Someone's onto /r/Drama

68  2018-02-08 by htmlcoderexe


This, but unironically.


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I've just seen just how entitled white people tend to be and I'm suggesting we collectively pull our heads out of our asses and stop acting like the world is all about us.

/u/electricmink serious question. Can you read the last part of what you posted (starting right where it says I'm suggesting) and reflect on that? What are your thoughts?

Is the thought not clear enough?

In our society, we are so used to being on top and in charge that the election of a half-black President was enough to drive more than half of us mad with fear. We've created institutions that cater to us and disadvantage people of other races, then pretend the playing field is fair, ignoring the board we built into the system. Others complain and we turn a deaf ear, poo-poohing their legitimate problems and hand-waving then away because we're too content with things as they are to be bothered.

Pointing any of this out isn't hate - it's like taking a friend aside and saying "you know, when you behave like that, your being a jerk" in the effort to help them be better. We can be better to other people than we have been, and we should be better than we have been. That's all.

Ok, fair enough.

Bu then... how will this particular incident where high school cancels musical after white student lands lead role is going to help with that?

I mean, even if you are half correct about your diagnosis – which can be deconstructed from various angles – the choice of cure is only producing more division and cements current situation.

I was reacting generally to the statement made, not to the specific situation they were commenting on.

Would you please then comment on the specific situation?

This is very true. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was around 1880 iirc when all the white people got together they decided that bandages would be the colour of their skin, and the skin colour of people of colour

By that point old Mary Todd was really off the rails. She showed up at the party totally jacked up shine and booger sugar. She was semi-coherent and rambling something about electric snakes in the sky. But it was always worth it to invite her.

Like it was a conscious decision to treat "white" like the default? To not even think about "race" until we're trying to describe someone with a different skin tone? These attitudes run deep in our society, they do real harm, but when anyone points them out, the bulk of us that aren't harness by these biases just sheriff out shoulders and turn our backs....or try to make jokes of it as you do.

I mean, I'm sure most of us could explain it away as the market catering to the fact that the demographics of the country are overwhelmingly of the skin colour of the bandages (including the spics)

Btw, to people who think I'm exaggerating. This is one of the examples of white privilege pointed out by Peggy Mcintosh, who is essentially the founder of this idea of white privilege

Sweden confirmed Nazi racists.

lol give it a generation or two.

They'd still be anti-Semites, just with a tan.

If it was purely markets at work, you'd think that a pale bandaids would be hard to find in much of Philly (or any other large concentration of black people)...just think, corporations ignoring markets of millions of people like that by not bothering to cater to them.

Systemic bias is real. I love in a majority black community, and I see it at work every day.

Of course it's real, the ones you peeps focus on are just massively overstated when you factor out associative variables and is entirely subject to context. What systemic discrimination exists in detroit is different to what you would face in Silicon Valley, which is different to what you would face in Rural Tennessee

No they wouldn't lol Even if we assume that the black population are all dark skin, Asians, whites & hispanics share very similar skin tones with "skin colour" bandages

if there was a market for black coloured bandaids wouldn't someone have made a successful product yet? I guess they wouldn't be able to get the costs down as low as big corporations can but if the market really wanted a black coloured bandaid I'm sure there would be a large enough market willing to pay 20% more for a product like that and that should provide enough capital to grow the market and push the costs down.

Why in the world would you build an entire production line for people in Philly?

lol, I really hope you don't think he was talking specifically about band-aids for Philly residents

After beating up on Santa, Philly residents don't deserve band-aids.

Next youll tell me people in cleveland want different Ban aids too.

I'm not sure about ban aids, but I'm sure at least someone in Cleveland wants different band-aids

lol. Im gonna leave that sitting just so your post looks propper.


pale bandaids would be hard to find in much of Philly

Wasn't AIDS pretty common in Philadelphia? I've seen a movie with Tom Hanks once, he's a funny guy, I laugh everytime at his hysterical homosexual shtick

No u don't. Nobody living an a majority black area is crying about bandaids, you dumb bitch.

It's the attitude, not the bandaids, ya yob.

Yeah I'm calling bs still. Im from a black people place grew up with and around black folk. The thing about these kinda places, southern, urban, black places. Is that they whole thing is run by and for black people. Black mayor, black teachers, black cops, black preachers. You are fake, foreign, or some kind of inner city Neapolitan yankee. Down south, where we got places 80% black people like where I'm from we don't think like that or have those problems. You on some other shit.

