Rowling answers on twitter that, yes, the character "Anthony Goldstein" is Jewish. CringeAnarchy freaks out.

160  2018-02-08 by Snowayne2


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Rowling is a massive lolcow ripe for milking, I have no idea how that sub can miss an udder this full.

True, but Rowling vs r/CA is a bad case of dueling lolcows

Rowling is like the archetypal out of touch, self-righteous celeb, but freaking out because " You know that 'Goldstein' character? Well now she's trying to claim a Jew!!" is next-level retardation.

To be fair, they are also freaking out because she shoved Dumbledore's sexuality in our faces. Something she only brought up because some editor or whatever explicitly wanted him to have a female lover.

I thought she didn’t really shove it in the audience’s face. She only confirmed it after people started arguing about it online.

She didn't shove it but it looks like a belated attempt to pander given that she didn't manage to mention it in seven books and about 2 million words.

“Albus Dumbledore, who was gay btw, peered through his moon-shaped spectacles”

"But si- I mean, Albus – the portraits!"

"Oh, those portraits have seen so much that nothing will surprise them anymore," said Dumbledore with a laugh. "Come on, Harry, let's have some fun."

Harry approached the sofa and slid into Dumbledore's embrace. The feel of a strong, young body against his own was so new and so delicious that Harry moaned. The next thing he knew, he and Dumbledore were kissing, devouring each other's mouths. Then Dumbledore was on top of Harry, covering his body with kisses, Harry's hands slithering up and down his back.

"Ooooh!" was all Harry had to say when Dumbledore's amazingly long tongue coiled around his cock.

"Ready for the ritual?" asked Dumbledore after a while from between Harry's legs.

"Hell, yes!" gasped Harry.

Dumbledore turned him over, then jerked him up so that he was standing on all fours. Harry inhaled sharply when he felt Dumbledore's fingertip circle his anus. Dumbledore was saying something in a language unknown to Harry – probably an incantation – and his finger was delving deeper and deeper into the boy (the Headmaster had providently covered it with some sort of lubricant). The finger was soon joined by another. Harry was gripping the sofa so tightly that his knickles turned white; his face was screwed and running with sweat; he was hlaf-moaning, half-growling. When he thought he couldn't take it any longer, Dumbledore finished saying the incantation and removed his fingers.

"DO IT!" roared Harry.

"With great pleasure, Harry," said Dumbledore, and entered him.

Harry thought he was in heaven and hell at the same time – it was that good and that painful. Dumbledore was going faster and faster, and soon both pain and pleasure were dwarfed by a sense of power surging through Harry like an electric current. Dumbledore's silvery instruments and other things began to shake and then started flying around the room (the inhabitants of the portraits fled from their frames for fear of getting hit). Soon the whole room was shaking, as if from an earthquake. Harry and Dumbledore were moaning, growling, howling, clawing, biting, thrashing and thrusting; actually, they looked a bit frightening. When Harry came, the windows of Dumbledore's office exploded; the Headmaster's desk rose into the air and was flung against the wall; Fawkes gave a hoarse caw, fell off of his perch and burst into flame; and many miles from Hogwarts, Lord Voldemort gasped and clutched at his heart.

Harry and Dumbledore rolled to the floor and lay there, panting and frothing like horses after a race.

"Well," Dumbledore said finally, after about five minutes of silence. "That certainly was unlike anything I had ever experienced in terms of sex, and just between you and me, that's saying something."

"I see I've wrecked your office again," said Harry, looking around.

"Yeah…should've locked all those thingies away…well, that's nothing compared to what we've accomplished tonight!"

"Yeah, you know, if Voldemort had been standing there, I think I could've obliterated him with one glance!" Harry said enthusiastically.

Dumbledore laughed and ruffled Harry's hair.

"It's not that easy, Harry…you still have a lot of training ahead of you. I think we'll be using the Room of Requirement from now on, though – one more lesson like this, and my office will lie in ruins."

They both laughed.

"Well, Harry," said Dumbledore, sitting up, "that's it for today. I hope you enjoyed the lesson."

"Oh, that's an understatement, sir," grinned Harry. Dumbledore poked him in the head.

