Admins make a new rule to ban /r/Deepfakes for CP.

135  2018-02-07 by Couldnt_think_of_a


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I hope this affects all those wierd semi-loli anime communities.

Angry-weeb-pedo-mayos are the best spergs.


If you watch anime, even Jesus hates you!!

Totally not CP because she's actually centuries old.

your prison sentence seems like it's 20 years but it's actually only two weeks

I just saw that Star Trek episode lol

O'Brian has seen some shit.

Who cares as long as it's not real, anyway. Let the creeps have their fun, atleast it can stop them from moving on to real kids.

Have any evidence for that or are you unhappy they took your lolis?

Have any evidence for that

I mean it's not great evidence, but has pron usage has gone up in America sex crimes have gone down.

And if nothing else there's no evidence that anime makes people more likely to rape kids.

My lolis? Hey, if they're too busy reading weird porn then they can't creep on kids. Not sure where I belong in this.

Can't wait for /animemes/ to be banned, the "haha I'm a pedophile" and "ur dumb and in the wrong sub if you think child porn is bad" shit was getting old enough to unsub from an otherwise inoffensive sub

I've literally never seen anybody on there support pedophilia. I wonder if your straw men love in straw houses?

Loli my sweet summer child, loli. And yes, it is pedophillia. Especially under these new rules, which is why the sub was freaking out.

And you could literally go in the sub reddit right now and see but ignorance is liit fam right 😂😂😂

They banned it to prevent potential lawsuits.

What about it?

really just to prevent bad PR since it's making the news. There's no basis for a lawsuit, it falls in the same realm as photoshopping someone's still image into porn, whats the crime exactly? How does it being video make it a crime? It would only be the case if people buy/sell them or try to make a fake and use it for blackmail.

I can't wait to see how /r/anime_irl handles this.

Just random anime screenshots, not porn.

You guys are retarded.

why are you so adamant about defending anime drawings of naked 13 year olds? fucking disgusting weeb pedophile

Because they're drawings.

You don't think it's weird I can draw someone getting murdered in the worst way possible or go over to /r/watchpeopledie and watch real life footage of actual murders and people being tortured in Brazilian prisons, but something like this is what is actually getting banned??

That character could be any age, it's up to the audience to create a story in their minds.

Oh it's fine for reddit to host 4k HD ISIS execution videos which could actually lead to recruitment of terrorists....but this is just plain immoral right because it's based on Emma Watson so it's "involuntary" pornography?? And it's actually CP as well because Hermione is underage in the story even though Watson is 27 in real life??

These rules are stupid yo.

You getting so defensive, using whataboutisms, and trying to rationalize sexualizing girls that resemble young teenagers makes it painfully obvious you know that it’s wrong, but kiddies get you off so you try to play it down. I’d love to see people like you posted on watchpeopledie

I’d love to see people like you posted on watchpeopledie

Sounds like you're far worse of a person than I could ever be. Blocked and reported

oh no the pedophile blocked me. pedophiles should be publicly hung to remind people like you it’s wrong.

Such edge.

you’re active in the kpop and neopets subreddit. your opinion couldnt mean less to me lol

girl, girls, youre both retarded

im not retarded just acoustic

Oh, edgy.

Oh, edgy. Ouch!

it ain't /r/Drama unless someone's making the drama!

they on suicide watch, but the anime trashpost subs have been trash since they allowed no-content posts so who care

I wonder what this means for the "it's-not-paedophilia-it's-ephebophilia-there's-a-meaningful-difference" brigade.

Probably reeeeing while balls deep in some kid

Probably reeeeing while balls deep in some kid teenager

There's a meaningful difference!

To be fair, there is a difference in the reaction I would have to finding out a 30 year old was fucking a 15 year old vs a 5 year old. One gets reported to the police, the other would mostly depend on how easily I could gain access to a firearm at the time.

