How can Trudeau have said 'personkind' in public when he was shipped to Gitmo a month ago??

76  2018-02-09 by snallygaster


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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Nothing can change how colossal of an idiot Trudeau is for not only believing "personkind" is a more inclusive version of the gender neutral "mankind", but choosing the time he did to step in and try to enforce its usage.

It's very telling that you looked at a thread containing legitimate mass delusion and still felt the need to express the same sentiment that's been echoed in like five boring threads over the past few days

It was obviously a joke, here's the context. The woman asking the question is part of a church that's about "the female aspect of God" and she kept going on and on without actually getting to her question. When she finally gets to it, it's basically "Can we get more money for our organization?" After he starts to answer it, she interrupts and says she has a second "question", but it's just "We'd like to share the message of God the Mother with you sometime, because it's really the truth, and it's really amazing, and it's something the world doesn't know."

Does she go on to tell the message of God the Mother?

That sounds like a jewish media narrative rewrite to detract from how slimy trudeau is

And your true colors show.

Canadians outnumber Jews bigly, and yet they are clearly the more powerful force. Why are Canadians so weak?

You're a Jewish media narrative.

We need to start firing up the ovens. Amiright or amiright?

Seems like he was making fun of her to me, considering how ridiculous her "question" was.

Like all French jokes, it was completely undetectable...

I think I almost got recruited into that cult. They believe that since God created both man and woman in His image, He must have also have a female aspect. Whom they believe is their leader Zang Gil-Ja.

Is it the inbreeding or fetal alcohol syndrome that's holding you back more?

Obummer and Killary are there too! But who are these doppelganger imposters?

Good question. But I'm sure Q Christ will give us the answers!

Holy shit that image 😂😂

that pic

That's how I'm picturing you from now on Snally

Not my proudest fap.

..but also not my most shameful🤔

Trevor Noah

He tricked them into sending him to Gitmo so he could score a free flight to Cuba. Then he broke out, laid some flowers on the grave of his father Fidel, and slipped across the strait to Haiti to pick up a shipment of child sex slaves and voodoo spirit cooking ingredients.

Q's patriots BTFOd by the globalist evil (((geniuses))) yet again.

Q's bullshit brings trumpers' autism to a whole new level

I can't wait for Q to reveal he's Biden.

thanks obama

Pedo Elites

**Global* Pedo Elites*

Grand Master Pedo

As opposed to the pedo working clasa

I care more about what a clown leading a nation does more than what a bunch of clowns in a conspiracy thread do. My desire to post that came more out of sincere disgust for him and what he's allowing Canada to become than anything else, especially with how he's handling Islamic migrants.

What retarded shit are you talking about?

Trudeau is motivated to import refugees and migrants from islamic countries at a rate that will soon prove detrimental to the cultural fabric. Islamoc values and western values are not compatible and Canadian natives will suffer the consequences

Islamoc values and western values are not compatible and Canadian natives will suffer the consequences

What about all the Muslim migrants in western countries who haven't caused your hypothetical effect on western society? Or are you differentiating their kind of Muslim from Muslim refugees?

Muslims can integrate, but when you introduce a sample into a new population in large enough numbers, they will create micro-communities within the population. In Sweden, entire towns are populated by migrants who speak exclusively Arabic and stay contained within their Muslim communities, Rinkaby is a notorious example.

If you suddenly dumped 100,000 Colombians into Tokyo, I doubt they would do much beyond form a community of their own and not integrate.

Pretty much every large influx immigration group does form somewhat isolated communities at first that's right. But at the same time so have plenty of groups that immigrated rapidly. A few Asian countries, Roman Catholics, etc. lived in tightly isolated communities when they first immigrated rapidly, asians due to race and Catholics due to religion and not being considered "real white and Christian" or whatever. Immigration to the US and Canada is also different than Europe since there is no land border. Could probably cut down on a lot of refugee immigration if we stopped bombing the Middle East over some extremist who aren't really that much of threat besides a few attacks.

I agree with you to a degree, I believe Canada should be taking an isolationist approach to immigration and foreign policy just as the US should. No reason to spend money on moving in foreigners when there are starving veterans and homeless in our own streets, it only makes it worse.

In principle I agree with what you're saying. Immigration works best for everyone if it's in moderate numbers, so it doesn't create communities that are segregated from the rest of the population. So why aren't you arguing for that in a sane manner? Why claim that Justin Trudeau is part of some evil globalist conspiracy and not just say that he's wrong on this issue because he's trying to get more votes?

wtf i love trudeau now

Canadian natives will suffer the consequences


Wait until every boy on your street is named Muhammad and waving the Canadian flag is a crime, just like Germany! Islamic culture and Western culture are not compatible, take 9/11 as an example of what contempt the ME feels for our ways of life.

What is western culture? How do you define that?

And then what is “Islamic culture”? What cultural link is there between someone from Iran or say Bangladesh? Do you really think the Middle East is one homogeneous culture?

