dated a crazy person and should have abandoned ship immediately.

I’ve literally never in my life have encountered anything close to this, nor heard any stories from friends or family.

my ex

Fake and gay


Oh boy its Story Time already!

One sec, lemme grab my blanky.

You're pretty weird, though, and generally don't seem to very cool as a person.

You a gap or something?

They're all gross. If you're still a het in 2018 you deserve what you get tbqh.

I think it was implied all women are gross.

As if this has ever come up in the course of your sad, pathetic life

Most women are not crazy as long as they get a good dicking before the age of 21 or so. By the time they're approaching their 30s if they still have not got the cock they start collecting cats

Hahahaha some guys just disqualify themselves. He probably posts on /r/niceguys but secretly wonders why he can't find a good, non reactionary girl.

You guys are really going fucking mental with the Nazi thing. How can every cunt in America be a nazi?

Fuck off nazi

did nazi that coming

everyone in america is a nazi ya dingaling


Its not everyone in America, just the white people.

Here is a picture of Laci doing Nazi hand signs (presumably, at that moment she was thinking about the white ethnostate or the Rodney King beating).


That's an interesting o-face.

y'all trying to compete with the nyt for bad profiles of fashy dipshits or

This was typed totally unironically. Amazing.

if you entertain anti-feminist views then I don't want to hear a fucking word out of you. those are views that actively harm real people. unacceptable.

This is actually scary

Yeah, this really bothered me. @iraglass can ask @JessicaValenti and @Spacekatgal how those silly anti-feminist rapscallions operate. Bad reporting leaves relevant information out, and I expect better from TAL. :/

lol at this doughy ass nigga pretending to be a lady in pain

Shes running for office now

"omg I love harassment now" - The Twitter Thread

Ooooh baby, I hope this blows up. TAL is at the epicenter of NPR pearl-clutching neoliberalism, and that audience sits right on the fault line between the social justice movement and the older, quietly-reactionary subset of white liberalism. Laci Green is uniquely positioned to squeeze as much butter as possible out of that drama if those two sides collide in earnest. 👐

why do these people hate journalism so much

laci green is just an attention whore. 99% of her audience is horny thirteen year olds and everything she “teaches” is either taught in 6th grade sex ed or can be answered by looking online. She is also known to humblebrag about having a 140 IQ when she runs out of youtube drama. the only reason she became a non-sjw is because she ran out of attention

whole lotta victim shaming here tsk tsk