I don't think there would be a single thing stopping me from killing a 30 year old fucking a 5 year old. It would be immediate, and no doubt. Also, this is why you always carry a gun, legally of course

When I say it depends, it's whether it gets done with a bullet, or car, etc.

What's the point of carrying the gun legally if you're going to carry out an extrajudicial execution?

Stand your ground

So you can illegally murder them with a legal firearm. It is why I always drive sober when I run people off the road.

Some countries have a legal age as low as 13 or 14

Lots of those are mentioned without the important caveat that the low age of consent refers to people under a certain age. It’s still illegal for thirty year olds to have sex with young teenagers, just not for other young teenagers.

There are also almost position of power/responsibility laws, which would make a tonne of hepebephilia cases illegal anyway.

I don't need laws to tell me what is and isn't morally justifiable.

Some countries drive on the other side of the road

One of them is arguing that she's almost 18, so leave the sub open lol.

r/libertarian hasn't been banned yet so I think they are safe

Are you serious?

i know right? it's appalling the admins didnt ban it back when they banned jailbait.

What does this mean wrt the various "pro-pedophilia" pastas?

Pomf pomf


Okay friend let me explain something since you seem to be new here, hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilia. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy and human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting but only in the us does there seem to be this unwarranted taboo around healthy and normal male sexuality.

Don't waste your breath.

Stupid people do something called splitting). They NEED someone to demonize. They don't understand historical or biological concepts because they don't care, they just want someone to shit on.

Don't waste your breath.

Stupid people do something called splitting). They NEED someone to demonize. They don't understand historical or biological concepts because they don't care, they just want someone to shit on.

Please tell me you didn't just genuinely respond to the ephebophile copypasta in fucking r/drama

even a wikipedia psych link lmao

That's some good pasta mom

we just going to pretend you didn't genuinely reply to the first one in agreement? /u/TheAdminsAreLiars


I guess labels are bad except when they can excuse your pedo bear candy van.

Did you just eat 3 month old pasta?

I did and I'd do it again.

Time to ban /r/aww for involuntary underage pictures for all the baby spam

Post a pic of a newborn baby before the nurse can wrap it in a blanket. Insta ban.

Anyone has the list of banned subreddits?

/r/bannedsubreddits has been banned.



It could save others from banning, but not itself.


No more Donald Trump fakes. How can we go on living. 👉🏻😞

Is there a statute of limitations on fake porn? Are they going to ban /r/MarthaWashington?

No threads there...

Remember that one picture of Ajit Pai being culturally enriched by 4 men? That is now banned under their new rules.

False, he is a man, he cannot be involuntarily pornographied.

Sex = Prejudice + Power

Oh man, someone report those news posts on a naked Trump statue. The salt must flow.

False, he is a conservative, and therefore is not regarded as a person by such rules.

Very curious to see how far this rule extends. The top post on /r/rule34 is a depiction of an underage character, drawn intentionally to resemble the real world actress who plays her, being sexually assaulted. Something tells me that Emma Watson did not consent to her image being used in this way. can we do something about this?

The ban hammer is being used at leisure today

Reddit is not profitable, they can't afford helicopters yet.

All the Reddit pedos are coming out of the woodwork to pretend like it's about Free Speech.

They can't help themselves even if they try. Typical Redditards.

*Reddit Libertarians

Just curious what’s with the pop up of libertarian bashing? Did they do something extra retarded lately?

Just try asking /r/libertarians about age of consent


redditors generally fall into two categories:

a.) degenerates

b.) stupid or sheltered people who are taken advantage of by degenerates to sympathize with them

Interesting. Which of these do you fall into?

So basically:

  1. the top mod of /r/moviedetails becomes a mod on /r/deepfakes a week ago
  2. suddenly someone posts something CP-related that is removed immediately
  3. /r/deepfakes gets banned
  4. said mod starts begging the admins to ban even more related and completely unrelated subreddits

Hmm... Could the CP be coming from inside the house?

he is dead moose meat. Not only he will be banned for posting CP he will be reported to the fucking police for it. He even left all his facebook, instagram, ect.. on his fucking profile. The fucking retard doesn't know that facebook and instagram shows your location.

