65  2018-02-08 by samosacel


I told him that it's not a theory, but a fact that toxic masculinity and boys will be boys apologism is the reason why boys are dropping out so much, and if their parents/teachers taught them proper gender ideals from the earliest grades, they would perform just as well as girls.

If I were surrounded by screeching feminist harpies who hate me because of my gender, I might drop out, too.

boys will be boys apologise

Lol so men being excused for reprehensible behavior is... causing them to drop out of school? If I wrote a pathetic power-fantasy fanfic I like to think I'd make sure I didn't say anything retarded in my fake story

Haha pussy.

Go study

I will but can you go to my Patreon and sub so I can afford this textbook and also I need you to donate to my Paypal for the emotional labor of this exhausting dialogue with you

Link shorteners are auto removed FYI.

Even Google's?

Fuck, and I bothered AnnArchist and otherwise made an ass of myself.

How am I supposed to rapid-fire shitpost quickly googled reaction images while shitting on the company's dime then? Google caching those images with relatively stable URLs felt like a breath of fresh air that I could use. Maybe you could whitelist that?

I doubt he's that bothered. I'm not sure it's possible to whitelist sites that reddit has softbanned. Can't you just use the full link? I'm pretty sure those are allowed.


Yes. Pretty much every link shortener is softbanned as far as I can tell. They go right to the spam queue.

Makes sense really.

But what did the "you're banned for two days" thing? That was not reddit, that was your bot.

idfk, I don't think it had anything to do with your link shortener that was another mod. I just saw your comment when I looked at your profile to see what you had been banned for.

Oh oh so not only I am an /r/Drama poweruser, I also have a mod out to get me?!! Can't you see who banned me? (though it's still probably Mircy fatfingering it)

Nah it was one of the new mods.

I did it.

Why? It's already fuuny. I just need to know more.

I can't say.

You were supposed to be the in. What did they feed you? Please coomunicate in blinks, if necessary.

Yeah, just show those kids what you hate about their pumped up kicks instead.

They better run

I like the "boys will be boys apologism" line here, mainly because boys are treated far worse in the education system than girls are.

Yes, clearly it's boys getting away with poor behavior, not girls.

How about the justice system, again, where women get away with things men couldn't dream of.

How about the war on drugs, where women are around 50% of users and make up only 20% of arrests?

Girls will be girls I guess.

What the...I was going to give her a YAS QWAN.


It's a new account, I wouldn't be surprised if this is some guy trying to make the sub look bad and then link the post to MGTOW or some drama subreddit.

/u/Doyouthink_hesaurus - nailed it.

I wouldn't be surprised

Won't even pull the trigger.

the “i wonder who’s behind this post” mindset has permeated every community

The best part is during his whole rant, I just kept sarcastically repeating "oh really?" and "yeah, uh-huh" to the laughs of other students, while the professor (I took her for another course and she's incredible) even tried poorly to hide her smile.

Then the slow rumble of applause grew, soon the auditorium was shook with the roar of a thousand hands clapping in unison. The ground was shaking at this point. The professors grin turned into mouth gaping gaze as she entered a trance like state. The MRA then ripped off a mask that was concealing his face. HOLY FUCK ITS JOHN CE... ALBERT EINSTEIN. “Yo everyone in the school bus I’m taking you all to see Black Panther right now” He bellowed. The class got up and ran through the fire exit, tearing clothes off. The class was so lit everyone caught on fire.


I think you forgot the part where the dean was listening the whole time, then gave you a full ride scholarship and a crisp, 100$% bill. The MRA then left the room in tears, vowing to renounce his MRA ways and become a feminist. A trans women, gay feminist. You later received several Nobel peace prizes and the entire world chanted "YAS QWAN" in unison.

Meanwhile in reality /u/FamousEast is ovaryacting to some benign slight as usual while the entire class has collectively checked out and her teacher wonders whether it’s too late to apply for that sabbatical half way across the globe.

fake af

It's literally a post which wouldn't even bait TiA ( wellll, I might be wrong about that, lol) yet we have trollx...

The sub is proof that women can't even troll right.

I dunno, this whole thread is having quite the reaction.

That was part of the point. Post is troll af

a fact that toxic masculinity and boys will be boys apologism is the reason why boys are dropping out so much fact

Nuke commiefornia now

I live in commiefornia.

Please send help. Either by way of mandatory military service in order to vote or a nuclear warhead. Either way works.

So, I looking at posting history of one trollx user from that thread (guess which) right now.

And.... shit, It appears that you can go insane and do a complete 360 in a year.

From "Stop generelizing all men" to " lulz, all men are pigs" in 365

And these are people who think that reddit only radicalizes young white guys.

"In the year 2014, when twox became a default sub, a unit of dense, judgeMENTAL and oblivious upper-middle class white women ( and their male feminist alt accounts) were sent the hell off said subreddit by sensible human beings and a couple MRA's, because of the idiocy they commited.

These women promptly escaped from a default sub to the reddit underground and took over what used to be a funny gif sub for laid back women of 18-24 age group .

Today they are still commiting the acts of slacktivism , continue to smear the ideas of feminism and survive as soldiers of REEEING.

If you to are an oblivious white, american woman, if no real feminist group takes your bullshit seriously or you want to tell fake stories about "evil men" for karma boost, and if you can find them....maybe you can subscribe to the Jezebel of reddit...I mean - The Trollx Team."

