WarOfTheFanboys spergs out over getting made fun of; Calls all users of TMoR pedophiles.

47  2018-02-10 by ineedmorealts



Excuse me but why was Trump on Jeremy Epstein's island and why did he ride the 'lolita express' to get there?

TMOR is the weirdest sub on reddit.

Like, its just people that think theyre smarter than everyone else? Is that honestly the whole point of them?

So theyre just a shittier version of us?


Mixture of alt-righties, kekistan klutzes, and 400 lb. diet coke chugging boomers, like the rest of right-reddit

i think you misread the comment

Like, its just people that think theyre smarter than everyone else?

No, they just make of stupid people a lot.

So theyre just a shittier version of us?

Kinda, whereas we focus on drama they focus on stupid

So people who make fun of stupid people who think theyre smart?

They have a word for that...

"Top Minds" is used extremely ironically.

Ha found a top mind! Amirite

It's just a place to giggle at whackjobs who think the Earth is flat and people who are clearly delusional.

Was OP’s comment linked there or something? So many “B-B-BUT ITS FUN REALLY!” comments. You’re like a circlebroke for /r/conspiracy posts.

TMOR needs a good gassing tbh.


Dont tell me youre one of them too Assy :(

Youre a legend. How can you allow this....

How the fuck are there more of them than us?

Pretty sure I found the new villains.

no, it’s to make fun of people who think they’re the most woke to the lies of TPTB on reddit.

so /r/iamverysmart, but for crazy people instead of pretentious people, and only half as ruined

Jesus. I just cant imagine unironically mocking people on reddit and feeling smarter than everyone else.

When we do it here its just banter or for laughs...but when we ping people it isnt to just patronize people. Its, lack of a better word, for the "lulz".

It was originally just for laughs at the expense of the kookiest /r/conspiracy nuts. Since that sub got overrun with right-wing conspiracies, TMOR got more political as well, unfortunately.

My point still stands.

Mocking conspiracy nuts is literally the lowest hanging fruit there is. I just dont understand what someone gains from feeling better than someone mentally ill or ostracized from society.

Whatever. Ill go back to making fun of traps without realizing the irony in all of this.

Mocking conspiracy nuts is literally the lowest hanging fruit there is.

ok, but if you gotta problem with that wtf are you doing here??

Im just saying its fun to poke the wasps nest and see all the action it causes. Thats why Im here.

Not really a fan of pissing on the fruit that already fell off and is now rotting on the ground.

To each their own though! Just a new group of folks to focus on now. Happy hunting brother.

this sub embraces the entire wasp-to-fruit continuum, don’t kinkshame

Thats what I thought as well...but lately it pretty obviously doesnt.

No, seriously: mocking traps is the lowest hanging fruit.

It's exactly the same on TMOR.

You still get some good ones. Flat earth, natural medicine and satanism nutters pop up occasionally

Sounds like someone got their pet conspiracy deprogramming truth mission mocked


For reference, " top minds of reddit" does not refer to the users of /r/topmindsofreddit but is a reference to an infamous copypasta posted in /r/conspiracy that unironically dubbed /r/conspiracy users as such.

Frequenters of /r/topmindsofreddit refer to conspiracy theorists as "top minds" in a tongue-in-cheek reference to this.

For reference, " top minds of reddit" does not refer to the users of /r/topmindsofreddit but is a reference to an infamous copypasta posted in /r/conspiracy that unironically dubbed /r/conspiracy users as such.

Yeah, it blows me away how many people don't understand this. I mean, all you have to do is go to their sub and look at the titles of most of the posts. It really should be obvious.

You would think, but I frequently see people having to explain the origin of the name, even to people within the sub.

Why the fuck would I go to that sub though???

So you guys are just pretending to be retarded???!!!

Good for you! Suck my dick, you absolute scum of a man

So theyre just a shittier version of us?

They take themselves too seriously and there's a few users there who effort-post to the point of OCD-ness but the way they trigger retards is a sight to see. Gotta give them props for that.

Look at all the AKCHUALLY replies you got for calling TMoR a shitty version of drama lol. Kinda proved your point.

Dude. You are so right. I think Ive found a new group to shit on.

Haha jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded hehehehe

/u/WarPfTheFanboys remember your YouToob vid about you challenging a comedian to a fight?

You spelled his name wrong.

What are you talking about?

Oh it seems you already fixed it ;).

And I just deleted my comment realizing what you meant. Lol

/u/WarPfTheFanboys remember your YouToob vid about you challenging a comedian to a fight?

/u/warofthefanboys did you really challenge a comedian to a fight? That is so dope!

Wait, wait, wait! Is this the dude with the weird cat girl and he got tossed around an MMA ring by some fat SA goon until they both gave up because they had shitty cardio?

How do you lose a fight to someone that fat?

Be skinnyfat

Lmao the guy is a fucking 🦆 moron to say the least

The fat guy has to lift all that weight all the time. The skinny dork actually gets less exercise.

Looks like both of those faggots lost, honestly.

If both people know nothing about fighting, the heavier one will win


How do you not kill yourself after having to wake up everyday next to that obnoxious harridan and endure the unending amount of nagging I'm sure happens throughout the rest of the day?

Also, is there any reason why she's cosplaying as furry Fiona (does Shrek know you're getting pegged by his wife?) or is that an everyday tragedy?


I have not heard that in a very, very long time..

We live in their heads rent-free.Leftists are here, reading our content, boiling at our success, and obsessing over us. Losers always focus on the winners, while the winners focus on winning.


Seems to obvious to point this out but you’re the one making cry posts

Seems obvious to point out but you're the one defending pedos and people threatening children. You're definitely on the right side of things here.

Show us a pic of you with your car

who’s threatening children now? did you get dozxed by pedosta?

you're the one defending pedos and people threatening children

You haven't proven anyone here is a pedo or issued threats.

I'm sure he'll come up with some unrelated youtube videos in no time "proving" that you're one of (((them))). Then you'll be sorry!


theres nothing wrong with threatening children if theyre white, one of the best ways to dismantle white supremacy is to make sure the next generation of oppressors grows up scared and submissive

Holy shit. He took the bait!

remember bot to upvote and brigade guys


Remember not to tag usernames either

hahahah oh my god all these years of posting have finally paid off

/u/WarOfTheFanboys white people are so fucking stupid lmao

the thing is I like bullying nerds more than pedos

/u/WarOfTheFanboys where is the proof. You showed a screenshot of 3 posts in a discord chat. One asking why a user was posting loli links. Said user asking where he did it and a 3rd basically reiterating he posted a link with said images. No where is there a picture of that user posting a link.

More like the new wrong am I right folks


Did he ever fight the lib cuck mack truck again?

Imagine being as pathetic as /u/WarOfTheFanboys

Holy Shit.....

We may have found one of Alex Jones reddit accounts.

He looks like quite a pussy.


I believe you /u/WarOfTheFanboys. I mean, what could possibly paint a picture of "confidence" and "success" more than a constant need to convince strangers on the internet of your amazing, totally real accomplishments?