The catcalls are coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!

47  2018-02-08 by MantisTobogganMD_PHD


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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chairs the Legislative Women’s Caucus

Thank god there’s no legislative men’s caucus. First they’d call it the cockus. Then they’d have down every twoxchromo poster and fondle them.

twox is the one which is mostly (cis) men, you're thinking of trollx.

you're thinking of trollx

And no one wants to fondle them.

But Daniel Fierro of Cerritos told POLITICO that in 2014, as a 25-year-old staffer to Assemblyman Ian Calderon, he was groped

What a cry baby.

Ima need to see a picture of this lady before I call the guy a faggot or not for complaining.

Pelosi-like------> press charges

Tulsi Gabbard-------> man up and grab back

Tulsi can Gabbard me whereever she wants

I want some of that Kamala Harris brown sugar.

Tulsi surfs. Checkmate

By the end of this there will only be two people left; /u/botchlings and /u/pizzashill.

He said she cornered him alone after the annual Assembly softball game in Sacramento as he attempted to clean up the dugout. Fierro, who said Garcia appeared inebriated, said she began stroking his back, then squeezed his buttocks and attempted to touch his crotch before he extricated himself and quickly left.

The Chad Congresswomen, doesn't wait for the bussy.

El Oh El

The real scandal here is the lobbyist thinking that he doesn't have to put out. What does he think he's getting paid for?

Some guy trying to grow his communications business? Yeah, hes not there to sweep dug outs.

i like dis title