Neckbeards finally get those sweet oppression points to use against the legbeards. The autism wars have now begun.

57  2018-02-08 by Neon_needles


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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At dinner when I was a kid my little sister got less vegetables than me because she was "littler," but she would get the same amount of desert! I couldn't understand why her being smaller only worked for stuff she didn't like, like vegetables. I believe that happens with these "gaps" too- we pick and choose what stuff we want to be equal on. We want equal respect, but still want to be able to hit a man without retaliation. We want to earn as much as a man but we want the man to spend his money when we go on dates. We want to be heroes on the front lines of combat like the men, but still want to be the first off sinking boats and burning planes because we're weaker. We want to be men in so many ways, yet we still want men to be chivalrous and treat us like women. In other words, like my little sister and her desert, we only want to bridge the gaps we choose, and suicide is one of those gaps we don't want to close!

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Patriarchy. The rape culture is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical wage gaps most of the glass ceiling will go over a typical white CIS males head. There’s also Big Red's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her reading, fuckface. - her personal philosophy draws heavily from Sarkeesian Literature, for instance. The feminists understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these male tearz, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about BEING TRIGGERED. As a consequence people who dislike Equality truly ARE A WHITE MALE!- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the statistics in Trigglupuffs’s existential catchphrase “GET YOUR HATE SPEECH OF THIS CAMPUS, GET YOUR HATE SPEECH OFF THIS CAMPUS” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hillary’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. :joy:

Darkness is just a social construct introduced by the Christian European patriarchy. Before then, native cultures could see in the dark just fine without artificial lighting. Women could see a little better than men, so the patriarchy created 'candles' and socially conditioned everyone to think that they couldn't see without them. Then the military-industrial complex created electrical lighting to further oppress women and minorities.

Maybe your parents just didn't like you.

im doing my part by including women in the knockout game

How come I'm not surprised?

In an industry filled with thirsty kissless old virgins, of course that group will feel threatened by the arrival of more women. More people who will be able to tell them they suck, that they are without remedy, that they are disgusting to normal people? I'd feel threatened. Then again, they should feel threatened, because they are the kind of people (these pasty-white, socially inept, inexperienced neckbeards) that shouldn't be hired to begin with! Not women, but them! Their toxic personalities, which got them where they are now, and their disgusting hygienic standards (not to say anything about their unattractive looks) is the stuff that drove people away from them in the first place.

As a woman in tech, I'm sick and tired of dealing with social outcasts in an everyday basis. None of my non-STEM friends deal with things like this. Every time I talk to them about having to work with people with zero social skills, that don't share any interest in normal social events, that have zero social experience, that get creepy, that are the epitome of the neckbeard, I'm treated as though as I did work in some sort of hospice for the mentally challenged. They get to work and collaborate with normal, well-adjusted coworkers, which makes their work more fulfilling, makes them want to improve and get involved, and even have repercussions in their social lifes. Me? It's like dealing with freshmen from high school. And I dread the possibility of encountering them outside work. Like, fear-for-my-life level of dread.

The real problem with IT? It's filled with socially inept white men. Get rid of them, and see the industry boom. You think the Knuths, the Dijkstras, the Hamiltons, the Shockleys, the Moores or the von Neumanns of the past were socially unadjusted? They were normal people. They managed to get along with normal people. Chat, keep a conversation, date, get laid, party, go out on weekends. It's impossible to work with people who are better described as "androids trying too hard to forget they are in part humans". It simply doesn't work like that. Maybe in the future, when AI manages to take over the software industry, such an entity can be useful. But this industry basically demands that any newcomer becomes maladjusted. That is bound to backfire.

And you are seeing the backfire already. China is gaining ground. So does Europe. Places where the neckbeard, socially inexperienced virgin stereotype of an IT worker doesn't really exist. I've worked there with amazing and talented people who also knew how to relate to people, how to collaborate, how to work in groups, how to socialize. They were creative. That's why you see a drop in quality in Silicon Valley: they are hiring robot-wannabe, academics-obsessed manchildren who have known (or worse: cannot know) any other life than coding/software/engineering. Of course they are going to stunt. There's nothing new. No new ideas, no new worldviews. The same always-repeated mantras, dogmas, rule-of-thumbs and "deities"/idols they worship.

