Sargon of Akkad freaks out at the alt right, calling them white n*ggers and f*ggots, demands respect.

69  2018-02-07 by normie_girl


I'm not a cuck, I'm a human being

Fake and gay

Can you please act like a white person, jesus


Stargon de L'Akkad

I've been watching this whole sargon thing play out for years.

1) put out 8,000 videos about how women are awful and white men are oppressed.

2) cultivate a sexist and racist audience. Encourage them to meme and troll their "enemies" wherever they find them.

3) kindly ask them to stop being so damn racist, because the women are the real problem everyone should be focusing on.

4) somehow lose a debate to richard spencer

5) get yourself memed into oblivon

6) lose your damn mind.

Feminists dont represent women.

In fact most women hate them.

I bet you can't even name 3 feminists other than Anita Sarkesian, lol

name 3 feminists other than Anita Sarkesian

Basically every woman with daddy issues or other mental problems.

I will show you what I mean. Here are some comments from a recent anti-feminist video

readordiefanatic readordiefanatic 4 days ago Feminists expect life to be handed to them on a silver platter by virtue of the fact that they're women.

random_no_name 4 days ago Essentially this proves the negative stereotype that women can't do math. Good job, ladies.

clyde gallagher 4 days ago Hiring women: Assets: none Liabilities: too many to mention.

blackraver5 4 days ago This is the corporatists' play to lower wages for all the plebs. Woman will never be as valuable as men because of their choices and by bringing men down to their level they can save loads of money and push us further into poverty. It starts at the BBC and will spread like everything about this Marxist cancer.

Coalition for the Eradication of Stupid 4 days ago Better solution for the gender pay gap: Fire all the women and take away their right to vote. They didn't earn their rights anyway. 12

espada9 4 days ago Radical feminism has lead me to hate most women....... 13

"It's just about feminists it's not my fault I now hate all women"

wew lad

All I see is a wall of truth.

women are the real n*ggers

Wow that's really something. I had no idea this existed

Women are the youths of the world.

holy jesus did i laugh when Lennon broke into the chorus.

Look lets be real about something, all this youtube political commentators lile Sargon, ShoeOnHead. Mundane Matt or whatever his fucking name is, the real isaue here is people like ShoeOnHead ok. And that's beccause, that's because as a human being, i know for a fact Shoe will never love me, i mean i look at that women and just go "damn, how the fuck does someone have every physical trait i like in one body" and then the knowledge dawns on me that she will never ever ever ever ever, meet me or even worse love me.

That hurts ok. I don't even give a shit about her damn YouTube channel, let her run around with the wannabe Bill O Reilly patrol on youtube but fuck every part of her just makes me melt.

Why, why ia the world this unfair.

Am i not a man? Do i not deserve to love? To be held? To be acknowledged?

This living. Thia sentience place upon me it ia always on me.

Love. I need love. Like a creature from a black pond of goo i drag myself and slowly stand up but i still have a wish in my heart.

That wish is.....

I want a qt magox pixie dream girl to love me.

Thank you for reading.

And please remember to always love each other and buy your sucks at amd get 10% off your first picture with the code iamlonelyandiachesforamagicpixiedreamgirl .

Its Manic Pixie Dream Girl, get your shit together before you go making wishes.

I'm so glad that even in these troubled times - times when we all feel unsafe and nervous about what the future holds - we can still rely on to give our feet the reasonably-priced support and protection that we only wish we could have in our day-to-day lives.

Friendly reminder that shoe actually wears a wig and is probably a mangled mess of patches of scalp underneath.

Honestly, the fact that these "men" aren't vocally mocking the notion of women even being considered human means that they deserve the rope, to be honest.

The one good thing that Muslims came up with was keeping women in black trash bags when they aren't actively being shagged.

What's it like living inside your own ass? I can only assume you do, since I can't imagine any other reason a person would unironically link youtube comments to support their own """"arguments"""", you fucking cow.

So like 5 comments is supposed to be impressive or something? Bet I can easily find a thousand on any feminist man hating forum.

Lol ok? I said that was just page one of the first video I clicked on. Proving my point he's cultivated a sexist audience.

So you can't name 3?

Basically every woman with daddy issues or other mental problems.

You write like a 14 year old

Andea Dworkin Bell Hooks Mary P. Koss

What level of feminist cancer are you on my dude, do you want living retards or dead ones? Are we counting every writer at Salon or do you prefer scholars who have worthless degrees?

Do Male feminists count?

The ginger, the de-escalated curry, and jew were named earlier.

Can anyone?*

Anyone who isn't a total faggot*

I do love men


feminist rekt

I love you, babe.

