He's a Nazi and he should be punched.

12  2018-02-10 by Starship_Litterbox_B

It's up to you on what to do with the anime (manga currently unavailable in English) after seeing his tweets.

But it's always the same story. Awful man taking attention away from the women who deserve recognition for working on the same thing. Every single fucking time. We're not talking about Rin Kokuyo and her intensely relatable little manga story with women as her target demographic, particularly if you're 30.

It's a tragedy they picked him to direct the anime because now it's Chinatown; it'll only be remembered as the spawn of a corrupted soul. No matter what we personally do or say to try to bolster her work, she won't be remembered and will be overlooked in favor of yet another toxic attention grubbing male who makes easy headlines. And while he may still get several jobs after this, she may not.

So I'm gonna watch and rewatch it because at least SHE wrote the story and I feel obligated to give HER the praise SHE deserves for what SHE put to pen and paper and helped put on screen.



Thanks. I have a new series to watch now.

He's a Nazi and he should be punched

Someone should report u/Serocco and r/gamerghazi to the admins for this violent rhetoric and harassment

We killed Nazis in the largest war in all of human history.

No "we" didn't do shit. The people who fought world war II killed Nazis. You sat on your fat ass in front of your computer and made violent threats towards the director of an anime who said something that hurt your snowflake feelings.

Nazis are bad.

You're a nazi.

It's unfortunate we didn't do what Churchill wanted and continued to kill all the Commies, too.

I watched part of that anime. Kinda cute and cozy at least the episodes I watched. I guess if you're a 30 yo cat lady you'd be a lot more emotionally invested tho.

So remind me, what side of WWII was Japan on again?

The one that got Freedom'd.

Nagasaki was a mistake.

...because we didn't keep nuking them after that.

TOok me a while to figure out what anime they were talking about it. Pretty cultural appropriationy to change the name to english which isn’t even the full title.

It was translated.

This is the anime

idk what the director did, but I am confident that no one outside of western keyboard warriors gives a shit about it

He denied the Holocaust

oh so hes a crazy man