"I told you not to call me 'sir' while I'm like this. Anyway…" Dumbledore waved his wand, and Harry's clothes reappeared on his body, cleansed from sweat and other fluids. The Headmaster handed him his wand and gave him a kiss.

"Well, see you next week, Harry," he said. "I'll inform you of the exact date by note, as before. Incidentally, is there any girl you fancy?"

"Well, I dunno…I used to like Cho Chang…"

"Cho Chang it is, then," said Dumbledore, clapping his hands. "I expect you'll be seeing her next week, too."

"You mean..." Harry's eyes widened. "But…do you really think she'll agree?"

"It is not a matter of agreement, Harry," said Dumbledore with a wink. "When the fate of the wizarding world is at stake, personal considerations should be set aside."

"You know, I think I'm starting to like being the Boy Who Lived," said Harry, and they laughed again. Then Harry turned to leave, but seemed to remember something.

"Wait…what shall I tell Ron and Hermione?"

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows.

"Surely an intelligent person such as yourself can think of something? All right, all right," he laughed, seeing the look of indignation on Harry's face, "I'll save you the trouble. Here…" he twirled his wand, snatched a piece of parchment out of thin air and gave it to Harry. "I've sketched a cover-up story. Some of it's based on facts, but most of it I had to make up. I never knew writing was such hard work."

Harry was met in the common room by Ron and Hermione who had stayed up to hear everything about his first lesson.

"Well?" they demanded eagerly.

"It was fascinating," said Harry. "Dumbledore took me into the Pensieve…"

still waiting for pt 2!

There have been far worse transgressions in the name of fan-fiction. :D

Wait, can Harry and Dumbledore just fuck Voldemort to death ... remotely?

Should be a South Park episode.

Imagine being this retarded

Albus Dumbledore, who was gay btw liked it up the batty

All the subtlety of My Immortal

boy, that brings me back.

Authors can gave ideas about characters that they don't want to write about. She may have felt hesitant about including it at the time, knowing that evangelicals were already flipping their shit about her.

how brave

Not an argument

I think she had a broad enough reader base that she could laugh off anything evangelicals might say, and it's not as if gay rights weren't highly fashionable by the time she finished the series.

No, this would just justify them who already accused her of promoting Satanism. Other religious people would flock to banning the publisher.

Just because they couldn't destroy her doesn't mean she wants to become insanely hated. She was already in the eye of people as one of the evilest things ever. Those same people wouldn't have let homosexuality pass under the radar.

Hell, look at videogames. Games that allow you to date people (for a mainstream audience. Not sex vms) even now are only slightly dipping their toe into allowing it. The last fire emblem had token options at best, and atlus only its last two games hinted at it. Not counting p5 since it went into production later than the two I mean.

Games that allow you to date people (for a mainstream audience. Not sex vms) even now are only slightly dipping their toe into allowing it.

Eh, I think that you should have mentioned gay people, because ATLUS certainly had been letting you date others for some time

Was it pandering, or was it omitting it because her publisher didn't want a retarded controversy?

if you look at descriptions of dumbledore and don't get he's fruity AF that's your issue. I thought it made sense when that bomb dropped.

That's my point. It's literally as subtle as it could be.

Reeeee she's literally SHOVING IT IN YOUR FACE

To be fair, they are also freaking out because she shoved Dumbledore's sexuality in our faces

Lol. My gaydar is pretty much non existent but dumbledore gayness was pretty much evident. I think Rita Skeeter book explicitely said that he was in a relationship with the nazi wizard in the 7th book.

Really I never got that he was gay. I felt more that he was grossly negligent. The seventh book should have been the students suing the school.

Nobody explicitely has sex in the Harry Potter novels. So you can just say any character is trans-whatever-you-want.

Nobody explicitely has sex in the Harry Potter novels.

Now, I only read like, I think part of the first book. But isn't this setting supposed to be a school full of like elementary school kids?

More like middle to high school, but yeah, primarily.

That didn't stop the his dark materials books from -maybe- ending with it.

Plus statistically some of them get fucked by parents and teachers.

It's implied though, Fleur and her prom date 'vanished to somewhere more private' after making out, for example.

Yes but they don't give details about who has what genitals and puts them where.

If only they were ballchinians, it would be easier to tell.

This shit never gets "shoved in my face" because I don't hang out on Twitter and outrage blogs all day. Y'all bring this up on yourselves.