Thank you

You, ed, and aliceUnknown, what do I win?

Louis CK, Aziz Ansari, Harvey Weinstein

that’s only two

unless you meant Eric Wareheim

Entire subreddits of them get linked here every day.

do you know any of their names though?

But she's not a feminist, she is literally a con artist.

Literally all anti sjws know about feminism is anita sarkesian =bad.

Reminder that sarkeesian can def get it

Why should anyone be able to name more? They all have the same bad, man-hating ideas.

You don't know what you're on about. Feminism has nothing to do with hating men....

Not as long as you wilfully delude yourself, certainly

Again I'm sure you spend a lot of your time reading feminist literature and talking to feminists. I bet you're not basing that on years of feminist rekt videos.

In part, I'm basing it on years of snide, contemptuous dismissals like yours towards anyone who says so, since feminists who didn't hate men would respond to men who felt hated by feminism with empathy instead of abject scorn.

What are you talking about lol

I was quite clear, although I can certainly see where you would feel motivated to misunderstand.


  1. The Black Album

  2. Kill Em All

  3. Master Of Puppets

60% of burger women are "feminists"

30% are "not feminists"

2% are "anti-feminist"

i know those aren't global stats, but it's what i can find, and it's the only set that matters

uses cuck unironically

oh no! it's retarded

Just a remark on #4. Richard spencer didnt win that argument, no one won it. It was a mess of insults being thrown around and unbearable to listen too.

~total shitshow~

but yeah it kind of marked when his audience turned on him.

I think some of his audience turned on him because he has distanced himself openly from the full on 1488ers. Which some of his audience was TBF. To be openly anti-spencer will lose you some subscribers. The rest of the ridicule you see out there are from people who never listened to him in the first place.

Or they turned on him when he started huffing his own farts.

Not winning an argument against a literal white nationalist is the same as losing it, tbh.

i would agree. sargon is a shite debater

b-b-but he has a british accent?!

Wait, you mean making 15 minute videos where you talk shit by yourself doesn’t set you up for debate winning? Colour me surprised.

Yeah I mean they're literally the lowest of the low on the intellectual totem pole.

He's a manlet too.

So he's the lowest of the lowest of the low.

especially one who's a total pussy

7) Get sued for $150,000 because you stole a woke black feminist's video and uploaded it to your channel without commentary.

1) put out 8,000 videos about how women are awful and white men are oppressed.

Did he do that? I haven't watched anything form Sargon in a long time, but from what I remember he was just another in a string of youtubers who would mock the dumbest sjws/tumblr feminists he could find or that were making the news.

that's usually where it starts

why is his name so faggy, is he like some kind of Persian prince

None of this was unpredictable. He was just taking potshots at easy targets that nobody else liked either. He debated an academic feminist, who knew the subject better than "kill all white men" Tumblrinas, and lost.

Spencer is wrong about a lot of things. But he is completely correct about Sargon. He's not as smart as he thinks he is and it became too obvious to ignore.

The right 👉 always eat 🍰 their own.

tbf the alt right mostly are niggers and faggots.

We must use time creatively, in the knowledge that the time is always ripe to do right.

of course. he's just saying what we're all thinking

Anyone who uses such words is indisputably a leader of the notorious on-line community and hate group, the alt right.

This isn't deep, but it is true.

"I'm not racist you fucking niggers"

That's why I fucked your bitch, you white niggas

Take money

Radical centrists, SJW killers

Take money

You know who the liberalist is

We shitpost too

Take money

First off, fuck your memes and your identity politics

Kekistan when we troll, come equipped with game

You claim I'm a cuck, no one fucked my wife

We bust on alt right, white niggas fucked for life

Plus Spencer trying to see me, weak hearts I rip

Mike Enoch and Andew Anglin some mark-ass bitches.

mark ass-bitches

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

le relevant scienc meme comik xd

Mark Aspitches

Has anyone a good ice cream spoon? I feel like I've had enough of those eyes of mine.

Thanks for the constructive criticism. That was my first rap ever, now I'm demoralized. I could've been as real as iggy azalea

never back down from your dreams

If minorities had been fucking your ass instead of tiny dicked alt-right faggots you'd have had a prolapse by now.

