Organizers of a GamerGate meetup in San Francisco cattily announce that they will no longer be posting on KotakuInAction about future events. Shit is flung and mods called out when user /u/mct1 makes a graceful exit.

35  2018-02-08 by Rubitinwhydontyou


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/u/david-me give me the keys to KiA and I'll turn it into an Anita Sarkeesian fetish board

Tempting. I'm gonna need to see some of your portfolio first.

I would ban everyone except cool posters.

So, I guess that means I would ban pretty much 99% of KIA, but I also would post some sweet celbe faceswapped porno of Anita getting anal blasted by a fat dudes and then make threads like "WHAT IS UR FAVORITE RAPE SCENE IN VIDYA?"

except cool posters.

I think you need to be just a bit more specific

Please put this image on your side panel

Can you unban me from KiA? I promise not to spam your guys' retarded pasta

I jerked off to a single Tropes vs. Women installment 12 times. In one viewing.

I can touch my toes without bending my knees.

I was once downvoted to -50 on KiA for reminding posters that Trump said video games cause school shootings.


Illiteracy. If it's good enough for the president, it's good enough for me.

I can touch my toes without bending my knees.

Fucking midgets.

Sorry I made my portfolio in a rush.

And thanks you too.

you gotta admit thats a really good sales-pitch

Very! But what are you selling?

male vitality bone broth with extra lead for a sturdy erection.

Nuke it and walk away

How do you not immediately kill yourself for even considering going to a gamergate meet up. You've hit rock bottom and you aren't escaping

How 'bout an extra hour in the ball pit?

you should replace all the mods with gamerghazi mods and just see what happens

see u at the meetup

Pool's closed

Pretty diverse for nerds who hate women.

Somehow that's less diverse than the 3 pictures of Tom cruise in one.

Did they actually pay a cosplayer to dress up as their mascot?

"Blink twice if they're holding you against your will"

Nah, she's been one of the wannabe e-celebs to jump on the Vivian James thing right when it started. There were a couple girls (and one G.I.R.L) who started Vivian-themed twitter accounts to sperg about GamerGate.

IIRC this is the one who dated (or is still dating, not sure) Palmer Lucky when all the controversy around him donating to Trump came about.

Where's Waldo: Find the attractive person in all these photos.

I give up. Is it the autistic cosplayers?

Trick question, nobody is attractive in that picture.

god, imagine the smell...

fucking GamerGate in 2k18 ?

One thing is certain about meet ups.

The only people who would go to a meet up are not the kind of people you want to meet.

A sub could be 99% super modles and you know what % will show up.

Things went bad when you could see serious posts about conspiracy theories.

Gamergate is still a thing?

Talking about Gamergate in current year.

Did I get the job