Why the fuck does none get the sarcasm? Do I really have to add an /s?

Sorry fam. Way too many people unironically believe what you're saying.

He's now one of them in my eyes.


>some editor or something explicitly wanted him to have a female lover.

A case of the notgays

I think it was in an interview on 07, someone asked Joanne if Dumbledore had a wife, and she said, "I always thought he was gay."

That's all that was said about it, but the interwebs blew it way the hell out of proportion.

shes deliberately making a big deal out of it now though as though its special

By replying to a tweet 4 years ago?

rowling is a bit crazy on twitter and likes to try and push herself into the news when nothings happening

she also likes to try and retcon being progressive because its trendy now and american liberals are a big source of her income, what with their political analogies requiring hp references constantly

That may be, but in this case this is all built around a tweet reply four years ago.

I have no idea how that sub can miss an udder this full.

We've posted about her before?

Quite a few of her twitter slapfights have been posted here before.

That sub is full of fragile cunts. All the REEEEEEEEEing about the most mundane ass bullshit lol.

And we are different how?

Who's we? Also I unfortunately know who that bitch is but that's all I know. Idc what she does or what she says.

You changed Ed....why are you so grumpy after admins restored your account?

This new Ed makes me sad😭

Grumpy? I'm saying I couldn't care less what she does or says and that i find the whiny bitches over at CA hilarious 😂

You guys care too much about this stuff.

I don't post or intend to post in CA.

/u/notarasputin why did you delete your comments lmao? Because of the downsnozzles??

/u/likearasputin why did you delete your comments lmao? Because of the downsnozzles??

How is it nothing though? If the diversity has to be something people are aware of to count, if you're famous as he'll saying it still makes it known.

Thing is, why does this have to end in twitter, Harry Potter prequels are out, with young Dumbledore, she obviously wrote as gay, then why isn't she fighthing to make this obvious in the movies. Even freaking Power Rangers had something.

If she rewrote the books now she still wouldn't include any visible minority, it's still all be in tweets 10 years after the reboot movie of the reboot of the reboot of the books.

She should.

...but his name is Goldstein

I have no problem with her mentioning this, if and won't use it later in media to prove how "woke" she was all those year ago.

i don’t think i’ve seen anyone ask “how woke were you” in an interview if that’s what you’re suggesting

i think it’s probably more likely that she just used a bunch of surnames that she’d encountered in britain. so that means jews, pajeeys and polacks would be mixed in somewhere

Ok maybe it's not her fault, maybe I'm wrong.

Maybe people, who made for her announcement about Dumbs into a somehow revolutionary thing and now critique her are the problem.

oh yeah, the “media response” that heralded it like some great new thing is definitely cringeworthy

And that's the problem, I don't think that this will make headlines.

But if it will, I predict this happening:

The character is clearly jew-> She mentions this on twitter off hand -> tweet makes headlines " Rowling is making alt right 4channers mad by again being a champion of the people -> Rowling sees this and tweets " Oh yeah I did it for the Roc..I mean people -> everybody claps, said minority character is never mentioned again.

This golden Aryan specimen is supposed to be a grubby kike?



It's from the Order of the Phoenix game I'm pretty sure. Still modeled after whatever actor played him, like the rest of the Hogwarts background kids.

no one played him in the movies ya dink, it says so in the article ya linked

the movies are even further off anyway though, they didn’t even HAVE Peeves

holy fuck you're right you Peeves-obsessed autist

okay I'll come clean I played pretty much every game but Deathly Hallows and Peeves is in most of them so it musta blended together in mind.

aaand I thought Goldkike was in that DA group shot. too small to tell there.

one of the unnamed crowdsmen could be extrapolated to be goldstein

poo-in-loo sisters, Ginny's BLACKED boyfriend, etc.)

Your brain is ruined.

go suck some refugee cock

Ewww no

TFW the goys don't know about (((our))) stealth model. Good luck keeping your blood pure, buddy.

I mean, JK Rowling retconning wokeness is pretty retarded.

I'd have been more surprised if the character called Goldstein wasn't supposed to be a jew.

True, but who's next?

Anyway OP, thank you for your post.