I recently went to see Sargon's presentation at Conway Hall in London. When the event ended, everyone was chilling out at the venue and casually chatting. I saw Sargon just vaping by himself so I went over to say hello. "Hi Carl", I said. "Mr Sargon", he replied. I was like "Huh, pardon?" He said "Call me Mr Sargon." I responded, "Oh, ok. Anyway, I love your videos, I'm a big fan." He just continued vaping silently. "So, how are you?" I asked, making smalltalk. He took out a CD and said "Check out my mixtape." I was like, "Oh, ummm, I didn't know you write musi-" and then Sargon just started bobbing up and down and loudly rapping: "Yo, it's ya boy MC Sargon, check it out, yeah yeah..."

i'm a classical liberal and i'm about to wax lyrical

my bars are so woke and my rhymes are so empirical

i'm a centrist individual, a political miracle

i'm three times your intellect, i'm like genius tripled

they call me the liberalist, the modern john locke

they call me the BQC, the 'Big Quadroon Cock'

when i'm not online or dropping hard beats

i'm dropping bitter red pills out in these streets

if you run your commie mouth then you're gonna raise my ire

you're gonna get burned coz my youtube vids are fire

your lying mouth is rotten so go see a dentist

i got no time for lying coz i'm the based centrist

if you call me autistic or call me a jew

i'm gonna shut you down with my righteous horseshoe

i got marxists to the left of me and nazis to the right

white privilege ain't real coz there's no such thing as white

you're just an amerimutt, you're not even aryan

you're 56% white, not pure bavarian

repping all my niggas in my country bongland

i'm square in the center and i'm here to make a stand

When Sargon finished rapping, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and just started doing push-ups. It was really weird. He was grunting throughout the push-ups and saying stuff like "We got this, baby" and "Unstoppable". I didn't know what to say so I just left.

I like it when he tries to claim he's not upper class cause his parents worked or something lol. Dude wonders why they're rude shit heads while calling them a bunch of faggots and niggers.

"Upper class" is defined as "anyone who is at least as affluent as Francis from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure."

I like this definition; please don't be offended if I use it elsewhere.

why would i be offended? it's just the Oxford standard

What is the joke? I've never seen pewee so I lack context here.

Francis is the ridiculously lavish-living antagonist of the movie, the grown spoiled brat acting as the foil to Pee-Wee’s self-made manchild.

What the fuck is peewee even about. At first I thought it was a show for toddler ls but it has a fucking movie directed by Tim Burton wtf?

it’s a bunch of different things revolving around a character played by celebrated pervert Paul Reubens

first he had a weird stage show co-starring Phil Hartman and some other 80s folks called “Pee-Wee’s Playhouse” that was a parody of Captain Kangaroo and shit

it was quite successful, and producers got the feeling actual kids would dig his act too, so WB (I think) picked him up for a couple family movies, including Tim Burton’s feature directorial debut (and Danny Elfman’s orchestral debut!), which is also one of Burton’s two best films, the other being Ed Wood.

then THOSE were successful, so they turned “Pee-Wee’s Playhouse” into an ACTUAL kids’ show, child-friendly but deranged like some kinda proto-Yo-Gabba-Gabba

then he got arrested, acquitted and like 12 years later he got another movie

Everyone claiming to be the "Alt-right" is a faggot though. If you can begin a debate without answering the JQ, then yes, you are a faggot. A CIA opposition controlled faggot.

answering the me question??

Yes, its infuriating. Wanna debate immigration? Want to talk 2A rights? Economoy? Nope, you better answer the JQ correctly or no debate at all. Alt-right LARPers are SJWs.

I just wanna talk about the economoy man



(((Dodgecity))) population: (You)

Sorry, out of the loop here, what is JQ?

the "jewish question"

What question? More Jews? Yes please

The question is why do Jews always find themselves unwelcome no matter where they go.

Is the JQ, why doesnt my boss give me 12 Hanukkah bonuses?

the only answer to the JQ is "yeah ok"


Easy. We should have more of them.

When sargon got twitter suspended when he was totally anti-SJW and it turned out it was because he sent someone black gay porn, and it wasn't to Milo, I began wonder if he wasn't a bit off.

It was also apparent he had no understanding of economics at all, but thats basically 85% of the population.


To be fair as an economics student the one thing I’ve learned is that nobody really understands economics

To be even more fair, only (((a small minority))) truly understand economics

To be even fairer, economics is full of untested bullshit and market speculation.

How do people seriously call this fucking idiot "Sargon of Akkad"? His name is Carl.

I seriously cringe every time I even read "Sargon of Akkad". Jesus.

wait, Carl Sherburne, of facebook fame?

i can see the resemblance now


It was relevant back when his channel started and he just did videos about history and stuff

Its the neckberdiest thing I've ever seen.

Have you seen him? He IS the neckberdiest thing you've ever seen.

Carl and Sargon of aCOCK are equally amusing names.

ahem it's "Carl of swindon"

God Sargon, I knew your ego would tank you if you didn't consistently humble yourself. I'm just surprised it took so long

wtf I love gamergate now