Yeah I knew you ain't got shit to say, fake punk

White is the default, silly.

That's why we crave the mayocide.

The cognitive dissonance is real.

In our society, we are so used to being on top and in charge

Please read this sentence over and over then think about what I said to you in my previous post.

Sure. Meanwhile you think about how 44 of the past 45 presidents could really have benefited from a good tan, and the way more than half of the paler part of the country freaked over the one president who wouldn't?

Who gives a shit? Half of the country is freaking out right now about Trump. It's all the same old same old.

Why aren't lefties trying to do something to prevent the systemic discrimination of orange people? SMH


The fact you don't see the threat Trump represents marks you as one of the coolest entitled people I've been taking about.


Fresh new President, same great threat!

"No no no, you don't get it. in 20XX this time the president is going to cause nuclear war and also make all of people in my community report to FEMA camps to be murdered!!!"

Finally, a President I can get behind

Thank god we'll finally be free of $Community_name.

I agree, these people do not know of the horrible things that plague our proud POC community since Drumpf became president. White people now hunt me down with rifles and whip me. I was walking down the street the other day and some guys in KKK costumes lynched me and left me for dead and then I died.

Women have always been openly raped in public, but now, in the era of Trump, people believe the women

The fact that you're discussion politics on the internet is a 100% guarantee that you are

one of the cluelessly entitled people

The fact that you're discussion politics on the internet is a 100% guarantee that you are

one of the cluelessly entitled people

Please elaborate on this ever present vauge threat but do it without calling everyone Nazis and claiming something equivalent to the Holocaust is inevitable.

I wish I had more than one upvite to give. As a PoC posting from my internment camp I wish more people took this threat seriously.

Tanning is bad for you and gives you cancer.

How do you square that with your anti-trans activism?


Btw when are you losers (statistically speaking) going to focus on attractive privilege? Because that is wayyyyyyyy more impactful in modern society than basically every other form of systemic discrimination

was enough to drive more than half of us mad with fear


also maybe black people like black people the best and white people like white people the best.

maybe it's not an evil system engineered to keep a brotha down


Look at the Trump voting demographics.

Do you think white people were afraid of Obama?

That's retarded

Hmm so majority of whites voted for Obama and then get terrified by what they had done, voted for him again just to make sure and then got terrified and pushed to trump because they hate blacks? You don't think there is an explanation that comes easier than that?

Its sexism right?


ooga booga if I know...

Obama never won the "white" vote - 55% of white voters vited McCain, 59% voted Romney. Both Obama's terms were met with a great deal of howling and racist dog whistles, from "birther" conspiracies to a million different varieties of calling him "uppity" (oh, I'm sorry, "elitist" - arugula, really?)

And now we have a fucking white supremacist in office.....

The only institution out of balance is the criminal justice system.

And even then it punishes based on class more than race.

The "War on Drugs", the single biggest filler of American prisons, was racially targeted. Why do you think pot is a scheduled drug in the first place?

The only institution out of balance is the criminal justice system.


And while the crack/cocaine punishments were racially targeted. The war on drugs now effects class more than race.

effects class


My bad grammar is due to classism.


You are a waste of oxygen.


The idea that the war on drugs began due to a racial aspect is massively overstated and the only evidence for it is a hotly disputed single quote from a former advisor that was released 22 years after the interview where it was stated took place. For one it was an international movement, which is a bit much to target african americans. It also was politically motivated, given the desire for the administration to get tough on crime

Can you just not read?

You know, if it means that white people have so much advantage in everything and I'm disadvantaged so much just by being a POC, I might as well become white. No sense in remaining nonwhite and oppressed. So how do I get started? Are plastic surgery and name change enough or is there more to joining the ranks of whites?

I hear jamaicans be bleaching their skin in an effort to go mayo. If you have the cash you could go for the Michael Jackson make over.

we are so used to being on top and in charge

I was just saying to Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos at the last White Males Uber Alles meeting how awesome it is being on top and in charge, I sure do love ruling the world right alongside those guys.

we are so used to being on top and in charge that the election of a half-black President was enough to drive more than half of us mad with fear.