Here's a picture of a kitten for ya.

the gringotts bankers

i mean

the ideal ashkenazi phenotype

How on earth do you reconcile organized religion with the knowledge that magic is real, though? Unless she means Jewish in the hereditary sense in which case who gives a shit.

How on earth do you reconcile organized religion with the knowledge that magic is real, though?

How do you think real-life (wannabe) magicians managed it?

Because they use illusions and slight of hand tricks to entertain people.

How wouldn't you, unless something about it explicitly was too incompatible with the religion? Hell, Judaism is more open about magic than christianity.

Like, wouldn't you read about Jesus or some other prophets who performed miracles and think "this dude was just a wizard"? You would personally know hundreds of people who can do all of those things, plus even more impressive things.

TBH, something that explored the religious beliefs of people who can do magic would be pretty interesting. Where did magic come from, maybe it came from God, etc. Would they go to Synagogue with muggles or only with other wizards? Would their holy texts be different, maybe incorporating things that the mainstream religion considers non-canonical? Wizards know that ghosts are real and that some sort of afterlife exists; there's a whole governmental department dedicated to the study of it. How does that affect their beliefs?

These are all more interesting questions than "a kid named Goldstein is a Jew".

They could always do it like Assassin's Creed where all the ancient religious figures were wizards and all the miracles were actually magic, but I think that's probably too edgy for Rowling.

wouldn't you read about Jesus or some other prophets who performed miracles and think "this dude was just a wizard"?

This is actually mentioned multiple times in the Qur'an.

Then We sent after them Moses with Our signs to Pharaoh and his establishment, but they were unjust toward them. So see how was the end of the corrupters. And Moses said, "O Pharaoh, I am a messenger from the Lord of the worlds [who is] obligated not to say about Allah except the truth. I have come to you with clear evidence from your Lord, so send with me the Children of Israel." [Pharaoh] said, "If you have come with a sign, then bring it forth, if you should be of the truthful." So Moses threw his staff, and suddenly it was a serpent, manifest. And he drew out his hand; thereupon it was white [with radiance] for the observers. Said the eminent among the people of Pharaoh, "Indeed, this is a learned magician who wants to expel you from your land [through magic], so what do you instruct?" (7:104-110)

By the Qur'an containing reminder, but those who disbelieve are in pride and dissension. How many a generation have We destroyed before them, and they [then] called out; but it was not a time for escape. And they wonder that there has come to them a warner from among themselves. And the disbelievers say, "This is a magician and a liar. Has he made the gods [only] one God? Indeed, this is a curious thing." (38:1-5)

[The Day] when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Pure Spirit and you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and [remember] when I taught you writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you designed from clay [what was] like the form of a bird with My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird with My permission; and you healed the blind and the leper with My permission; and when you brought forth the dead with My permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from [killing] you when you came to them with clear proofs and those who disbelieved among them said, "This is not but obvious magic." (5:110)

And even if We had sent down to you, [O Muhammad], a written scripture on a page and they touched it with their hands, the disbelievers would say, "This is not but obvious magic." (6:7)

So when there came to them the truth from Us, they said, "Indeed, this is obvious magic." (10:76)

There's more, but there's no point in quoting so many verses.

Where did magic come from, maybe it came from God, etc

One origin of magic in Islam is from two angels that were sent down as a test (magic is a sin, the punishment is execution):

And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]." And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah . And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew. (2:102)

wow the Quran truly does have the answer to everything.

Some kabbalah texts already imply that magic exists, and even talk about under what circumstances you are allowed to try to summon and control demons. They have a creative way of talking about it too, implying that you are tapping into the flow of the creative power of god. But that likewise, these are by extension dangerous things to do and so it should be limited to who and when it is used, and can be done wrong.

Regular people already believe people they don't even see do magic. How wizards would see it would probably be closer to mysticism. They see magic all around them as evidence of divine immanence, and the choice to believe any individual is not about whether they can do magic, but whether they consider them a reliable contact to higher realms. Even in the bible it describes moses getting in a magic duel with egyptian magicians.

on second read, I just remembered that King Solomon was supposed to be, like, a sorcerer

there’s a lot of weird shit like that in the old testament, for real

There's the cultural aspect to consider. If my family is religious, they sure do a great job of hiding it. At the same time, my family adheres to a lot of Catholic traditions, like observing Lent, and private catholic schools, and gifting rosaries for big life events. They are also generally insufferable, in the traditional Catholic way. I know that there are a lot of non-spiritual Jews out there who indulge in their cultural heritage without necessarily prescribing to the strict belief system as well. That's all there really needs to be to it.

