Obongo goin' to jail

0  2018-02-07 by eva_unit_hung


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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no, but this will be good for dramacoin

Man, Obama’s been goin’ to jail for the past 9 years or so.

I’m positive they’ll crack the Ping Pong pizza pedophile case soon too!

And the Seth Rogan murder too!

Gay and fake

Yeah, I don’t really see how you think he’s going to jail.

That's because you're dumb!

Spying on a political opponent with the help of foreign agents in order to depose them on the chance they're elected is illegal.

Even worse, they never got anything from it.

But there’s no actual evidence of that.

I'm playing stardew valley and sending this on my phone right now so I don't feel like laying it out for you, but yes there is.

Now I know you're going to act like I just slapped your mother by saying this, but if you're not a giant pussy and can handle it, go into t_d today and that evidence is posted all over the place.

But to give a quick rundown: fusion GPS, Steele, dossier, muh Russia investigation, Mueller, Strzok, Paige, their texts directly mentioning Obama and Hillary released today.

go into t_d today and that evidence is posted all over the place.


nigga you predictable

you don't like my posts oh no

i don't like your existence tbh

I'm 15 and just discovered mde

This is what I mean by embarrassing

27 and I birthed sam hyde from my urethra myself


This is what I mean by embarrassing

oh yes we're all just positive you're less embarassing

put up or shut up, Amos

i'm struggling to find your age in that post... or anything relevant at all, actually.

I'd ask about your hobbies but refreshing r/drama new repeatedly all day to downvote right-wing wrong-think is clearly the front-runner.

I assume the runner up is maintaining those orthodox hair curls followed by keeping that nose hooky and sharp

Yeah idiot nobody thought it was about Hillary's emails, that part was already assumed to be about the bogus investigation launched by the phony dossier.

The part about the emails investigation is in the text referencing Comey "changing President to senior government official" in his work on that case.

Yeah idiot nobody thought it was about Hillary's emails

That's what every REEEing fox news article about this is referring to.

The part about the emails investigation is in the text referencing Comey "changing President to senior government official" in his work on that case.

This is your "smoking gun"? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Slick work, detective

That's what every REEEing fox news article about this is referring to.

no they're not lol don't pretend to me like you bothered to read fox news' take on this.

This is your "smoking gun"?

Slick work, detective

I'd explain the context but you'd just deflect like you did here.

no they're not lol


well someone just dropped Clinton in their Uranium One testimony so this is surely going to become part of a larger picture that we can't quite see yet.

but that Hill article you posted

Associates of Strzok and Page, who were having an affair at the time, reportedly said the two were talking about Obama wanting information on Russian interference in the 2016 election.

lol fuck nigga that is some compelling evidence and journalism.

i'm with her now

well but this time it'll be different from all the other times we said they were going to prison

Every time.

gets presented with hard evidence

posts blatantly fake news in response

Pretends they didn't, acts smug because it's literally all they know how to do

Every time.

put money on it

typical kike trying to turn every conversation into one about shekels

I'm poor and know I'd lose

well, I'm not rich!

but fuck did I legit laugh out loud reading that hahaha

nice try, Moshe

Gi🅱️🅱️e your dumb goy money

Associates of Strzok and Page, who were having an affair at the time, reportedly said the two were talking about Obama wanting information on Russian interference in the 2016 election.

No shit, a sitting president wanting an updating briefing on Russian interference. As I've told your retard ass before, if trump and co weren't meeting and talking to flagged Russians it wouldn't have involved them. There's nothing actually illegal getting briefed on election interference. So no it's only compelling evidence if you're to stupid to understand context.

No shit, a sitting president wanting an updating briefing on fabricating Russian interference.


trump and co weren't meeting and talking to flagged Russians it wouldn't have involved them.


Flynn? Obama hired him. Evidence is flimsy as fuck and he's gonna plead not guilty and get off.

Don JR? Not a politician or official, smelled the DNC bait the russian lady he took the meeting with was dipped in, gave her nothing and then released all their correspondence to prove it.

No shit, a traitor president wanting an updating briefing on fabricating Russian interference. ftfy

So even though trump's appointees have said publicly there was and still are Russian interference in our election confirming what their predecessors have said, they are some how wrong? Maybe you should try listening to the public testimonies on CSPAN.

