/r/JordanPeterson struggles to decide if women that use makeup and high heels are asking for it

14  2018-02-09 by KalebCS


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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taking meme professors seriously

kek <--- this one




Literally taught at Harvard, and was called Canada's premiere academic by their national paper last week.


Some fat, unemployed, zero education shitposter on a website made for kids

kek <--- Fucking all of them

kek<--- This fucking one too

kek<--- Are you seriously for real

kek<--- Do an AMA of your life please

Imagine feeling the need to defend a rich tenured university professor from a barely sentient shitposting machine.

I cant imagine anything anymore.

My soul is dead.

Barely sentient shitposting machine.

That's literally 90% of the subscribers here.

I>magine needing to defend Ed.

>thinking that calling someone a barely sentient shitposting machine is defending them

>using greentext arrows for an imaginepost

Reconsider your current level of safety, my friend.

imagine being /u/NormanImmanuel


Weak af comeback. 2/10. LOW ENERGY! SAD!

Low-lifes defending each other. Fuck you both for derailing my thread. Keep yourselves extra safe today.

Your post sucks ass lmao

neck yourself you low-effort emojipasta user


What? I can't hear you!

you're not supposed to downvote me you absolute scum your entire life will amount to a fucking eggplant emoji, that's how insignificant your existence on this universe is

meme points

REEEEEEEEE ⬇️️⬇️️⬇️️

Barely sentient shitposting machine

More like a desperately lonely autist with no job or prospects in life attempting to post enough times to the internet to gain some modicum level of recognition from other humans, amirite?

ecks dee xD

The truth hurts. 😎😎😎💣💢

ecks dee xD

Blowey can’t resist seriousposting, it’s just basic biology

Literally taught at Harvard, and was called Canada's premiere academic by their national paper last week.

>Invoking credentialism while feeling superior to the 90% of SJW professors at Harvard who are technically just as qualified as this guy

Muh appeal to authority

That says more about Mapletopia than it says about Peterson


<meme college


<meme country

non est argumentum

They're gonna make the most brilliant philosopher of our time into the "alt right". What fucking doofuses.


High heels are gross give me a plain woman with outdated asketchers any day. She needs the cash and has no friends to rat on to. Honestly happy for the attention.

You have to understand that a femoid's choice in shoes is a very serious, although subconscious decision. Femoids who wear high heels do so to show that they're thoughtful about their movements, and consciously restrict their mobility. Wearing Skechers means they're more willing to travel around and fuck other dudes.

Don't get me started on Heelys. The moment the date's over, she'll literally be rolling out of Applebee's to jump on Chad's dick.

I kinda like girls in army boots, even though I know high heels make vagina easier to tighten.

They gotta light up tho

So... different people in a sub have different opinions?

Colour me shocked! Shocked I say!

Jesus, that sub really is a cult. Any dissent against JP is swiftly downvoted.