Nobody cares about the Jewish religion, they care about the Jewish race.

I mean, the whole subtext of HP is racism..pureblood, halfblood, mudblood.


It's a series geared toward kids and young adults. I doubt most cared other than "good kids vs evil snake guy using explodey magic"

I mean the bible said moses had a literal magic fight against Egyptian sorcerers to prove who's gods were stronger so I don't think they are really worrying about that. Also Solomon was described as a magician

Solomon used Daemons tracked in the Goetia to do mundane bullshit too.

Organized religion exists in the Harry Potter books: Their only hospital is called "Saint Mungo's", which means it's Catholic. One of the ghosts is a Friar, which again is Catholic.

So wizards are obviously Papists. Which explains why the Weasleys don't use birth control.

And why the Irish are apart of the British ministry of magic, no Protestant wizards allowed.

This is in a book from a woman who named a character Cho Chang.

Bitch'll probably come out and say the character was Chinese.

Wee Tu Low

Bang Ding Ow

Hol E Fuc


Racist name, by the way.

She also retconned Hermonie black.

No she didn't. She changed none of the text. Someone asked her after Cursed Child came out because the actor who played Hermione was black, and Joanne said, "Sure, why not?"

End of story.

No she said.

Canon: brown eyes, frizzy hair and very clever. White skin was never specified. Rowling loves black Hermione

And in the books it clearly says she is white.

It's a little virtue-signally, but her point is that Hermione's whiteness isn't her defining character trait.

If it goes like this, she will announce Tyron Delashaun is black.

He is clearly written as a middle aged white dude. Revising history 😤

that first name sounds like its from game of thrones and the last sounds spanish

Like he said, black.

North North African



You need to go out more.

its the de la

Hermoine was black, get over it.

I guess she should have written "(((GOLDSTEIN)))" just so that retards could notice.

I'm not talking about this case. It's her tendency to be retroactively woke, as most liberals are.

Really though. Who says Myrtle wasn't trans? It isn't plot relevant so it didn't come up. No need to have a diversity conniption.

Emotional piece of shit in a bathroom who can't let it go fits the stereotype anyway.

didnt she kill herself? thats part of our culture

She kept herself supernatural

I think a phoenix killed and ate her in the bathroom she wasn't supposed to be in and harry potter has to use a magic hat sword to kill it and use a talon from the thing to stab Tommy Riddle's book and he gets sent to wizard prison for stealing a magical artifact in the sword and destroying evidence in the book and he meets his uncle there who shows him wizard prison tricks

well thats not only super gay and way too long but it ruins my joke

If you weren't so scared of long things maybe you wouldn't have to dilate your pussy every 3 seconds

it was never very long honestly

Wasn't it a basilisk that killed her?

You've obviously never ridden the book.

I prefer to ride horses. Riding books gives me papercuts in sensitive places.

close enough

the basilisk killed her idiot

Did Hogwarts have gender neutral bathrooms?


Tweet it at Rowling and she'll undo canon for you

Jesus I actually laughed at a Reddit comment what the hell

I see the srdines are here

Haven't commented in that shithole sub for months now. But still, nice try tho.

I was wondering where the drama was. Never worry, found it!

why is it a shithole? just because your jewish overlords are paying you to promote their agenda, doesn't mean you can't hold your own personal opinion u know?

Did that sound better in your head?

atleast it sounded better than your delusional worldview where jews don't rule the world to genocide the white race

genocide the white race? sounds amazing

AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Honestly, if whites get genocided by jews without even realizing that it's happening, then maybe they deserve it.

Did a child write this?

If you post in /r/CringeAnarchy, there is an extremely high chance that you're literally retarded, even moreso than the level of retardation in /r/drama. If white fragility was a sub, /r/CringeAnarchy would be it.


Hey don't forget r/MDE

fucking lol peak srd

If you have to be a srdine to think CA is dumb then I guess I'm the biggest fucking fish in the sea

at least your admit it.