Sounds like some sweet, sweet justice will be served.

Couldn't someone make another deepfakes type sub if this was what happened?

Profile page reads

"Support me on patreon! - Removed due to temporary threat of doxxing

My info: Removed due to temporary threat of doxxing" .

Hilarious to act like that using a real life profile. The angry nerds are going to totally blame him and take his boasts of causing the ban at face value. Maybe he will do media interviews and make the most of all the real life harassment.

(Of course the bans have nothing to do with all the media coverage reddits been getting recently).

"Support me on patreon! - Removed due to temporary threat of doxxing "

"My info: Removed due to temporary threat of doxxing" .

But his youtube, facebook,, twitter, twitch and gfycat are all still up and can be found by googling his username. Not the brightest bulb is he?

So TLDR; ShaneH7646 is using childporn to shut down subreddits?



I have no idea who that even is

Notorious "entity" who's strategy for getting subs closed down was posting CP and then reporting the sub to the admins

Oh. What the fuck? Do people really have nothing better to do with their time then that?!

Oh man, you definitely don't know Laurelai. He's spent the past...eight years now, I think, couchsurfing between various lgbt and assorted far-left "activists" who buy his sob story as an oppressed neurodivergent tranny (spending all day on twitter/reddit/imageboards, naturally) until Laurelai inevitably sexually assaults them and is booted out to find the next victim.

Last I heard he wound up on some anarcho-hippie commune in rural Vermont where somehow he still has internet access.

Can I have some sauce to go with this popcorn?

His kiwifarm page. A tranny, prostitute , fbi informant, pedophile caught grooming children, rat , and a srs.

Well considering Laurelai squatted in peoples basements for months on end, no not really anything better to do.


I have no idea who that even is


How is he/she doing nowadays anyway.



Would you care to comment?

Reddit always tried to conflate something bad with a community to smear them to the unaware public, to make it seem like they're justified. The reality is this only happened because of pressure from advertisers & hollywood after Deepfakes made the news. Admins = ultra-cucked hypocrits who bend the knee at the first sign of any negative PR.

This is my best work.

I just hope my futa porn will stay safe. Given the direction reddit is headed, that's far from being a given.

damn they banned /r/xray as well

Where is CP?

You should be put on a list for even asking

Do people even go on the internet to have fun anymore or do they just come to ruin others fun?


They didn't ban deepfakes for cp you fucking retards, they banned it for "involuntary pornography". Them putting the sexualization of minors rule there was just a red herring to ignore them banning fakes for celebrities because their SJW buddies were whining about it and some of you morons fell for it.

I expected r/drama to be more suspicious of the admins bullshit excuses but here we are.

How dare you expect anything from /r/drama you shit

I didn't even know this porn technology existed until Reddit banned it. Thanks for notifying me, Reddit Admins!

Complete and utter bullshit. The like to pick and choose when to do this. Pics of dead naked kids are ok but shopping someones face on to a pornstar is not? Even though it was ruled not revenge porn?

what the fuck is deepfakes?

TLDR: Someone came out with an AI deep learning program that, if given a large enough (1000+ photos or so) database, it could take videos and super impose another person's face on them. Of course people immediately use this to make fake porn with celeb's faces on it, internet throws a shit fit.

the mayocide can't come fast enough.

First they came for the fake porn, and I said nothing because masturbating is for betas.

Let's not allow [problematic tought] to foster and spread trough society, okay?

Let’s ban any war or action movie on the index, forbid all practice of martial arts as a sport, remove those evil video games, censor our history books and make bdsm punishable by incarceration we don’t want to foster a society tolerant of violence.

Well stopping Islam would help that a lot more than purging the weebs.

As an autist, I can't tell whether or not this comment was made ironically.