/r/Rapekink lurker and her BF decide to give it a try. Finds out she actually doesn't like getting raped while getting raped.

51  2018-02-10 by IAintThatGuy


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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I want to be clear that I'm coming at this as a therapist, not as a "regular" on here. Without any negotiation and you stating clearly that you needed to build to this, what he did was not acceptable and could easily be labeled as rape and reported, if you wished.

What a time to be alive.

/u/SAResearch do you think you could get a paper published out of that story? If so, please link to it on your reddit account (or better /r/drama). Too bad Gawker is kill because they would have loved a story about "Reddit causing a rape".

People who are into BDSM are usually degenerates, but any guy who does BDSM in this climate is just asking for trouble.

Seriously, when she goes crying to someone covered in bruises, do you think they're gonna believe your story of "oh no guys she totally asked me to beat her up!!".

Yep guy is gonna be in a pound you in the ass prison for a long time. His rapekink may have to be reversed.

couldn’t he be a pounder though rather than a poundee

i mean, we haven’t even seen pix

She said she could have easily fended him off. I'm assuming small fem boy.

I'm thinking skeletal soyboy with a hambeast. That's how BDSM usually starts anyway. She'd like to feel a man overpower her, but there's no way he could even turn her around with his own strength. So she has to pretend to get rape, but be careful not to crush him of push him away.

oh, fair

she could just have the weight advantage tho

any guy who associates or interacts with women in this climate is just asking for trouble.


When did this sub become /r/incels?

I'm not trying to rescue anyone lol. This is just boring and not even funny


Who the fuck are you nigga?

we r legion

We are the voice of proud veganism ☘☘☘

Who r u? Who is anyone on this sub?

philosophy is for failed artists or scientists. no one would choose to be a philosopher over a genius composer or a genius scientist, because it is always a last resort profession, for failures and frauds

Nietzsche - wanted to be a composer and failed

Wittgenstein - wanted to be an engineer, failed, wanted to be a mathematician, failed, wanted to be a musician, failed

Heidegger - wished he was a poet/artist, failed

Schopenhaur - wished he was a musician so that wouldn't have to live his boring philosopher life, failed

Russell - wanted to be a great mathematician, wasn't as smart as other mathematicians and so opted for philosophy

every single modern anglo philosopher - wished they were mathematicians, but failed, so they try pathetically to use mathematical symbols and logic in their philosophy so that they can at least get the aesthetic of it

Philosophers are also all sad manlets trying to compensate for low self esteem

Heidegger was like 5 feet

Wittgenstein - 5'6"

Nietzsche 5'8"

Camus - 5'7"

Kant - 5'0" LMAO

Sartre - 5'0" LMFAO

Derrida - 5'5"

Zizek - 5'8" etc. etc. etc..

Philosophers wish they could make an impact on the world, they wish they could create beautiful works of art, they wish they could be good looking Chads, but they always fail, so they try to argue their way out of it, reason their way our of it: "I may not be able to get that cute girl, but, uh, it's because I'm the Ubermensch, hehehe, right guys!?" Every philosophical theory has been overturned, and philosophy has NEVER come up with a definitive answer. It is a failed field, and no one takes it seriously. Philosophers are all sad, pathetic, delusional people.

inb4 philosopher manlets try to refute this with "hurr durr spooks!" "muh muh philosophy was before science so therefore uh, uh, it's superior" or "surprise you've been doing philosophy ur whole l-life, haha gotcha!" or literal philosophical reasoning, proving my point exactly


No I’m srs. This is an anonymous sub, no one knows who u are that’s the whole point

no u

I don't consider myself an incel. I gave up on dating awhile back and have decided to go my own way.

  1. People are fucking boring to talk to. I would rather be working (day trading crypto), shitposting on reddit, watching Netflix, etc.

  2. The only thing I ever got out of a relationship was sex and affection. I don't understand the hype. Your girlfriend is not a special snowflake. People chemically bond to people they are sexually attracted to. That's it. I can chemically bond with literally any decent looking woman who is nice to me. That's "love". Oxytocin and dopamine. If you want dopamine so bad, there's something called the dark net markets where you can buy drugs. There's something called cough syrup in an everyday pharmacy that will fuck you up in high doses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z09lYqdxqzo Also, you need food to survive. You don't need sex to survive. It's called jacking off my dude. Adults don't need affection to survive (apparently babies do or whatever). People with sexual market value don't give their affections freely. You have to be useful to them in some way. Men are pussy beggars so they give sex and affection out very freely. Women don't have to work for it. So women have all the leverage here. They can demand your resources. My last gf was not materialistic at the time that we dated (she started being materialistic after she dumped me because then I think she realized that simps were willing to buy her shit). But she was an emotional vampire with Borderline Personality Disorder (a lot of women have Cluster B personality disorders) who demanded a big chunk of my time and wanted me to give her attention to feed her narcissistic ego. And wanted me to treat her like she was the most beautiful woman on earth or something and that I couldn't live without her or whatever. If you want to be mentally intoxicated that bad, get fucked up on cough syrup. The world is not a Disney fairytale. You are not a special snowflake. Neither am I. You should see the things that my ex-girlfriend admitted to me about her new boyfriend while she was drunk. lmao. She admitted that she didn't love him even though he said he loved her. That's why you liberals virtue signal for starving homeless people from your child slave labour-made conflict mineral blood diamond iPhones while telling incels they are entitled for wanting sex. lmao. You need food, you don't need sex.

