/r/the_cuckold plans for civil war

87  2018-02-10 by aonome


Where was this thread linked?

Found it.

Have you posted bussy yet?


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What are they even mad about now? Is this more of the “deep state” nonsense?

I don't know but they're fucking dumb

Shows us more that christian Conservatism is behind the autism, not the vaccines. To bad they don't support abortion. Smh

The US Government is rotten to the core and Trump is cleaning house. It's pretty simple really.

The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution allows us to reclassify people as 3/5 of a person (I.e., slaves) for capital or otherwise infamous crimes. Voting for Democrats that rape children, murder the unborn, target conservatives with the IRS and FBI, sell our uranium, and wiretap POTUS qualifies as an infamous crime. It's time to strip Democrats of their rights. I'm happy take a few snowflakes and teach them how to work.


Trump is conducting a child slavery sex ring in the whitehouse with Putin. You can tell this because if you remove a bunch of letters from his speeches you can spell out I Want To Fuck Kids.

My theory now has as much evidence as Pizzagate, if you dont believe me 100% then you dont care about the well being of children. Why don’t you care about the well being of children you sicko?

That guy is very confused about the 13th amendment.

That guy is very confused about the 13th amendment.


/u/Bootyfullkd Thanks for the redpill based pede!! MAGA!! BTFO LEFTOIDS!!

Leftoids? The correct term is libtards. You can’t even shitpost right, wtf.

/u/shallowm please enlighten this dumb pleb!

Are leftoids an offshoot of femoids?

They’re breath mints for tankies.

Have you seen this pasta? I'm not sure why people think that liberals calling conservatives retarded led to Trump winning, because both sides have been shitting on each other long before Trump.

I don't think I've ever seen any significant amount of people say that Obama won because people kept calling Democrats libtards. If someone does what is pretty much a 180 on most of your political positions because someone was mean to you on social media, then the retard accusation probably wasn't far off.

True. Also that pasta isn't really far of reality. Lmao

I knew you were one of them.

Southern strategy

In American politics, the southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans. As the Civil Rights Movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South that had traditionally supported the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. It also helped push the Republican Party much more to the right.

In academia, "southern strategy" refers primarily to "top down" narratives of the political realignment of the South, which suggest that Republican leaders consciously appealed to many white southerners' racial resentments in order to gain their support.

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Good bot.

You have been banned from r/conservative

Is it that easy?

Idk, it's just against their sub rules to bring up the southern strategy.


it’s not even a slight exaggeration

I was banned from there for saying chabanais might have finally graduated high school here in this sub.


kill yourself

These idiots are radicalizing themselves right before our eyes, lol.

Yes, it’s the right radicalizing. Meanwhile the left continues to reeeee over an election in Nov 2016.

I don't see the left calling for civil war and genocide.

I won't be repeating it. My wife and I sold our wedding and engagement rings to buy guns and gun training courses. We won't let them take our ethnic neighbors some day. We all need to train ourselves to protect our democracy before it's too late. It sucks that I wake up crying every day now because this is our world. I wasn't meant to be a soldier I was a cheese maker . I made fucking cheese. But now I'm a soldier thrown into some Hitler remake god it's awful

r u ok

please don't tell me this is serious

Fuck off snally this is old pasta

I've never seen it! It's a good one, had me scared for a moment

Now go get your fucking shinebox

I know you been away for a while but I don't do that no mores

I fell for it :(

How does it feel to be at least as equally retarded as Snally?


Upvoted for honesty, and charity.

self-mayocide asap


This is some pasta.


Someone pass the fucking garlic bread, a big ol plate of hot steaming spaghetti just slid in front of me.

The left frequently calls for civil war and mayocide.

r/shitpoliticssays has a pretty good collection of left wing calls for violence.



Not a problem tbh

The left frequently calls for...mayocide.

I wish they did

Hillary 'Whites want rights? Stab them with my knife' Clinton is the worst mayocider imo

lol 90% of the time, the takes in that sub are hotter than anything linked

Then you obviously haven't visited /r/politics in the last two years.

Well, the retard right and the retard left are. Normal people aren't. The problem is for the most part, only retards support Trump.

