Drama in /r/MGTOW when a Man Going His Own Way asks a suicidal Man Going His Own Way for a parting gift.

62  2018-02-09 by snallygaster




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Wow these guys should commit suicide more often

Agreed but who gets their stuff if they’re all dead?

ideally their exes

Anime pillows can't own property

What would you do with a garbage filled apartment and $500?

this but unironically

Bussy Funeral Services

A /r/drama company

/u/xNotch shall be the major shareholder.

This belongs in the throne room of the halls of shit that didn’t happen

if you're really going down and there's nothing left for you, maybe you could hook a brother out with a gift?

ffs, no wonder this dude is such a failure

TriHard gimmie gimmie

people are literally telling him to solve his problems with bitcoin in the comments.

It allows them a hope to fulfill their fantasy of being a shut in who plays vidya all day while not having to work.

So do you guys just throw incel into everything now? Literally never seen them promote bitcoin

well neckbeards like bitcoin, alot of neckbeards say incel type shit, they are all losers who cares?

you probably hang out in those kinda (i can't get laid and i'm mad at women !!) subs if my comment made you butt mad though

Not sure why you think I’m mad. Incel just seems like the new default insult that doesn’t mean anything since it’s thrown around everywhere

well this was a MGTOW sub we are talking about, obviously there is going to be some cross over between incels and men who have sworn off women because they are angwwy.

i don't call random people incels at the drop of a hat, like most of reddit does.

Wew lad see a therapist. All of these problems have solutions if youre just willing to find them and there are meds for that

I feel super bad for op jeez.

I like to believe he's lying. High chance he's not though, which is really sad.