  3. Women are so needy. They want you to text them regularly. Talk on the phone with them. Then once they have sex with Chad, they pretend like you never even existed and they never loved you. Women will chemically bond with you. And then when they find a genetically superior male who provides her with all this excitement and takes her on an adventure, she will no longer have those gina tingles for you anymore. It hurts me to remember how my last gf did me that way. But at the end of the day, it was just basic biology on both ends. She was the best I could looks-wise without paying for it, this is why my brain tricked me into thinking I loved the bitch. And women can get fucked by literal Chads on demand so they will never fucking love you. At least not for long.

If you're not Chad and you believe your wife/girlfriend loves you, yous a cuck. If this tall cocky successful Chad tatted low-inhibition badboy white rapper with a big cock approached her https://i.imgur.com/Udg5GYb.jpg, you think your girl would be faithful to you? ROFL There's nothing stopping your girl from having sex with Chad or Tyrone. And that's NEVER going to change. No matter how much you vote for Trump and think that is magically going to change the clock. Tradcon women never loved their husbands. They always wanted Chad. And with the sexual revolution, their sexuality is unleashed in free market sexual capitalism. Ancapistan but with genitals.

r/incels are complaining about nothing. Complaining about not being Chad is like complaining about not being a billionaire. Life is unfair. Life is an injustice. That's why most of the world is in poverty.

Fuck bitches, get money. Money is literally the most important thing in life. Other than health. Like my nigga Drake says, "All I care about is money and the city that I'm from".

You can use all the shaming language you want. You have nothing of value to offer me. The social contract that society hands over to men is fucking bullshit. Be a citizen-slave in exchange for what exactly? A couple warm wet holes, some affection and "social acceptance". Oh and possible divorce rape losing half your shit, paying out child support and paying out alimony for life. The terms of that trade aren't worth it. Normies are boring as shit. I don't receive any dopamine when I listen to some normie talk about his life and his problems. But I get a hit of dopamine when I trigger SJWs on reddit. So I have no incentive to honor that social contract.

After you normies wage slave for the man, you logon to reddit to make fun of people you think you are better than in order to feel better about your shit wage cuck life and the fact that you can't satisfy your wife/girlfriend the way her bull Tyrone can with your average penis.

Seriously, when she goes crying to someone covered in bruises, do you think they're gonna believe your story of "oh no guys she totally asked me to beat her up!!".

Reminds me of this post

People who are into BDSM are usually degenerates

Also fatties.

I just want to parade around downtown with a herd of braphogs on a flexi leash.

Ew. But that would be awesome. Anyone saying anything would be kink shaming, fat shaming...

Just remain tasteful when online posting about it. Not like those guys :


what's the difference? thinking emoji

then don’t leave bruises, you clumsy fuck

Lmao people believed my ex when he said that :( fuck society

as far as red flags go, "I've been fantasizing about raping you" feels like a pretty big one.

Isn't it a compliment? And if not, how do you delete an email from the internet after sending it?

Would you rape me? Id rape me.

False title, BF was the lurker and wanted to do it, not her.

Now she's a poster there.

misleading titles? in MY /r/Deadhorse?

This person has children. Imagine being raised by /u/Rubenesque_Decorum.

"When a mommy and a daddy spend too much time browsing made up stories on Reddit, daddy put a seed into mommy's crotch, ass and mouth against mommy's will, and nine months later a baby came out, and that's why mommy cries when she looks at you and she only hugs you when she's drunk"

Jesus Christ, dude.

Which part go to you?

The whole thing is dark, even for this sub.

I think this sub is actively getting worse. I think people aren't being ironic anymore

It's always been shit. I'd say its actually better than it was a few years back when it was filled with edgemasters. That guy is being ironic, anyways.

I mean that guy is but this whole thread is weird

This but, uh.... Ironically

I've been here for years under many usernames. Pretty sure I've been consistently awful (if anything, my English has gotten better, so I have a wider array of slurs).