Who? Flynn? Obama hired him. Evidence is flimsy as fuck and he's gonna plead not guilty and get off.

Flynn. Manafort. Papadopoulos. Page. Sessions. Bannon. Kushner. Jr.

All of them have now know contact that they tried to hid it and have been caught lying about with Russian agents during the campaign.

Lol. He was a sitting president at the time? Also the only the only time since the 90s someone has been president of Russia besides Putin, even though medvedev ended up not having the power to change Russia from what's basically a dictatorship.

So what?

Would you define what takes place in that video or what it implies to be Russian Collusion?

Yes or no, and why?

Omg this is embarrassing


I haven't declined to answer anything. That's pretty normally politics for a sitting president to tell a foreign country they may need to wait for non emergency diplomatic relations when they don't know if they'll get reelected. Shockingly colluding with Russians to win an election and spread propaganda would be closer to collusion, and the only people who seem to have been actively in touch with the kremlin and known agents are trump and co.

Oh please, I know you don't believthe former secretary of state who gave Putin 30 percent of the US's uranium was not in contact with Putin over the election.

Thats why this is all happening: leftists project.

It's an Alinsky tactic. You know, the guy Hillary wrote her thesis on?

And then look at everyone who campaigned for her, which includes Obama.

Can you think of another election where the active president shilled so hard for a candidate?

Oh please, I know you don't believthe former secretary of state who gave Putin 30 percent of the US's uranium was not in contact with Putin over the election.

Well Canada had secured 20% rights not 30%. Uranium one was a Canadian company with US mining rights. 9 federal agencies approved the sale with the remaining condition that the uranium mined can't leave the US without approval from those agencies. Clinton had no way to approve or deny the deal herself. It's a silly arguement made by people who don't understand anything about foreign company sales with mining rights in the US. So to export any of it currently the trump administration and the previously mentioned federal agencies would be the ones approving any export.

Can you think of another election where the active president shilled so hard for a candidate?

Every one when they outgoing president was from the same party as someone running? How old are you?

Hell, this very week Adam Schiff got busted for indecent contact with Russians in an attempt to depose the sitting President, and he's STILL loudly projecting.

I read the fox article, besides the headline, the texts read well more like him trying to set up a testimony deal and getting the terms to a congressional committee. Nothing scandalous unless you only read headlines and the first paragraph.

Honestly, how the fuck do you fall for this basic con-artist shit?

I think this about you, but I you do have a problem actual reading through and forming your own opinions based on what information is available and in serious denial about trump.

Well Canada had secured 20% rights not 30%. Uranium one was a Canadian company with US mining rights. 9 federal agencies approved the sale with the remaining condition that the uranium mined can't leave the US without approval from those agencies. Clinton had no way to approve or deny the deal herself. It's a silly arguement made by people who don't understand anything about foreign company sales with mining rights in the US. So to export any of it currently the trump administration and the previously mentioned federal agencies would be the ones approving any export.

CTR spin and nothing more.

Every one when they outgoing president was from the same party as someone running? How old are you?

Go ahead and prove it.

I read the fox article, besides the headline, the texts read well more like him trying to set up a testimony deal and getting the terms to a congressional committee. Nothing scandalous unless you only read headlines and the first paragraph.

He was down for Trump's nudes and the people he was talking to are willing to testify he returned the call looking for more dirt.

I think this about you, but I you do have a problem actual reading through and forming your own opinions based on what information is available and in serious denial about trump.

I like how you avoided dealing with my salient points about Hillary and the Democrat's being huge fans of Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals and put them into practice every time they get the chance.

You know it deep in your bones: When leftists get caught doing something bad, they go "NO U". Every time, without fail.

CTR spin and nothing more.

After this it's not even worth responding anymore. If you don't want to understand how approving foreign company sales to sell and keep their minimgnright in the US, you're just being intellictually lazy at best. You're not even making any counter points anymore...

bye felicia

It's really easy to understand! Just check out this simple infographic which non-autistic people will totally read and comprehend!

Just kidding, good luck distilling this convoluted mess into a talking point that sticks

tfw you get baited into posting the proof and then admit you're too dumb to understand it






nigga you ass-blasted yourself, thanks for that

You got high on your own supply man

King Nigger of Reddit in trouble?

King Nigger of Reddit in trouble?