" cue The A-Team theme"

do a complete 360

So ... end up the same as you start?

No, like the Xbox 360. It's so bad you see it, do a 360, and walk away

I edited my post. Thanks

Here's a picture with a baby panda for you

tbf, all men are pigs

Everyday my choice to become gay becomes more and more validated

Stop being transphobic you queer. Get yourself a nice xirl and pound xim in all two or three holes. And take care of xirs feminine penis while your about it.

I really really wish being gay was a choice.

Give in my man you know you can’t resist the siren call of ass-pussy

I've never been an anal person but it's really just the whole having a penis and not being a soft cute girl thing that gets me. Pretty into the whole girl package.

you imbecile. you fucking moron, you faggot the whole point of fucking "men" is

a. finding a girly bottom to fuck so you wont know the difference

b. being the girly bottom and getting your anus pounded by daddy.

Oh I'm definitely a philistine, you don't have to tell me that. There's probably a trap somewhere I would bone but it just seems like a girl who can only do anal at that point.

Give in to the degeneracy



Choose harder.

This, but unironically.

what if the vagina is masculine

You know (((what)))

The masculine vagina, the enemy of the feminine penis, is the enemy of civilization.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

u/FamousEast, I just wanted to let you know that was a wonderful made-up story. You have an amazing imagination and I can't wait to read your next, completely fake, adventure.

I mean, it's better than the typical TrollX post in the sense that there's actual disagreement there, instead of just people being dumb, but until OP comes back to defend themselves, I would hardly call it drama.

It's been a long time since actual drama was a requirement for a popular post.

Isn't blaming toxic masculinity on boys victim blaming?

No because males can't be victims, duh

I love that incel was grouped with MRA

Fake and gay. OP in that thread is obvious troll account.

Which one of you posted that.

The lack of male teachers is something we talk about on /r/menslib a lot. Men actively avoid teaching elementary school. Black American men are scrutinized particularly hard. Male preschool teachers are stigmatized to hell and back. This one in particular resonates with me, as I was a preschool teacher myself.

Jesus u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK, begging for trafic among the harpies, don't you have any dignity?

He's not begging for traffic, he's advertising his woque-af micropeen to the beautiful lasses of trollx.

He did once brag that Reddit got him laid, so if it ain't broke...

I for one I am just glad that a power mod is no longer responsible for our budding children.

/u/ed__butteredtoast needs the best upbringing he can get

The lack of male teachers is something we talk about on /r/menslib a lot. Men actively avoid teaching elementary school. Black American men are scrutinized particularly hard. Male preschool teachers are stigmatized to hell and back. This one in particular resonates with me, as I was a preschool teacher myself.

Jesus u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK, begging for trafic among the harpies, don't you have any dignity?

Removed :(

Oh well, here's the comment:

I was taking my communications class yesterday, where normally the prof and students are pro-feminism (go Cali!!!). The class got into a discussion about boys in school underperforming and a male student (the lone MRA/meninist/incel I think) said that maybe if primary schools had more male teachers boys would be more into education. I unintentionally scoffed and rolled my eyes, which got his attention because he immediately looked at me and asked if I had an "alternative theory" (yeah he was one of those).

I told him that it's not a theory, but a fact that toxic masculinity and boys will be boys apologism is the reason why boys are dropping out so much, and if their parents/teachers taught them proper gender ideals from the earliest grades, they would perform just as well as girls.

He then went into this long tirade about how the boys need better male teacher representation (man whining about representation), and at one point even mentioned that those schools are "almost prisons for young men."

The best part is during his whole rant, I just kept sarcastically repeating "oh really?" and "yeah, uh-huh" to the laughs of other students, while the professor (I took her for another course and she's incredible) even tried poorly to hide her smile. Finally when he realized that he was a big joke, he just let loose with a "you're too stupid to even bother with." Students in the class gasped, and the professor told him to stay after so she could have a word. Oh what I would have given to be a fly on the wall for that talk...

I have a feeling he won't be back next week. Ironically his toxic masculinity may get him removed from college.

I told him that it's not a theory, but a fact that...

Not to get on my soapbox, but this is the interesting thing about feminist/progressive spaces. They start to lose the distinction between conjectures and "facts." As a person who works in social justice circles and associates almost exclusively with liberals, it's super weird to engage with the ultra-woke crowd.

this sounds like bait. but it is trollx, so on the slim chance that its real holy fuck she sounds unbearable


Honestly, that point is where he lost me. Does this statement mean he thinks that primary schools don't hire male teachers? They do, usually the problem is getting male teachers to apply in the first place.

The problem is that there are very few of them. When I was in primary school (seven years), I was taught by a man for only one of those years.

If I recall, we had two male teachers (excluding the headmaster).

After 5 years, they finally banned me. RIP /r/TooManyXChromosomes

Thanks Drama I was drunk when I made that thread and couldn't find it after. Luckily I stumbled on it here

That’s what we’re here for, to catalog things a totally happened irl

It was a true story that definitely occurred


I think there should be more male representation in primary education, but due to toxic masculinity, they won't take the fucking job

I didn't realize mothers automatically assuming any man who enjoys teaching young children is a pedophile was toxic masculinity. Thanks for enlightening me.