r/Comicbooks set to become the next GamerGhazi

107  2018-02-10 by DepressionHitsHard2


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Whys it gotta be a BLACK hole?

The people of #comicsgate need to just stop reading mainstream comics, they are not intended for bigots. Look at the origins of Superman in the golden age, when written by his creators. Golden Age Superman would have drop kicked Trump off planet.

Well, considering superman doesn't even kill Lex Luthor despite that bald looking mr. clean nigga killing people nonstop, I guess I don't really know why superman would kill Trump?!

Its weird how they constantly bring Trump up in anything. Like, he has nothing to do with this. But he HAS TO bring up someone killing Trump.

well trump is a racist, sexist, bigot so i have no problem with it. i know what you're saying "but why do we need to say it everytime?" but with you saying that. you are indirectly giving donald trump too much tolerance and setting up the stage for contrarian yt redditors to come here and screech "REEE why does everything have to be about trump being a baddie? psh, normie cuck media" don't be an enabler

lol sorry my sex slave escaped from the basement to write that. no more fingers for you honey! snappy snappy

Lol, holy shit that got dark.

just like my slave's leg after it's untreated injury!

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

this is the closest thing to an "appreciation" that i've ever recieved since my fucking birth. thank you

I like how the upvote count on posts like this gives you a rough estimate of the number of low-IQ agendaposters active in the sub

Its because Donald Trump is literally the most important human being who ever has lived or ever will live

WWII was fun

He's just beating a slav tho, no care

I’m the green communist slob monster shooting lighting bolts

god i wish that were me

Ah yes, from the days when Superman was so retarded the only thing he could come up with that humans did good was food



Superman started off beating up gangsters and men who conned the downtrodden. I don’t think he killed anyone though.

They should just stop reading mainstream comics because over the years they've turned out to be pants on retarded. Even the most acclaimed ones turned out to be shit once I tried to approach them.

Anyway, it's mind boggling how identical this is to #gamergate. Muh harassment and all.

golden age superman only fought Luthor once, and was also a reckless dick

So is this like Sad/Rabit Puppies except with comics?

Comic books have always promoted tolerance and inclusion.

"Equality has always been at the forefront of the Burger King brand"

"The original message of paco's taco stand on 12th street was and remains LGBT acceptance"

"Hailey's kitten blog singlehandedly got women the vote"

Why does everyone say this shit? You make fucking picture books for adults, you're not the ACLU.

Apparently, people are so emotionally fragile that they need their favorite consumer brands and entertainment to suck their egos off 24/7.

This is the end goal of capitalism and it's beautiful.

denying the prevalence of privately promoted propaganda is peak pretard

Best account

second best

Imagine being such a pleb you still read capeshit.

i like it when da supah hero punches da bad guy :D

grug like when big bad guy go boom

Capeshit is shit. Read some good fucking comics like The Eternaut or just grow up and read good books.

There are like 4 total comic series worth reading and I'm being generous. Sandman is pretty good as far as comics go.

Comics people are always such losers.

You're not wrong, but you do spend a lot of time on a sub for people whose only hobby is shitting on other people for having hobbies.

They targeted comic book readers. Comic book readers.

i enjoy that people still think that makes fun of gamergate and not the idiots that thought it was a serious quote

wait what? circlebroke was lapping that shit up. was it really just gamergaters being tongue-in-check with that legendary copypasta??? my life is a lie

99.999% of all pasta is just people fucking around.

The only factual one being 'how is cyberbullying real'

also "Jackdaws are crows".

yes, cb2 and ghazi arent very good at determining tone because theyre autistic

Still a ridiculously funny copypasta

I enjoy constantly seeing "HURR I WAS ONLY PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED" as the last defense of gamergaters and the Donald posters.

its a response to a group of over dramatic people who run with anything as "proof"

you see how dumb a thing theyll believe, like for instance that a glass of milk or doing the ok sign with your fingers is white supremacy

Thank fuck I don't care about comics. Nonetheless, fucking SJWs ruining everything.

This is why manga will always be superior to the shitty fanfic those guys put out.

Glorious Nippon ftw.

Your waifu is shit.

Congratulations. You've found the one medium more faggoty than superhero comics.

oh no a medium for little children that even little children aren't reading anymore is dying


These things have not happened and you are deliberately lying to push an agenda - and it shows in the sort of circlejerk that has ended up ensuing in the comments.

