Prime minister Justin Beaver is unhappy courts recognized the right for their citizens to protect themselves against being scalped by bloothirsty injuns

108  2018-02-10 by IAintThatGuy


Everything east of B.C is a mistake. Everything south of B.C is a mistake.

I'll take your word for it. Haven't even been on that whole continent yet.

I agree with everything her said ☝🏻

Isn't BC already a Chinese province?

Nah, the pajeets own everything that isn't Hongcouver.

See the CPC party Andrew Scheer gave a few weeks back:

Yep, Surrey is pretty much an Indian colony. Cross into any other part of Vancouver and it's almost all Chinese.

The trial heard that Boushie was shot in the head while he was sitting in an SUV that had been driven onto Stanley’s farm near Biggar, Sask.

The driver of the SUV testified the group had been drinking during the day and tried to break into a truck on a neighbouring farm, but went to the Stanley property in search of help with a flat tire.

Stanley’s son testified that he and his father heard an ATV start up and they thought it was being stolen.

Stanley testified that he fired warning shots to scare the group off. He said that the fatal shot occurred when he reached into the SUV to grab the keys and his gun “just went off.”

They admitted they lied to investigators about stealing and changed their stories right before taking the witness stand.

> My warning shots didn't scare them away so I decided to take their car keys out of their SUV's ignition to scare them they off

Cases like this must be why Liberals think guns just go off by themselves and shot people all the time.

Craziest part is I wouldn't have expected a not guilty from all that in the USA. So to hear it happened in Canada...

to hear it happened in Canada...

Canada is like California, less people know about guns the more they think they just go off by themselves like say when you drop a Glock with a 10pd draw on the ground and it kills a women because that's a thing guns do nowadays.

There's got to be more to the story, Castle doctrine type stuff doesn't usually apply when you purposefully put yourself in that situation ala Bernhard Goetz

of course that's New York but you'd think that'd be close to Canada

defendant's subjective belief that he is in imminent danger does not by itself justify the use of deadly force

This is truly one of the most exquisite, esoteric pastas I am regularly served.

I aim to please, you might enjoy the time I ranted about how the news making fun of Obama putting Alfalfa on his burger is the same as making fun of Trump for liking dry steaks

My favorite case.

Prostitute leaves without servicing him (with his 150$ in her pocket) in her pimp's car. Dude breaks out an AK, sprays the car. Hits her in the spine (so that she spends months on a respirator before her family decides to pull the plug).

But then he's not guilty because prostitution is illegal (plus she didn't put ouy) so she was stealing his money, it was at night (special law for nighttime theft), and he wanted to recover his property.

His defense included "I was aiming for the tires to stop the car".

The only way it would get better would be to add a Pakistani tribal law kind of clause to the verdict. Like he gets to rape the whore's daughter or sister because she failed to service him.

This is because state residents are permitted "to use deadly force to recover property during a nighttime theft."

Maybe Canada has some sort of archaic anti-cattle rustling law on the books that got this guy off too then.

Making fun of Texas and Canada because they value $150 or an ATV more then a Human life sounds easy.

Valuing a thief's life at a positive number

Sounds Easy

I'm not surprised Canadians have continued their history of wiping out the Indians so efficiently their White people have the stuipidiy to act like Americans treat ours bad.

Human life

Injun in one case, hooker in the other. They're human-like.

Bogin. Leafs call them bogins, not injuns.

Thank you for helping me improve my English. I take pride in being able to insult people with the right slurs.

See also:

2nd definition is right, rubby is someone who drinks hairspray or rubbing alcohol, usually a bogin.

I didn't know it wasn't purely an abbo thing!

>not moving to those states, because you agreed

I'd rather die then live in a state that contained Austin Texas and doesn't know how to Barbecue Properly.

Imagine living in a state without proper Crab or Salmon sounds like hell.

doesn't know how to Barbecue Properly

There isn't enough kys for this.

doesn't know how to Barbecue Properly.


doesn't know how to Barbecue Properly.


Lockhart Texas is my home away from home

Crab is sea roach, its disgusting

Depends like how much value is there in Human life? People don't give a fuck about starving children in Africa and people give less fuck about people trying steal their shit.

>human. >maplenigger. oaoo

Even worse a leaf.

I unironically value $150 or an ATV more than a human life if the human life is the type to try and steal those things.

The life of a prostitute who takes your money and doesn't service you actually has negative value.



The only way it would get better would be to add a Pakistani tribal law kind of clause to the verdict. Like he gets to rape the whore's daughter or sister because she failed to service him.

