/r/HarryPotter discusses if a tattoo of Voldemort's dark mark makes you a Nazi

36  2018-02-07 by Snowayne2


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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I bet that won't impress the gangs if he ends up in prison.

Someone explain to me why the venn diagram of Harry Potter fans and progressive retards is a circle.

Because they both like beating a dead horse

Because conservative retards have a moral objection to witchcraft.

So conservative retards make harry potter fans retarded?

That theory sounds differentlyabled.

I'm just saying who the venn diagram of Harry Potter fans and retards in general isn't a circle.

How many of those morons do you think have Empire Star Wars tattoos or cosplayed as a Storm Trooper.

I think everyone needs some sort of spiritual meaning in their lives (to varying degrees). Some people can find it on their own. Others turn to religion. Fandoms are just the corporate solution to the death of God for people who would, in another life, be fundamentalists.

The Jews go to Israel, the Muslims to Mecca, Harry Potter Fans go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter brought to you by Universal Studios OrlandoTM . The Catholics have the Pope, Harry Potter fans have JK Rowling.

just because their dumb doesn't make them retards

Just when I thought I'd seen it all.

Good god, harry potter fans are always mudblood faggots



And highly upvoted. What is it with grown-ass adults and making a series of books such a huge part of their lives? Seriously, I know people who went out to Florida or Burkina Faso or wherever just to visit the fucking HP theme park they built.

grown ass-adults

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

Recently took the kids to Universal, they enjoyed it being kids, but it was pathetic seeing 30+ year olds wearing Hogwarts robes and playing with their wands. I mean I get it they were kids when the books came out and they really liked them but come on.

This is problematic. Gross. Icky. Creepy. Get it out of my face

Autism, autism everywhere.

Posting 5 day old drama so I look like a retard if I call anyone in there a retard. Thanks OP

You really have nothing to lose

Literary nazis!


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Literary nazis!'. To learn more about me, check out this FAQ.

These people take a fantasy novel way seriously. It boggles mind actually .

No but it makes you a dork but so does owning a snake.

mugglecide now