Serious question: Is there any example at all of a movement that is against social justice stuff being shoehorned into something that HASN'T been characterized by the people in favor of the shoehorning as a "harassment campaign"?

D&C made a video about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYyz7d7aOho

That guy is hillarious. Picking through some capefag children's comic til he finds a girl character with short hair, or a black guy, then he's all "See!! Gay agenda!! White genoicide!!" Dude is like reverso Anita Sarkisian.

Seriously, standing out as a dumbfuck in the "Youtube SJW vs anti" stuff is quite an achievement, but this guy is Milo Stewart/Tariq Nasheed-level retardation.

Picking through some capefag children's comic til he finds a girl character with short hair, or a black guy, then he's all "See!! Gay agenda!! White genoicide!!"

He has literally never talked about "gay agenda" or "white genocide" you fucking imbecile.


I listened to one of his vids and the only thing I heard that was remotely offensive was him using ‘normies’ unironically. If you’re this buttblasted over a human sleep aid like D&C I foresee a long career of being featured on this sub

I listened to one of his vids and the only thing I heard that was remotely offensive was him using ‘normies’ unironically. If you’re this buttblasted over a human sleep aid like D&C I foresee a long career of being featured on this sub

Comic book readers are retarded.

/u/KookyGuy May I modestly propose a "r/Comicbooks Code Authority" be created. One that only allows approved posts that meet its guidelines. That way we can all enjoy moral, inoffensive and wholesome content.

Sigh... the irony is lost on these fuckwits.

Hey fam I stole your post and posted in on /r/comicbooks.

I'll edit this if I get a ban or mod response.

Parents, I think it's becomming pretty clear now that if you ever catch your children reading comics, playing videogames or reading Harry Potter, you need to beat them until they stop.

TBH I'm down for gamergate 2. Should be really dramatic

So, like literally a day ago in r/comicbooks I made an argument/reply to one of these wankposts about how as a beaner, I don't need every piece of media to suck my dick non-stop 24/7 and I'm not being particularly disadvantaged by the lack of poofs prancing around in tights of the latino persuasion.

Like clockwork, que the pretentious white kids talking down to me and "mayosplaining" how I'm really being oppressed by comic books.

Seriously, it's enough to make you understand why mayocide is the answer.

I'm not being particularly disadvantaged by the lack of poofs prancing around in tights of the latino persuasion.

It's not much better that the only Latino X-men is gay and his special ability is Manuel labor.

He makes Bricks, Bricks that he uses to make walls.

It's not much better that the only Latino X-men is gay and his special ability is Manuel labor.

He makes Bricks, Bricks that he uses to make walls.

I'm honestly not surprised by this. If anything this is exactly what I would expect the fucking morons at Marvel comics to do.

I was wrong, he's not a X-men he's a teen Titian


He's from and I quote

" a village where there are no buildings over 2 stories tall"

Bunker (comics)

Bunker is a fictional gay comic book superhero of Mexican descent, published by DC Comics. He first appeared in Teen Titans vol. 4, #1 (November 2011), and was created by Scott Lobdell and Brett Booth.

Booth said on his blog:

We wanted to show an interesting character whose homosexuality is part of him, not something that’s hidden.

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It's another harassment campaign against women, LGBTQIIAA and pocs.

Like the Amy's baking company backlash was a harassment campaign against chefs.

We believe in tolerance and inclusion, tolerance and inclusion! But if you disagree with us, we will not tolerate it and we will exclude you!

Well they did say that having your own opinion is alowed. Throwing an autistic rage fit, because a new demographic found comics, isn't.

Is this the demographic that doesn’t buy comic books

r/WerthamInAction has been around for ~2 years but it's nice to keep up on current events in r/drama.

All this really means is that the cancer is officially being enforced by the mods now.


Marvel comics has been doing some dumb shit lately that makes no sense at all. I’m not even going to touch any diversity talks either.

Over the last few years Marvel/Disney have built up multimillion dollar movie franchises about comic books. You’d think they’d use this to sell more comics but no. If a movie fan likes Thor for example and goes to their local comic shop to buy a Thor book, they’re going to be disappointed to find the character from the movie is barely in his own book anymore. Same with Iron Man. Captain America they turned into a Nazi for some reason. Most of the Guardians from the movies aren’t in the current lineup for some reason.