I don't see you deleting your account newfag. Post from your main one you pussy

kill yourself srdine 2


Cry more newfag

But you're active in SRD

Thanks for noticing! I made sure to polish my Star of David extra well today.

a jew who doesn't like a place which challenges the jewish tyranny in our society (in a childish and small way i agree). what a coincidence


yeah you do mostly hey

oh please, Rowling trying to earn brownie points for stuff she didn't write a decade ago is infinitely more pathetic

“hey, is this ‘Goldstein’ kid a jew?”

“yeah, of course he is”


this was my first “reeee” comment, i’d like to thank 4chan and all the autists who made this dead horse possible

I didn't go that far, and seeing that the question was prompted by a fan I'm certainly more forgiving, but people are writing articles titled "JK Rowling announces yada yada yada"

so basically I get to blame fake news, like usual

>getting outraged without knowing why

Good job.

rolling my eyes at Rowling's latest attempt to stay relevant


not quite lol

This is sourced from a tweet from 4 years ago.

god DAMN

The fact that you care enough to REEEEEEEEE about a children's book and its author is even more pathetic.


Cry me a river. Not surprised you're a Harry Potter fag.

The fact that you care enough to REEEEEEEEE about a children's book and its author is even more pathetic.

Laughing and rolling my eyes at Rowling's latest attempt to stay relevant isn't reeeeeeing and you know it, bud.

I will however concede that my first exposure to this news were articles saying "JK Rowling announces" and I assume she was grandstanding out of nowhere. Now knowing that the question was prompted by a fan, her response is less annoying and more predictable.

Cry me a river. Not surprised you're a Harry Potter fag.

It was only the most popular young adult novel in the world at the time I was a young adult, so yes, I read them, played the games, saw the movies, but I got over them about 200 light years quicker than my older sister did, who is pretty SJW/Semi-TERF and even SHE realizes that Rowling is a hypocrite who panders hard lately.

Where did Rowling touch you? You know there's someone out there who cares, get help and most importantly Keep Yourself Safe in these trying times


I only REEEE over things which are at least moderately interesting.

Why yes, Harry Potter WAS a demisexual

Wrong fam, Harry is a ladyboy, who makes magic with hisssss? bussy.

explains book 5


I wouldn't share salt with you, brother. The muggles are gentiles - as it is clear from the text.

(((Muggles))) did this.

my god...

If jews can be wizards... THen the jewish sex magic cabal will finally anal fuck all the black wizards transforming them into ogres to take over the world!!!! NOOOOOOOOO

By now you can say anything about the Harry Potter series, if you say it loud enough for Rowling to hear it, it will literally become true

Jews control Hogwarts confirmed.

i swear, CringeAnarchy gets worse and more mayo-protectionist every day

It's because a good bulk of these people spend their time in echo chambers, getting angry at things that are not really happening while feeling smug that they notice it, even when it is blatantly obvious they are being manipulated for political gains.

i mean, i can’t even remember the last time they had a post that wasn’t up on some reactionary identity politics. and i didn’t unsub till yesterday

I miss posts on the level of rainfurrest, if you still remember that. It is literally the only reason why I am still subscribed. But it takes longer and longer between these types of posts.

Nowadays its an image of an article. Or someone's tweet.

That’s exactly why I stuck out too, but I figured it’s time to accept that era is long gone

I should probably do the same.

I figured I can still rely on /r/drama to show me the laughable shit, but that’s your call to make

CA suffers a lot of the problems that fall on TiA and KiA, but I actually love the sub because of the lack of presence from the mods. Even though the sub is mainly filled with posts from the right, you will always find tons of people disagreeing or shitting on OP in the comments, as is the case with this post.

Occasionally you even get some posts from the left, so overall I think it’s a nice, disturbing little mix from both sides and the laissez faire attitude from the moderators keep everything churning naturally

Imagine giving a shit about this.

Its like imagining how much fun it would be to punch yourself in the crotch.

This golden Aryan specimen is supposed to be a grubby kike?


They love doing that.

His name is Goldstein. What did you expect? Also, what’s wrong with him being Jewish? You’re such a bigot.

His name is Goldstein. What did you expect?

Also, what’s wrong with him being Jewish? You’re such a bigot.


