William Shatner going in on SJW culture. #TimesUpTJHooker

192  2018-02-09 by _narrows


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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The virgin Wheaton vs the chad Shatner

Accurately describes them lol

Wil wheaton is somewhere in that mess?

Wheaton’s children aren’t biologically his, so this could actually be true.

/u/wil is this true?

Shhhh, he’ll post a blog crying about us again.

does a bear shit in the woods? it's expected for this guy lmao

Wow he’s weirdly active on here. Pretty funny how poorly most of his posts do.

I love Shatner now

For a senile old man who browses /mlp/, that was impressively coherent.

Even worse- he's a /b/tard!

wtf i love shatner now

set phasers to "stunning"

when did r/drama become r/kotakuinaction

I just thought it was ripe for wonderful drama. So far, there hasn't been a lot of pushback.

this, but unironically.

/r/drama is made up of mainly young white men. Young white men are natural predators so as time goes on we naturally tilt towards the alt-right.

Flip a coin if pizzashill is being ironic.

Tails, what do I win?

Disappintment. Just imagine, you already got a tails on this meaningless coin toss, what chance have you on things that actually matter?

coin flips are racist

Well they're more sexist because you're getting tail.

And head.

I don't think he is smart enough

False pizzashill, as we all know, soyboys and male feminists are also made up entirely of young white men. Checkmate.


We haven't reached full alt-right yet, because several times in this thread people have written the name "Shatner" without putting (((triple parantheses))) around his name.


This but ununironically ironically.

Young white men are natural predators

It's true. Every male feminist I know or meet is a young white male. Stay away from Melbourne, it's going to be RapeCity in a few months.

radical centrism is a disease. PICK A SIDE!!!!

How is this not dramatic? A legendary bad actor for one of the most beloved sci fi series admits to being a 4channer and dedicates the little time he has left to love to complaining about SJWs on social media.

This is the best timeline.

bad actor

There's the door, you uncultured swine


Biased? But otherwise, yeah, being and even worse admitting to having been a 4channer is one of the lowest of the lows.

lowest of the lows

The chan kiddies love to call themselves the cesspool of the internet but at this point it's just a place for boring shitposts and porn.

He's good when he has a capable director, he's just a large ham, that's all.

Since when is that a bad thing?

I heard Shatner once made a 4chan post where he ate out a chicks ass and the chick had worms and he ate the worms

wtf i love Shatner now.

(someone had to be the third person to say this)

wtf i love Shatner now.

(someone had to be the fifth person to say this)

Holy shit I remember that post ..

He wears a live rattlesnake as a condom.


Do you have savory sauce?

hmm.. yea

Wtf doest that even mean?

Are you having troubles with a word? Try sounding it out.

Are you having trouble with a word? Try sounding it out, that usually helps, and if it doesn't then you should ask an adult.

I actually don't care what you think. Do you vote in Canadian elections? Just curious.

White women smh. He gets asked a question and answers and she jumps in to remind everyone it is about her.

Warriors, come out and plaaaaaay

the vacuum created

by the arrival of freedom

and the possibilities

it seems to offer

it's got nothing to do with you

if one can grasp it

What's he rapping about on the track I don't get it

necessary reminder that shatner browses the /mlp/ board on 4chan and has been in the show as well

Wait, he voiced an MLP character?

I think the actor who played Q also was on the show

Will Shatner is an absolute madman.

Still proving Kirk is the Ultimate Captain.


His tweet is right on - but goddamn if the responses aren't a morass of idiocy. And fuck, those memes are embarrassing.

I feel bad for William shatner. An old man grabbing for attention by pandering to 4chan.

Before the alt-right decide to suck Captain Kirk's dick they should probably be made aware that he's a vegan Jew.