Elizabethan (II) Law


He should begin a rap career

He's got an awesome story about blasting fools, getting paid, hoes and pimps. Makes sense.


How did Bernie Goetz purposefully put himself in that position? My understanding was that he was riding the subway, and when a group of black guys asked him for $5, he didn't wait for it to turn into a mugging before shooting then.

I had a feeling that would be Death Wish. Except that the subway car with Goetz wasn't empty. He got on and then they surrounded him and blocked him off from the other passengers.

To be clear I don't have the same viewpoints as the State of New York.

On the other hand after someone commits self-defense they don't usually go on a show with William Shatner and show off how fast they can shot a gun.

I don't recall the case against him being that he put himself in that position either. They mainly brought up that the gun wasn't legally possessed by him, he started shooting after they isolated him but before it was definitely a mugging, and he shot one guy a second time even though he wasn't a threat by that point.

He should be proud of his prowess at dealing with violent criminals.

I would expect not guilty for murder in the US too. Situations like this are what manslaughter charges are for. The prosecution decided to pursue murder charges for purely political reasons and it backfired.

A jury came back with a not guilty verdict for that illegal immigrant who shot that woman for no reason in San Francisco:

Boushie was a thief shot trespassing on someone else's property. I'd be completely unsurprised if an American jury voted not guilty in a similar case.

I know it’s pretty standard to refer to the young men who end up getting shot in situations like these as “just a kid” and use phrases like “the family lost a child” but Coulton was 22. That’s really pushing it.

Coulton was 22

I'll bet it was a rough 22 given his background.

I mean he looks 17 in the picture chosen to represent him sympathetically. Likewise I’m sure there are others out there that would paint him equally unfairly resembling a young Danny Trejo. Personally I would have went with this.

Personally I would have went with this.

Maximum oppression points.

a rough 22

Nah, pretty sure it was a shotgun.

.22 ratshot (just kidding, it would have killed every injun in British Columbia)

I don’t know much about guns, but would rat-shot actually penetrate a human skull? Also, would it penetrate injun skull?

It doesn't need to penetrate since it vaporizes everything in front of your barrel.

Alright buddy, I'm going to give you a hammer and you know what to do with it.

I have my own, I keep it in my zap holster

I'm now seriously wondering if I someone could convince a dumbass canadian jury that .22 ratshot does just that?

I don’t know much about guns

You didn't need this

but would rat-shot actually penetrate a human skull?

Scale down a shotgun to pistol, .22 rifle and it will still kill things, that's why farmers use it for varmints and snakes.

.410 bore (Second Smallest Shotgun gauge) =.45 Caliber (1911) for perspective.

Taurus Judge

The Taurus Judge is a five shot revolver designed and produced by Taurus International, chambered for .410 bore shot shells and the .45 Colt cartridge. Taurus promotes the Judge as a self-defense tool against carjacking and for home protection.

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I read that the short barrel on it makes the projectiles come out pretty slowly in comparison to an actual shotgun

Couldn't tell ya. I like to shoot guns and own a couple but I'm not the most knowledgable.

Powerful guns have long barrels because it increases the amount of time the exploded gas from the gunpowder is pushing on the bullet/shot which makes them go faster.

would rat-shot actually penetrate a human skull


There was a case of firearm self-defense a while ago that involved ratshot, so it's been a meme on r/weekendgunnit ever since

Bestgunnit is the only place willing to spread the knowledge when it comes to the devil's cartridge. Salute their bravery, salute their dedication, salute their autism.

In what situation were you shooting at people with rat shot

That sounds like a lot of fun honestly

ok so he murdered a 22 year old

Saudi Arabia uses Canadian weapons to cluster-bomb fishing hamlets in Yemen: I sleep

Canadian farmer kills tresspaser in a possibly justified case/possibly by accident: real shit

The eternal Arab

Are Arabs just palette-swapped anglos?

Yeah basically

basically. they’re also invulnerable to fireballs, but the AI is glitchier

canadians are such little eichmanns

Outside of a very few bad types of firearm design, the "just went off" defense would never fly in places where people actually own guns, unless they were doing their own version of jury nullification. I have a CCW and its on me at all times, usually in a pocket, precisely because guns don't just "go off" unless its a Brazilian local market Torus or a few very rare defects which usually require specific circumstances for it to happen.

Sig is trying to bring social justice to the gun market. Now you can own a swiss crafted expensive handgun that randomly discharges as well as a 200$ Taurus.

I have that model sig, p320, you need to drop it backwards on a hard surface. I was thinking of mentioning that one but its too esoteric. Of course the idiots in California used that on the p239 Illegal case, but I think that too was more jury nullification than just being insanely stupid.

you need to drop it backwards on a hard surface

Which still means it shoots towards you (unlike a 1911 which in theory can discharge when dropped straight on the barrel).

