BSD technonerds battle it out over the rights to brand an obsolete version of Firefox

31  2018-02-09 by Andy_Schlafly


Looks exactly as I expected

why do people keep submitting posts like this without offering a translation for people that have touched a woman

Joke's on you; am certified faggot

It's just pure unadulterated autism, there's not much to translate that you can't figure out on your own. You understand what open source software is, right? Pale Moon is some shit tier open source browser. Some guy (or group of guys) decided to port it to BSD, a meme operating system that only super autists use. Not to be undone by the BSD super autists, a person from the Pale Moon project (I'm not sure exactly what his role is) found a very minor license violation and his response is exactly what you see in the first post:

You will revise your mozconfig

You must comply with the directive

Possibly the single most autistic pull request I've ever seen. It's probably worthy of a snappy quote.

Haha. Nerd.

BSD, a meme operating system that only super autists use

wow way to be ableist towards long-suffering gamegate victim randi lee harper

I'm honestly impressed by your ability to bring gamergate into every unrelated post. Clearly you have a talent but have you considered applying it elsewhere?

i mean its only because her i read her ed article like 3 years ago and it convincingly painted her as entirely a feminist of convenience which as a faggoty lefty makes her history stick with me more than most.

a meme operating system that only super autists use.

You're not that far from the truth considering that Mac OS was based (albeit heavily modified) on BSD.


a translation for people that have touched a woman

Life isn't high school bud. People who work in IT can afford prostitutes and/or a wife who will cuck them.