Y'all acting like niggers. Do you think white people act like this? : Triggered Sargon to alt-right

17  2018-02-07 by masodeq


Sargon's the kind of guy who says nigger so awkwardly you just know he's faking the racism

It's ok, he's part black.

“My grandfather was straight up black, but please ignore that video of my mayo parents playing with my VR setup!”

Not in the part that counts.


underrated contribution


I think Richard broke him.

Strange because his debate with Taylor went perfectly fine. He still lost that debate but didn't became an unhinged lunatic.


That debate was more like an interview, so less ego on the line.


What retardation is this?

Sargon has taken his memes to real life and is now starting a movement called the "Liberalist" movement, his detractors think all words should be able to have an ism with them so they started calling it liberalistism to annoy him.

Gas all YouTubers

You are just mad that jews don't control the tubes.

please keep thinking this

You are just mad that jews don't control the tubes.

Silly goy, (((we))) control all.

This is actually kind of funny in a shit-lord sort of way.


The only "ist" movement he should lead is the autist movement.

I'm am autist, a performance autist.

What's a niggermate? Is that like the coolest "CoolerMate"?

I'm pretty sure it's what we commonly refer to as a "cellmate", but I may be wrong.

What's it called when you hate everyone?

Isn't it a misanthrope?

Wow sargon, 2018 is just not your year