Friday Fun Off Tapioca Thread

17  2018-02-09 by HodorTheDoorHolder

Talk about non drama things but not tapioca



I made pancakes with apples and cherry jam yesterday.😊

Is it [pancakes with apples] and cherry jam


Pancakes with [apples and cherry jam] ?

Regardless, sounds delicious!

That would be Option A.

Thank you.

I baked some apple + caramel scones, super delicious!

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

love and waffles,

t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m



show bunghole 😉

So is everyone else really excited that Mirai Nagasu finally is getting a chance to go the Olympics? If she manages to land her triple axel, just imagine what the look on Ashley Wagner's face will be.

>watching anything but curling

What's wrong with tapioca? Also cardamom buns are delicious with some medium roast milk coffee. I would especially urge to try semla, preferrably with strawberry jam instead of the more traditional almond paste.

Quick, name three things that aren't tapioca.

toothpaste, lamps, tapioca

tapenade, tapdancers, tapeworms

Traps traps traps

Oh wait, I did that wrong...

I've really been wanting to buy smokes lately. I've tried smoking joints instead but it's just not the same.

good evening reddit this is ya boy westofthetracks and about like 30-45 minutes ago I beat the fuck out of my dick so goddamn hard that I can't even begin to rationalize the thought of death. again and again I try to make sense of my existence but never to avail for the reason of which still exists today is unknown. how am I to know if I am truly real or just some smaller piece in the puzzle of life that is waiting to be placed in its correct spot where it will reside forever until unavoidable death comes to reclaim the soul of my breathless corpse. I am always unable to make any reasonable conclusion about the universe as a whole because of its immense complexity. how am I, someone so small, so little, so unimportantly tiny in the grand scheme of the cosmos even begin to rationalize the thought of an infinitely expanding universe? a universe in which every day I drift farther and farther away from the neighbor galaxies farther and farther away from the one chance humanity has ever had of exploring the observable universe but due to the lack of time and the lack of resource, I am left to cope with the thought of being an insignificant afterthought of a reckless mad god who threw me upon the earth just to tease and torture with the vision but never the reality of exploring more than the ball of rock and metal I reside upon. but the one thing I am sure of in my life is that I can't even feel my left leg my left leg has went totally numb and my dick has also went totally numb to the point where it feels fucking weird to take a piss

Same tbh

Hitler did nothing wrong?

can we talk about the jews ITT and also how they're about to win the Olympics?

Sadly sports aptitude is the one gift we’ve never been blessed with. We even invented our own games just for us so that we can finally win something.

Maccabiah Games

The Maccabiah Games (a.k.a. the World Maccabiah Games; Hebrew: משחקי המכביה‎, or משחקי המכביה העולמית; often referred to as the "Jewish Olympics"), first held in 1932, are an international Jewish and Israeli multi-sport event now held quadrennially in Israel. It is the third-largest sporting event in the world, with 10,000 athletes competing. The Maccabiah Games were declared a "Regional Sports Event" by, and under the auspices and supervision of, the International Olympic Committee in 1961.

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There used to be a higher percentage of Jews in the MLB before the 1950’s.

Jews and sports? Fucking lolled.

Im gonna talk about gay tapioca. Try to stop me and I'll report you


Goes great with just milk and sugar (I got used to poor people food).

So, don't really know how to start this off, but.. I'm attracted to beds. It started somewhere during my early high school years, when I was really starting to discover myself. There was something about beds, the fact that when you go to sleep at night, you're always with them. Their purpose is to make you feel comfortable at night, when you're at your most vulnerable.

Anyway, I modified my twin bed towards the end of high school, essentially tearing the fabric, shoving some pillows in the side, and make a little hole that I could insert myself into.

I've always known that the behavior is odd, but I can't help myself. Nowadays, I live with my girlfriend. I don't have that twin bed anymore, but anytime we have sex, it has to be on a bed. If it's not, I can't get hard. Needless to say, if this got out, it'd truly fuck me over.

EDIT 1: I'll try to answer as many questions as I can.

Is this for all types of beds? What about hammocks? It's basically mostly mattresses in a room. I've basically figured out it's based around two things: comfort and safety. A hammock outside? Sure, that might be comfortable, but would I feel safe sleeping out there at night? No. If I threw some pillows on the ground in my living room, I'd feel safe, but not entirely comfortable. Why throw pillows on the ground when there's a perfectly good bed in the next room over?

Does your girlfriend or the bed feel better? Actually, my girlfriend feels better. There's something about the warmth and comfort my manhood feels inside of her. A perfect amount of tightness that pillows can't provide. Mentally though? Part of my mind feels ashamed that my dick prefers my girlfriend.

What did your parents think when they found the hole? I'm pretty sure they haven't. I basically tore some of the fabric from the box spring and attached some velcro to it to cover the hole. I then put that side of the mattress against the wall. My room essentially is the same as it was when I moved out for college. Bed is still there, in the same spot, with the covered hole against the wall. I took out any stuffing before I headed off to college so if someone stayed in my room, they wouldn't really notice a difference in comfort.


When you're having sex with your girlfriend and you're in the missionary position chest to chest and ear to ear, do you stare at the bed or close your eyes? I imagine that I have a vastly different reason than others do for having a mirror above my bed.

So do you watch porn that only takes place on a mattress or is it just pictures of mattresses? I only watch porn in bed. Usually the porn I watch has a mattress but it's not necessary. It is better though, like double dipping.

Are you sexually attracted to your girlfriends or is it an any port in the storm type of deal and you found somebody you enjoy being with that just happened to be a woman? This is a good question that I don't know if I'll ever have the answer to.

So I was playing wow the other day and had the weirdest run of luck on my alt mage, I got kiljadens trinket legendary from a regular invasion and then got the arcane shoulder legendary from an embassy daily. That was in a roughly 30 minute period, should I go buy a lottery ticket or something now?

I'm getting engaged soon.

Oh did you tell her?

Ya it's been discussed, had to get her ring size and whatnot because we are resizing my grandma's ring

Are you over the age of 25?

Yes. Have a good job. Only thing you can really argue is a holdup is we don't have a house yet. But we are both living with parents however we do spend every night with each other between that. And she lived with me when I had an apartment so we know the good and bad aspects of living with each other i have 31k saved in the bank, student loans done next month, whilst putting away 1500 a month as well in the effort to get a good down payment on a house.

Marriage wouldn't be for two years yet so we can get other odds and ends (she is putting all her extra cash to eliminating debt).

Seems practical. Okay you have my blessing.

Altho she doesn't like game of thrones

That’s fine.

All of it, or post season 4? That's the difference between having poor taste vs. good taste.

Show just doesn't interest in it. To be fair she hasn't given it a real shot.

I tore a ligament and have to wear a cast for the next few weeks. I've been cooking some restaurant-quality food lately tho. And good restaurant quality, not shitty greasehole midwestern highway billboard ''''ethnic''' restaurant quality

That sucks. How did you do that?

I was drunk and tripped on the sidewalk :/

Tell us more about the food! I'm hungry

Anyone down to go grab some drinks tonight?

Sure omw

Not you.


Is this supposed to be funny? All I see is someone who is posting just for the sake of posting, or perhaps pleading for undeserved karma.

It's called mod abuse, you pleb. sigh

I can’t tell if pretending or actually retarded. 🧐

Are you sure you're in the right subreddit?

Thanks for answering my question.

What is your malfunction?

Bby u r/atethepasta 😏

What does this have to do with gay tapioca?

This thread is for you to discuss anything Mom-tapioca related. You have a choice of any topics (excluding tapioca) and you choose to talk about me?