Religion and culture are incredibly intertwined, especially when that religion is as perscriptive and rigid as Islam. It affects our morals, our lifestyles, our marriages, and even diet. Of course there are subcultures, but societies built on Islamic teachings are very different from those built on Christianity.

religion and culture are intertwined

In part true, but not entirely. If you believe that the "rigid and perspective nature of Islam makes it incompatible with "western culture", does this not extend to for example Judaism? Judaism is poster child of intertwining ethnicity and religion, and the old testament is just as "incompatible" with "western culture" as the Koran if taken literally.

societies built on Islamic teachings are very different from those built on Christianity

I would argue, what you have come to define as "western culture", which I would assume means western, northern, and central Europe, and the rest of English speaking world, was built not on a christian teachings, but instead a departure from them. The founding fathers were for the most part deist, and built our country on secular notions, not christian ones. If this idea that christianity is the what western culture is built around, why don't we see those values in christian nations outside of the west? Take Brazil, or Russia for example. Are you really trying to tell me these countries represent "western values"?

no one is denying that Islam as a religion is more conservative and fundamentalist, than Christianity, But the question of the root of that issue is not the religion itself, but the socio-economic conditions and history of these religious groups.

Belgium is, indeed, just as failed as Somalia. I am writing this from my slum. I have been murdered four times by evil brown people.

ready to marry your daughters to the caliph of molenbeek?

lmao you're dead serious aren't you

get a grip man

dude im joking

I literally can't tell the difference anymore. r/Drama has some gullible users on it.

he posts on r/neoliberal

Yeah, I see his RES score now

Somebody better look up those criminals tbh


Do I need to show you more displays of the German flag, or will you just show another conspiracy theory after that?

Just give it time, that's all I'm saying. With the rate of immigrant importation, eventually ethnic Germans will become a minority in their own country, which officials have acknowledged. It's a shame and the only solution is for the citizens to rise up against their invaders.

What's the problem with being an ethnic minority? I thought they're given affirmative action programs, aren't they privileged?

Do you hear yourself? Ethnicity and culture go hand in hand, eventually the German people we knew will be extinct. It will be a truly sad day.

If white people began moving en masse to a city in Africa, displacing its native population and refusing to acknowledge their customs, we'd all be up in arms, just as we rightly condemn apartheid. Don't be complicit in the destruction of the German people.

If removing mayos is this easy, they deserve it tbh

If you have legitimate concerns about Canada's immigration policies, maybe you could find a better way to deal with it than believing in batshit insane conspiracy theories? Couldn't you do more good for your cause if normal people took you seriously?

Actually Canada’s great now

Did you mean to reply to snally here? Surprisingly incompetent for a Rick and Morty viewer.

My desire to post that came more out of sincere disgust for him

Lmao, you're so booty-blasted you made stuff up that was falsifiable the moment he appeared on TV. Neck yourself, loser.

My desire to post that came more out of sincere disgust for him


what he's allowing Canada to become than anything else

Lel, Let me guess, you either 15, American or both right? Canada has a long history of allowing in migrants dating back to the 1850s.

For fucks sake they let in American refugees during the American civil war

They don't serve "baby" for chow there. Such a shame for the creeps. Where will they get their blood. Watch how sick they all get.

lmao said without a single trace of irony

How will they reason in their minds when they will be obviously proven wrong?

They keep setting new dates for when things are going to happen and rationalizing non-happenings as 'well [insignificant thing] still happened...things are changing the Storm is coming!'. It's genuinely doomsday cult tier at this point. I think it would fit most of the criteria.


Someone should try and prank them into doing weird shit

Q is already doing that.

Some irl weird shit and record it

I'm still not convinced that they are all LARPing or trying to troll each other without realizing they're all trolls

it's called dissonance reduction

also, very short memory spans


The linked commenter, /u/baruchthescribe, is banned. This is a wild, completely baseless guess, which makes it perfect for the linked sub, but I think /u/GuardianMaple might be the same user.

We should mod them both just to be sure.

50 upvotes might kms after this one lads

The plane originated in the Rush song?

Rush is Canadian. Trudeau is Canadian. Connect the dots.

rlly makes u think

"How the fuck could anyone be this retarded?"

>sees subreddit

"Oh, logical."

Thank you. This guy is like a grade school student barging in to a room of postgrad physicists and being amused that they're talking about time dilation. Hur hur hur - time doesn't dilate! Hur hur hur - yer so stupid man.



What confirmation is there that Trudeau got nabbed?

Considering that Canada hasn't declared war and the rest of the world isn't currently prepare for war, none.

Really do you think America could not only black bag the leader of a allied country, but do so without alerting the residents of that country and causing an international incident?

This was more fun when you could just call they're retarded

This was more fun when you could just call they're retarded

This was more fun when you could just call them retarded

This was more fun when you could just call them retarded

This was more fun when you could just call them retarded

This was more fun when you could just call them retarded

linking to that sub is like bullying retarded people

Simple, he didn't, he said peoplekind.

this makes perfect sense tho