Not supporting the millionaire white woman or the millionaire Jew is clearly an anti-black racial thing. Obama being president even managed to drive people who voted for Obama to be president mad with fear to the point they voted for Trump!

We've created institutions that cater to us and disadvantage people of other races

So, like every civilisation that has ever existed.

ignoring the biases we built into the system.

You mean the biases that help more people like those that built the system in the first place.

Pointing any of this out isn't hate

The hate that people are talking about are leftist soyboys who constantly whinge about white privilege because they love to imagine themselves as "one of the good ones."

I'm sure you've heard of (and probably used) the term "house nigger"? Well, you're a house wigger.

it's like taking a friend

Except that the people that your insults are aimed at aren't you're friends and you have no basis to speak on their behalf. They're further away from you, culturally, than leftists of different ethnicity are. I'm pretty racist, but the opposite of me culturally and politically isn't a brown person, it's leftist virtue-signalling people like you.

And let's be honest, it has nothing to do with trying to better people and everything to do with giving yourself a smug sense of satisfaction at the expense of people you despise.

We can be better to other people than we have been

Of all the races in the US at the moment, are whites the most racist? Even in the top ten? I doubt it.

Are you attempting some kind of parody here? Because it's honestly hard for me to believe anyone could have their head wedged so far up their ass as to seriously believe what you've written here and actually survive the experience.

Seriously....tossing out words like "soyboy" while decrying "virtue signalling" (sheer hypocrisy there, since wailing about "virtue signalling" is in itself pure virtue signalling....). Wow.

And the projection! A touch of "everyone is secretly racist", while suggesting I'm out to feel smug here? Whewlad, have a look in the mirror!

As for your last paragraph, you really price my point for me. Wow.

Out of all the white people in the world, its pasty-faced white liberals I despise the most. Smh fam, maylcide can't come soon enpugh

omg, I literally cannot even right now wow

You're the gift that keeps on giving

That's a bad analogy in this case. You're not their friend, and you're not helping them be better. You're helping them be cucks.

/u/griffco are you scared of poc? Do you think they're really that spoopy? Thanks for the woke red pill, fellow based pede!! MAGA!!

"white civilization"? Wtf is this shit and why does it have upvotes.

Take that!

"white civilization"

Ed, we all know you’re the whitest one here.

Go gag on that maple syrup you moose fucker!

Typical white boy insult. ☺

Lmao I was kidding. I generally like Canadians!! <3

Thank you. You’re acceptance means a lot to all of us.

No one ever tries to yell about white people to show how woke they are.

"POC masters." Oh lord what even

SRS are such racists they can't even comprehend black people being in control of anything. Just completely incomprehensible to them.

Just like they think shutting on one race is "respecting" another.

But by making fun of the Prom King are you really paying "Respect" to the kid in the wheelchair? Does it make him feel better about himself? Does it make him value himself? Does it heal his bones? Does it compliment attributes of the kid? Or highlight his achievements (like surviving a bus)?

The answer to all of the above is no. Mocking one side doesn't respect the other, anymore then drama existing is us providing respect to the rest of reddit. I wasn't even talking about social acceptability. Though frankly that statement is retarded as all hell, it's not the prom kings in schools being bullied, it's the kids in the wheelchair, seriously what fucking bullshit retarded world does that guy live in? Let me guess he's another "genius" comedian tossing the hat in the ring of real world politics even though they obviously don't live in the fucking real world.




I just posted that image because when you said "SRS are such racists they can't even comprehend black people being in control of anything," you reminded me of that tweet. He's caught up in his "compassionate" for black people that he compares them to invalids.

that statement is retarded as all hell, it's not the prom kings in schools being bullied, it's the kids in the wheelchair

His point is that it would be more morally acceptable to make fun of someone who's privileged than someone who is underprivileged. I disagree with that, but it's hardly a moronic idea. The way he put it is just so inadvertently offensive to black people that it's hilarious.

people still post on srs?

It's reddit dude. Do you think those guys would have anything better to do or go to?

sorta figured they all went to cb2 or nega

Fucking peckerwoods

/u/sarabink why are you such a moron?

Who even were you trying to ping here? 🤔

Fixed. Thanks. Some nazi lady.

oh... yea.. that's not allowed... removed... or like... actually just fix it agian and say soemthing nice about the nazi this time.

Fine. Done.. I'll wait until she gets here.

SRS is still a thing? Who knew?