Didn't say it didn't suck, just thats its an unlikely reason for accidentally shooting someone else. Being shot by a defective p320 (I still gotta send mine to to be fixed for that matter) would be easy to show because it could only fire one way, from the ground, at an angle up.

If I was a jigaboo (or his jew lawyer), I'd fiddle with a bunch of HiPoints so that they discharge for little to no reason, then spread them around in the streets. That way you can always go for reasonable doubt when you shoot someone with one of those ("I was merely drawing the gun out and it discharged...").

Yeah, I really don't get why retards continue to buy this defense. It's a fucking Smith & Wesson, not a Jamaican zip gun with a stapler for a trigger.

It worked for Kate steinle's killer

To be fair, he was brown, illegal, and in San Francisco.

People accidentally fire guns all the fucking time dude. I don't understand this new guntard meme at all. It's definitely a thing that happens, mostly to dumbasses, but it happens to people that are well trained and responsible too. It's 100% plausible that some kid accidentally squeezed the trigger.

Negligent discharge is not "it just went off". I had an ND at the range once and since I was following normal procedure it was safe but I still had to pull the trigger.

I'm pretty sure that's what "it just went off" means. Some scared and likely mildly inbred teenager pulled the trigger by accident.

Nope. They usually claim some magical defect or due to a drop, not manslaughter.

Looking a bit into the case, it appears the defense was claiming that the shot was a hang fire, and that the magazine was removed and the chamber cleared. All of which is hypothetically possible, but strikes me as being extremely unlikely (to say nothing of the fact that it's pretty much the only explanation that would possibly make him not culpable for at least manslaughter, so it would be extremely convenient if it were to have happened that way).

hang fire

Oh Jebus.

I'm going to guess that unless the jury is just utterly retarded, they basically were on the guys side and decided to let him get away with it.

I'll summarize the jury's thought process :

On the one hand, he clearly murdered that guy and made up a half assed story about it. On the other hand, one less injun.

Apparently the stock broke on it as well, which means it's kinda bizarre they went for something technical when "it got caught on one of the kids/something in the car" is way more plausible.

and the chamber cleared

You can fire if you don't have anything in the chamber. The chamber is the part at the end of the barrel where whatever you're going to fire sits.

You can fire if there's no magazine in the pistol as well, but it demonstrates you were making an effort to ensure the gun was unloaded. Truthfully, I question if he did any of that in the first place, but it was being used by the defense to show he wasn't intending to shoot anyone.

I mean clearing the chamber is necessary and sufficient to make a weapon safe (even with a mag inside, if you're not touching anything it's not going to feed a round and fire).

That dude must thank God every day that he got a bunch of inbreds on his jury.

I'm inclined to go with the possibility that /u/Chicup laid out: they were just looking for an excuse to find him not guilty.

Maybe he lives in a place so inbred that all jurors were his cousins.

They were probably sick of property damage by drunken Indians.

“It just went off” is them not admitting they intentionally decided to shoot and face murder/homicide charges.

Stop hating favela
We are smart
We are armed
We are from brasil!!

"The gun just went off" is just another way of saying "I had my finger on the trigger and accidently pulled it."

history is going to remember this canook as the turning point, when canadians turned from being normal, decent men to weak, self-hating limp-wristed faggots

Or the point where they decided to go full fash. And a century our children's children (living under Canadian rule) will learn about how they got pissed off and went hockey-riot on the whole world.

I had to read like 20 articles about this to get something approaching the full story. Sounds like everyone in the SUV and the farmer were all scumbags.

Radical centrism proves to be superior to everything else once again.

The gun was in fear for its life.

This falls under the category of "Play stupid games..." Canadian rednecks are OG. I may be a little biased, though; working at a liquor store for two years has left me with little sympathy for the redskins.

What is there to hate about your loyal customers?

"Customers" lol. They were responsible for 95% of our thefts and it was a pain in the ass to call the cops every single time, pull up the camera footage, give a statement etc. I do have to give an honorable mention to the elderly pajeet that somehow managed to sneak a 60 pounder of Bombay Sapphire out the door.

one less drunken thieving injun.

laughing at those basic mayo women fighting each other. classic mayos

Way to go JT.

Who cares when criminals die? Life expectancy of armed robbers isn't going to be high.

Exactly. It's like being mad at the sun for being too bright.

I want Justin to raw dog me so bad

You need to be gay with AIDS, and be either a refugee or first nations.

Would be all three for some of that sweet D