They have a goose laying golden eggs and they’re forcing it to do dishes instead. Bizarre.

Comics are like 0.01% of box office and Disney couldn’t care less. It’s not like they’re losing anything since the movies borrow storylines that are a decade old at minimum


Here's to hoping this hastens that fanbases end

I'm an avid r/comicbooks member and it's fucking bad over there man...has been for like 2 years now

The White knighting and constant virtue signalling and circle jerking is unbearable

This isn't how Superman would act, this isn't what the X-Men fight for, this isn't what comics fans should strive for.

Holy shit

I'm confused with the wording (english isn't my first..)

Does it mean groups of {LGBT, PoC, religious etc} are harrasing creators because creators do not share their point of view

Or there are other groups of people that are harrasing creators that are {LGBT, PoC, religious} ?

Also I bet there is even worse clash between LGBT and certain religious groups xd

The mods are (explicitly) ok with harassment of creators for the ‘right’ reasons, apparently

You guys make me sick. You start with this "People who say mean things go bye-bye" post, someone asks you to clarify what you're talking about and give definite guidelines as to what is and isn't okay, and the best you have is "Well if we remove you by 'accident', sorry"?

So where does the line actually get drawn for real? On this subreddit I have: claimed that Squirrel Girl is the worst comic of all time; criticized an article by Rich Johnston for being on the same writing level as a child; criticized a character from Saga as being generic and drab. Would any of these qualify me for an immediate drop kick, just because someone loves Squirrel Girl or Saga, or if they're a regular Bleeding Cool reader?

I've also shared my admittedly rather large love of Booster Gold. Does having him as my #1 favorite hero get me removed? He was a bit of a mysogynist playboy, and his desire for power and money tended to screw over other people. Does this mean I must be the exact same person with the same ideals? I'm not the same, I don't want the same things, so I think I ought to stay, but all the same I'm still concerned: I've met people in my day-to-day life who might, as you so unhelpfully put it, "read things differently", and believe I'm a poon-hunting, money-grubbing, soulless bastard who shouldn't be allowed in their immaculate industry

If you're going to make threats with vauge qualifications against people for what they have to say and how they have to say it, instead of trying to encourage people to express themselves in a different and more positive manner, then to be entirely blunt I want absolutely nothing to do with this community anymore and you should simply ban me right now. I've seen a lot of people replying to the original post as well as this chain, all sharing thoughts similar to mine, and that reassures me greatly. I have had genuinely wonderful small moments now and again in this subreddit, interacting with other users, finding out new information on my favorite current runs, reading about people digging up old issues from many different eras. This can be a great community, and most of the time it already is. But, and pardon my French here, if you're going to pull this kind of yellow-bellied bullshit where you try and acquiesce to the word of people who you don't know and whose opinions don't affect your actions, then I'm getting off this fucking boat.

Comicsgate, as this whole situation has so unintelligently been named, is about getting people with actual talent into positions where they can shine, and removing people who seem to actively want to destroy the comicbook industry in as many ways as they can from positions of influence in the Big Two. If these people would like to band together to start publishing indie comics and graphic novels with their own characters, tackling the issues they find important and berating whoever they'd like on their own dollar, I doubt anyone would have an issue. The problem with these people is that they are comparatively untalented writers and artists, they are borderline inept proofreaders, they constantly insult and misrepresent who the fans are and what they want in comics, and whenever anyone dares to disagree they're called all number of names. Either they know they wouldn't be successful without a corporate paycheck, or they're too lazy to try.

But that doesn't affect any of the moderators here, much less any of the regular users.

If these people decide to say "so-and-so on your subreddit said a mean thing", respond with screenshot after screenshot, link after link, page after page of people not behaving in that manner. Prove through sheer numbers alone that most people on here aren't here waving swastikas, we just want to talk good comics and we want the industry to thrive in all aspects. If they still complain about a select group of examples that clearly aren't emblematic of the whole, or if they go so far as claiming this entire subreddit is of one mind, and that it's a racist mind, then ignore them. Don't pay them any mind. They're not paying your bills, you don't see them at work or when you come home at night, they're quite literally not worth your time.

Think about what you're doing with this post, and with the topic of this thread. Think about what you're saying to the people that come here regularly. If there really is a problem, is this the way to handle it?

I'm surprised, /r/comics is usually full of endless bitching and crying because their favorite capeshit hero is now black or a women or something.