Dear JK,

No thanks.



I mean r/cringeanarchy was just a sub put together that got sick of cringe making fun of them. "We'll show those prudes how THEY'RE the cringe by making our own sub! With memes and slurs!"

That sub used to be pretty good. Now all they do is label anything that doesn’t agree with their far right ideology as “cringe af” and ironically call others snowflakes.

No. It wasn't. Youre fake news.



Some HP fanfiction actually makes Goldstein Jewish...

what does this even mean

Who cares? Do people have nothing better to do than freak out over a fictional character being Jewish?

Do people have nothing better to do than-


I thought the little dwarf bankers were supposed to be the jews?

She made Hermione black, despite the third book describing her as white, and another book describing both of her parents as white.

This shit is even funnier. They cast a black actress to play Hermione in a play and that's enough for them to claim she's retconning the series. Just wait till these retards find out they let black people do Shakespearean plays too.

Obviously they are poors who have never been to the theatre. 😆

She's trolling

Trolling who? She wants them progressive points

what if

and this is gonna sound CRAZY

it’s NEITHER of those things

and she actually approves of Black Hermione

Who says she doesn't? She literally tweeted Rowling loves black Hermione. It's the part about her pretending Hermoine wasn't white is what aggravates people.

hermione’s race was unspecified though

She drew her as white though , she was also involved in the movies and the fact that they had Emma Watson portray her kind of cements her race IMO.

but she made filch black there, too. maybe she was feeling frisky that day

Oh , I didn't realize I was talking to a retard , forget everything I said.

you know I’m right

I do big guy! You showed me , i'm VERY proud of you :)

But there is no reason why someone couldn't imagine ("pretend" in your words) Hermione being a black girl while reading the books. All she says is that she loves the idea of a black Hermione anyway.

Unless you're an actual autist and you get a fit whenever things aren't as you want them to be, there is no reason why this should still be a thing 3 years later. Or at all, tbf.

*All she's saying is that she loves the idea of a black Hermione anyway.e*

I dont think so, but i stopped caring an hour ago, you win black hermoine is the only hermoine

I bet you still care and are biting your nails right now.

No im hitting my dog

that means she’s anything but asian

Right, isn't it a thing in British theatre for females to play males, blacks to play whites, males to play females? Sir Patrick Stewart was one of the only whites in a mostly black Othello cast.

he played the black guy, too

Yep, that's what I was referring to with Stewart.

They actually seem to be having more fun with than you lot which is rare tbh, your periods must have synced up or something.

(((Anthony Goldstein)))

I'm calling bullshit, no jew would call their son Anthony.

wait what about Tony Danza

Did no one want to comment about the obvious racist overtures of things like this? (Not necessarily this specifically but the portrayal of the (((goblins))).

If that's not a negative stereotype re-enforcement I don't know what is?

son of Emmanuel? Favourite spell: Summon Golem

Imagine being an alt-righter and living in fear of Jews. Makes you really think about who the real ubermensch are.

"freaks out" lol

jk rowling is a hilarious out of touch crazy old woman, just appreciate it for what it is

i mean, +12,000 in the “this will be the death of western civ” sub

its just a cringe sub my dude

there hasn’t been a cringe post there in over a year, and for the year before that it was all political cringe

lol i think youre just a little too emotionally and politically invested, its literally just a sub to post cringey shit

cringeanarchy split off from regular cringe when the mods decided you couldnt laugh at trannies and shit

sjws are cringey, trans shit is cringey, american liberals are cringey, it is what it is

sjws are cringey, trans shit is cringey

i mean, it can be, they posted a bunch of legitimately cringey sjws and trans in that "political cringe" period. now it's mostly screenshots of retards you're supposed to agree with poorly making fun of things on Twitter.

they also used to pick on more reliably cringey subcultures, like furries, bronies, fetish communities (which they kept in the banner). now it's just people whose politics are wrong

its all pretty cringey dude

furries, bronies, fetish communities

yeah sorry but sjws have far surpassed all of those in ridiculousness, thats kinda the point

if you hate people making fun of sjws i guess you wouldnt like it but its still cringey to pretty much everyone

you have extremely low standards

most subs are like 75% filler thats how they all work as far as ive ever been able to tell