Can it be made into a /r/drama flair?

94  2018-02-07 by IAintThatGuy


Just added to the flair list

we need a white rights one to balance it out for (((centralism)))

Pick any picture on /r/beholdthemasterrace

Wouldn't it make more sense to use a picture of a man and a women fused together?

Or atleast something that wouldn't be allowed to air on tv.

wtf did you just assume SpongeBob's gender?

I mean,

He is a sponge so really I could understand confusion.

Technically he's sexess because we literally see that he has no genitalia, but I guess he identifies as male or has a hidden pee pee or something.

Wouldn't it make more sense to use a picture of a man and a women fused together?

Or atleast something that wouldn't be allowed to air on tv.

Coincidentally, this aired on cartoon network on the abomination known as steven universe

What about people who are trans squid or trans sponge? Stop erasing their existence.

bad taste

GOOD point