Again, the solution? It's not "hire more women/black people". It's stop hiring socially stunted, inexperienced, kissless virgins. Then women and minorities will flock back to you and you'll get several new sets of fresh eyes.

Can it be..oh my..Ed is back at posting copypastas. Could you add more emoji bby? Pretty please?

i know this is pasta but imagine thinking dijkstra was a normal person. he was the biggest autist ever.

Not shy or introverted though. NIST has a reference standard of arrogance on display, measuring at exactly one millidijkstra.

One of my old professor said that it took Dijkstra 5 years to find out they are both Dutch and their office is like next to each other.

War...war never changes.

In the 21st century war is still waged over #metoo, gender pay gap and sexualization of white women.

In the year 2018 the storm of world war had come again. In brief hours two sexes clashed over paychecks of male models and resolved absolutely nothing. And then, after few days they chose another topic...

Live in the (((Vault)))) is about to change...but gender war never changes.

But why male models?

There's already been a "reverse pay-gap" for a while now. But the most interesting thing is how it's framed. The same people that never considered factors outside of gender start considering those factors when it's men on the other side of the gap.

A good example:,8599,2015274,00.html

fuck they were right about you. By the end of the year you'll be on MDE.

Who uses "median" for average income? And "Median salaries of young women in big cities"? Such a weird, specific stat makes it sound like they were just looking for any way to massage the numbers to have a "Women on Top!" headline.

Point taken with the "other factors" thing- but those factors will always mean the overall trend is "men have higher average income"- unless science invents a way to impregnate men, or the greens get in and make employers give women 18% more per hour than men or something.

Median is a much better number than average.

Between the two of us, Bill Gates and I have an average net worth of $45 billion dollars

isn’t that also your median though

Yes it is

Yeah, okay, but a room with 10 people in it, if one of them is a billionaire, dramatically skews the mean.

yeah or even if you just had more than 2

Who uses "median" for average income?

anyone who's not retarded

So then why are people in this sub doing it

To get rid of extremes and look at what happens most frequently. Your other point might be on to something, but I really just don't care one way or the other.

Maybe. Or maybe the gap will persist even as the people involved grow up.

Here's the slightly deflating caveat: this reverse gender gap, as it's known, applies only to unmarried, childless women under 30 who live in cities. The rest of working women — even those of the same age, but who are married or don't live in a major metropolitan area — are still on the less scenic side of the wage divide.

So, the sugar mommies are SJW?

It is also propelling the security industry to levels not seen ever. They promise training and a stable job, with just a little bit of risk.

And now some security companies have enough armed security to qualify as a first world army.

Is there an equivalent to Title IX for men?

There is, it's called Title IX. Nothing in the law says it's for women only.

Sure. but everyone knows how that law is used and it's very selectively invoked.

Hillary losing was a huge blow to the femdom community, but our eventual kink worldview will come to fruition

this is about limey male models

Maybe it's because the best women's national team player is nowhere near as good as the worst player that the men's national team has ever considered? This is true is all sports, even for nonathletic sports such as snooker.

I love how people point to women’s soccer as the one time the women’s team is ranked better then men’s, but makes less money.

It’s fucking apples to oranges! The men’s team, shitty tho it is, would crush the women’s in a matchup.

As for the one time (lol, once) the women’s team had more viewers: it was the year they did the mostly nude photo shoot and neck beards were jacking it like mad on the couch because Rhonda aRousme was not performing.

Same soccer team constantly loses to U-15 boys.

I love how people


Not people, Americans.

It is like when that top 50 seed tennis player crushed Serena Williams in tennis.

He slept in, ate a pie, and then crush her in straight sets.

wewie what flew in your bonnet

Gotta love MRAs and thinking men face issues in society.

NEWSFLASH: We don't!

hey now don't you know whiny, white, middle-class American men who can't get laid are the single most oppressed and discriminated against group alive today?!?

this but

this but unironically

The matriarchy killed u/AnnArchist dream of becoming a hooters waitress. REEEEEE!!!! Post moobs.

None of the people arguing on either side of the debate will ever be models.

By why male models.