/r/bdsmcommunity user ruins her boyfriends life and it's totally not her fault

167  2018-02-09 by StPatsLCA


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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whereas my bf is 5'7" and unfit.

color me unsurprised

In the end over the course of a few weeks I acted as if I was slowly realising he was abusive and cutting him off. We agreed not to meet for a while until the situation resolved.

OP literally pretended to believe her BF was abusing her to please her fathers notions.


He could have been fit and it would have been the same result. That size differential can usually not be overcome.

Typically it's martial experience > size/weight > strength/fitness. Size isn't that helpful when you don't know how to fight and another person does, because they are just going to get up on you and stop you from using your hands.

Yes. But that difference is fucking massive. The difference in reach alone... you have to have a massive advantage in skill and experience to overcome that. You ever spar with someone who's a foot shorter? It's a bit like beating up a child.

I've been choked until tapping as a white belt to a purple belt who was maybe 7 inches shorter and 50-60 pounds lighter. Those years of skill are no joke.

Purple belt BJJ is a definite outlier, no doubt. That level of experience differential would have definitely helped. And still, in a no-rules context, I'd put even money on the gorilla.

Honestly reach matters only if your well trained in how to use it. Stubby manlets with fire hydrant arms hit hard as hell.

This is not always true. With only my weight routine for fitness I fought a "well trained" female martial artist 20 lbs lighter than me and I just about crushed her skull. She's still in the ICU. Thank god there were witnesses who said it was consensual sparring match.

Bullshit, lanklets get rocked all the time. Plus, if you have bitch in your eyes no amount of height will save you.

5.7 having sex


Have you seen the kind of people who are into BDSM? They're a bunch of pale softbodies.

pale softbodies

Yes, but 5'7 having sex is just too much. Short people like seriously lmao.

Napoleon was five foot seven and had much more sex than you, I'm willing to bet.


Americans are a bunch of pale softbodies. BDSM is a surprisingly accurate cross section of the American community - it's just that the fats and olds don't stay home.

When will they learn?

A fattie into BDSM I am shocked I tell you!

in this case i assume the writer meant “twiggy”

When you wanna be a dom but you need a stool to get shit off the top shelf.

find a JRHNBR (perfect height, no bucket required) gal


I like how she wants to pay off the BF.

Daddy is probably going to have a hit squad visit tomorrow though.

Paying people off is what rich people do.

He's lying in bed now but he can't move his fingers, we're going to have to go to the hospital tomorrow.

That fucker might have died in some many ways because of that (internal bleeding for one), or get permanent damage from injuries that could have been treated properly within the first hours (he can't move his fingers, which might indicate hand trauma, which usually gets worse for each minute it goes untreated).

He got his fingers snapped one by one. Yes, that's fucking hand trauma.

no it's not because it's not real. the snapping you talk of never occurred

Let's hope.

Can't we dramanauts just Google it? I'm sure attacks like this aren't common.

Once she started going on about buying him a house and giving him a couple million my suspension of disbelief was shattered.

You've never had rich friends?

Rich people don't give away millions.

Not unless they get a charitable donation write off.

Rich people don't make settlements out of court?

So no, is the answer.

A few million seems like a lot for an out of court settlement for a few broken fingers.

A settlement is a few million, having to use up your cop/judge bribes is priceless.

A few million doesn't seem like much to keep Dad's ass out of jail.

also don't forget the damage to his reputation, if he is in any area that requires him to not have a criminal record etc.

Broken fingers, time off work, the rest of the damage to his face, and legal fees can all add up. There's also the hush money of to avoid having your daughter's kinks out in open court

That's how they stay rich!

she isn't the rich one tho, it's daddy's money

Rich people who stay rich don't give away millions.

Trust fund kids will squander the shiiit outta that money.

A 16 year old girl wrote this. None of this happened. It's pure fantasy.

Well that's 75% of anything you read on reddit right there.

Normally it's a 16 boy, tho.

Can confirm. Am finger.

I believed it up until the breaking fingers part. That shit was pulled directly from a movie, and written like a shitty fanfic writer trying to make it sound cool. Why wouldn't you just write, "and then he broke his fingers"? Oh wait. I know. Because it didn't happen.