Lol I knew this sub was done for as soon as people stopped telling Ed to fuck off

We've always been like this. It's a bully sub for degenerates.


"daddy what's a fetal alcohol syndrome?"

"shaddap and keep sucking"

delete this


Hello mommy.


Free advice : you and your degenerate husband don't need a safe word. Just buy a taser.

Hes not my husband. But, thank you, ill consider the advice.

Hes not my husband.

I'm sorry, that was degenerate-phobic of me to assume that.

Just buy a taser.


Gun works to stop unwanted sex. But the idea of the safe word is to still be able to use the safe partner even after stopping one sexual interaction (so the taser would work in a similar manner).

Necrophilia is an option.

Wanna give forcey funtime another shot?

Im good, but thanks.

Are you saying that because you don't want to get raped anymore, or are you pretending not to be into it because this way you can enjoy it even more?

Why haven't you committed self-mayocide yet?

slow fap


I nearly upvoted you for once.

Getting closer. I'll get your upvotes someday!

If they're lucky or smart, they'll join the military.

"My person (long story)..."

Two words in, and the situation is already irredeemably fucked.

I missed it thinking it was some kind of typo, or vernacular I didn't know. Could it be mental illness too?

how could it possibly not be


Explain this shit.


My person (long story)

I am genuinely curious about this story. Do tell.

In the moment, i didn't like it. I didn't orgasm. I was extremely upset. Snot bubble crying. But, now, i keep thinking about it and i want to go and masturbate. I don't know if it's because I was into it. Or, because i didn't get to cum. Or, because I'm bored. Or, because my kids are finally out of the house for the weekend.

This paragraph gets better with every sentence

/r/rapekink stories are mostly (entirely?) made up, but some don't lack talent.

Its lile /r/incest

As long as its passable it can be a nice wank

what's the chance they're a white couple?? i swear to god yts are devils's spawn on earth.. the only reason christianity didn't work out in the west is because jesus is displayed as being white. brb dumping my heinz mayo bottle down the drain as symbolism for europe's future

what's the chance they're a white couple??

100%. If they were asian, she wouldn't have felt his dick. If they were black, they'd already have an abusive relationship, and she'd probably be illiterate.

and throws me on the bed naked. And fucks me. Fucks my cunt. Fucks my mouth. Then fucks my ass. He was unbelievable rough with me. He was calling me names. I cried. I sobbed. I was scared. I was powerless. I could have fought him off, but i didn't.

No fucking rape survivor says "He fucked my cunt, my mouth and my ass" This is #fake news or someone getting their rocks off. You ate the bait OP

I thought women love using the phrase “fuck my cunt” in somber contexts

He blasted my dripping wet pussy while hitting me relentlessly with a tire iron, I am so upset. https://i.imgur.com/dhBbKxJ.jpg

Slay me

Some fat old guy has been watching too much porn.

Yup. My money is on a dude writing this.

my person

what the fuck

Exactly what I thought. Who the fuck speaks like that?

She might not be a native English speaker or something.

[>I assumed this was a safe place to share, i was very wrong.

Thank you all for your kind words. I don't think I'll be coming back to this throwaway account.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rapekink/comments/7wi3gh/mixed_feelings/du1nsp2/)

/u/Rubenesque_Decorum I'm sorry posting something in public on the internet on a website where anyone can create an account in seconds wasn't the safest thing to do.

Seems you have a blind spot when it comes to judging the safety of your own actions. I hope it doesn't mean you'll go through many more bad experiences in your life.

This is even more fake then the fucking reverse rape story and that is fucking amazing. Anyone who believes that this happened is literally /u/pizzashill

/r/rapekink is made up of mouthbreathers with their dick in their hand (especially the ones pretending to be women).

I tried to do fake rape with my wife as the sub once. I cried after while she laughed and called me a pussy. Would not recommend.

It was fake because you can't rape your wife. She's your property.

When two girls are married to each other, are they each others' property?

Free for all. But it's a kind of degeneracy that usually follows countries criminalizing "marital rape".

My person (long story)

So, what, are they like trans-person, or person-kin, or some kind of headmate fuckery?

When you open with something like that, I just know I'm in for a good laugh.

How many of these "write jack off fantasies like they happened to me if I was a girl who was in to it" subreddits exist?

It seems like every day there's new content from mentally ill weirdos larping like this

I'm really waiting for the point where some mentaly unstable dude reading too much of these (thinking they're real) ends up raping a woman, thinking they all like it that way.

Wow, that's straight up literal rape.

Rule 1 of rapeplay is don't actually rape anyone.

Maybe he thought she'd like it more if it was more real.

Why pretend when can just do it for real

Exactly. If the worst you risk is her complaining to /r/rapekink, I'd be raping her all day long (except she's probably fat).