I am drunk

15  2018-02-09 by SoberProfessionally

Hello! long time ago since dru k posting friends

How are you friends? I hope good 😙


Also I just had a friend tell me she fucked a small dicked dude awful at sex and wants to kill herself

seriously if u have a small dick just transition already

So there is hope for you and u/annoysthegoys

I mean, a big enough nose might do the job too

A nosejob has more than one meaning

( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

( ͡° ͜ ) ͡° ===============ʖ


Those are some big 'ol nostrils.

For you

What's the angle of the hook?

We're on top of the list for your dance card once you transition? I'm feeling hopeful! 🙌

He should probably tell r/hapa as well

Bad idea - if small dicked “men” transition, there’ll be nobody to play the husband in interracial cuckold porn.

You know what to do

ur fired m8

Download Scruff.

i am actually curiouus to know how popular i would be between the gays

The fact that you responded to my comment twice assures me that you are.

Call up your boss and tell 'em what you really think. Then call your exes. These are good ideas.

Implaying I didnt already text my ex

lmao fag

Choose your own adventure:

Arrange in your preferred order

  • I miss you

  • I hate you

  • I'm horny

  • Whatever you're ugly anyways

  • I'm not gonna lie, I'm just drunk and desperate rn

I always lead with the last one. It works like 1 out of 5 times.

I did 1 3 and 5

Any results?

She asked me if everything was ok

Don't you dare insult the beta-fags thinking I won't notice.

As someone who recently hooked up with an ex drunk I can confirm that this is a great idea.

Implying you actually have ex’s.


Post bussy

le bussy ecks dee xD

U2 pls

A comment has to be really fucking bad if Ed makes fun of it.

Mayocide when. Kys. This but unironically. White people were a mistake.

Idk man! That's a lot to process atm.

also this bussy meme is tiresome and boring

It's not a meme. No meme. You're the meme.

Ed how did you get so perfect and awesome?

Ed's not a jew.

Oh lol I take it back.

if you post bussy ill personally never bussypost again

Have you posted bussy yet?

what's the occasion?

Misspelling for attention

hey gais loook how drumk i am lol

Yeah I just reread my posts over twelve times when I'm drunk to avoid misspelling. I'm drunk right meow.


Apologize now

A weekend

Did you get the tattoo you promised?

Wait what! Of fucking course! u/drinkprofessionally = u/soberprofessionally 😳. Where's the fucking tattoo you Spaniard?

What tattoo?


Get it tho!!!


goddamn you

Are you watching the Olympics? You might try screaming abuse at foreign figure skaters. Then when the ones from your own country come on, you break down into tears over their life stories and blow kisses at them.

this is very unprofessional behavior