A 16 year old girl wrote this

I don't even believe that bit, tbh.

It's real to me, Dammit! lol

I'm not sure how old you have to be to know that people don't go to the hospital "tomorrow".

Actually more well written than most /r/relationships posts.

the boyfriend's name was Albert Einstein

I clapped

I feel so guilty/awful as if I'm responsible for this

you dont say

Beta Dad should've beat the fuck out of both of them for their sinful degenerate ways.


Maybe you should have just been honest with dear old dad instead of telling a stream of lies that practically screams “I’m an abuse victim” just because talking about sex with dad is icky.

Then he has to live with the fact that his daughter's a sub to a weak manlet who's way poorer than she is.

Forget the shaming, straight to kink beating.

Man how infuriating must it be for this 6’6 , fit, rich Dad to have his daughter be dating an out of shape, seemingly abusive, poor manlet.

If it's real and the boyfriend is not an idiot he has a massive, massive lawsuit against her father waiting for any hungry lawyer. But it's not real and probably another fantasy so +1 for creative fiction.

tfw no submissive old money gf to abuse and dump after settling for millions

Fuck fingers

Her next post should be about how, when she confronted her dad, they had a terrible argument, she started crying, he comforted her and then... something happened.

Following posts should include the phrase "I hate myself for wanting him but sex with my father is the best sex I've ever had" and "He makes me feel so full, I can't describe it!".

I should try this LARP stuff, I'd be good at it.

Sounds like an empowering tale of a brave, strong young woman taking charge of her sexuality and defying society's norms. Between that, and the fat that incest porn is big at the moment; reddit would lap that shit up.

Dear Penthouse Forum....

I shagged me da

it's 2017 and having sex with your dad is ok

Great! I was doing it before it was cool. I'm a hipster!

No offense but don't even bother considering yourself a member of the LGBT community if you think having sex with your own father is gross or disgusting.

I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

I was thinking, considering it’s about BDSM, maybe next the boyfriend would decide he liked it when daddy got rough

I get the impression that he's the "dom" (at 5'7... oh mercy) so no: I guess he wouldn't like it.

This is why im gay, if I showed up to the house with brusies my parents would just lecture me on Im a huge faggot and im making baby Jesus cry.

I'd just tell my pa that I was playing sport games and a ruffian got his tackle on me so we fell to the ground squeezing and holding each other tightly. He likes that stuff.

If this is real then OP is a stupid bitch

Hopefully beaten some sense into these sick degenerates. BDSM lifestyle is vile and disgusting

Seriously. Shouldn't she have been fingering herself while her dad beat up her boyfriend?

Would she cum if her dad beat her up?

Assuming she wasn't just fucking this fat slob to get back at daddy to begin with

She's probably the sub idk

It's his fault for taking an L to her dad.

And then Albert Einstein gave the boyfriend a million dollars and he bought the dad's house

Jokes on her that's his kink

The father was doing the right thing for the wrong reason.

So many people saying that a father beating the shit out of his daughter's abusive partner is somehow a bad thing if it's true. I bet if their daughter was getting raped right in front of them they'd just sit there and watch in fear, maybe call 911 if they're feeling brave.

Put bruises on my kid? Nope!

Is it weird that I can't get over the fact that this broad has such a weak boyfriend? No wonder he's in to bdsm, he likes to slap little girls. You would think having a strong father she would choose a strong male.

Most doms in the BDSM community are soyboys of the highest degree. What kind of fucking weirdo gets off on beating women?

Someone who knows they could only do it with their consent?

God I hope this is fan fiction.

i really hope this is someone LARPing

So obviously fake.

ITT: dramanauts pretending that no woman would ever possible do such a terrible thing, so it must be fake.

He's 6'6" and well built, whereas my bf is 5'7" and unfit.

Lmao deserved it for being a manlet

It's definitely fake but it is nice to see how the BDSM community tries to hold everyone equally accountable

The Chad Dad

i am noticing an infuriating lack of swear words in that thread. if it was a man instead, the thread would be filled with "op you sick fuck"