I love /r/politics. I literally am unable to say anything that's too far left there. I swear I could probably get some mileage out of pasta from /r/fullcommunism.

the retard right

They've metastasized to the point that they now are the right, full stop.


[🅱️itation 🅱️eeded]

I submitted some of it here during the election: calls for a violent revolution and getting armed etc.

reddit's search function is shit, but you're welcome to look through my submission history.

In the meantime: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/5uval8/violence_loving_17_year_olds_post_to_rpolitics/

So a couple of downvoted comments are your evidence of "The Left" calling for civil war and genocide.


I haven't regularly visited that sub since the election, but people literally reeee about revolution every day, there.


Holy autism, just go to r/shitpoliticssays

Every day there are 5-10 posts about murdering the right, calling them subhuman, and some calling for the end of democracy

This dude is walking evidence for why women shouldn't drink and smoke meth while pregnant

You keep saying things but none of it means anything.

Why do the most vocal trump supporters always smell like vodka and desperate living conditions?

Imagine being this retarded

You've been in a coma the last year?

They are still bitching about Hilary and Obama, among other things.

Well they did kinda conspire to use fake news to illegally obtain a wiretap on a political opponent so there is that.


There is like 1000x more proof to the allegation I just made than the entire Russian collusion narrative that gets pushed like its gospel.

That evidence is weak, and daddy won't release the Democrat's memo. Pretty easy when you control the evidence made public.

Just imagine how hard it would be to lose if you controlled the intilligence agencies and decided to use them to target an opposition candidate.

Daddy 😭

This kinda ruins your own point tho

Nah they are just that incompetent

Nah you're just that retarded

No u

Hey u/botchlings.

Not him, I’m my own kind of retarded.

Because of the trisomy?

Apart from that time that his kiss messaged a lawyer saying that she was from the Russian government and they supported Trump, would love to collude sometime. The kids let her know they'd love to and just kind of forgot to mention it. Then Trump obstructed justice by drafting a fake statement which even his dumbass kids had to get him to tone down.

Being this retarded

I know I shouldn't engage but what do think is wrong about that? First half is confirmed by junior's emails which he released. Second half is from multiple sources by newspapers that haven't made any retractions.

I know I shouldn’t engage, but wtf about that is illegal?

Oh right. You're on the collusion is legal train then. Don't worry. Look at the end of the day Mueller is never going to charge a sitting president.

Also it's called the Logan Act.

Oh. You’re joking. My bad, I thought you were seriousposting.

I don't think Russia colluded with Trump. He's too stupid to collude with. Just the appearance of the Trump campaign trying to collude with him serves his goals. The Russian investigation is destroying trust in americas institutions just like Trump is by screaming at them. I think Putin is very happy somewhere.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to write in an email you'd love to collude with a foreign government.

hard to listen to the russians without listening to daddy...

"i suddenly care about fisa courts because i found out they get used to spy on white people sometimes"

“I suddenly don’t care about fisa courts rubber stamping surveillance on American citizens for political purposes because fuck Drumpf”

Lol guy that loudly interacts with russian agents had multiple CI warrants against him. Must be fake news.

Lolno. Be less of a retard

Let me piss in your mouth pls

The only one here reeeeing about an election is you.

How? My side won. Daddy is in charge and will dissolve the Senate any day now.


When the Right shuts up about Hillary you could try bringing this up again. You'd still be a raging hypocrite though because your side spent 8 years whining about elections they lost.

They can radicalize all they want, it ain't gonna make them get off their mobility scooters anytime soon.

Pretty sure they're too poor for mobility scooters


You say that but it very much reminds me of the whole Timothy McVeigh scenario. All we need is a catalyst ala Ruby Ridge or Waco and boom, you got some fun. But- in this day and age I hope the Government doesn't fuck up so bad that another Waco happens.

They are pretty close to justifying slavery. I think they will get there in a couple of weeks.

Well, they've already congratulated themselves for ending slavery. Wouldn't be surprised if the next step is "Slave owners in Africa were awful. Slaves should be grateful to have been bought and enslaved by the white man."


"Wouldn't be surprised if the next step is "Slave owners in Africa were awful. Slaves should've been grateful to have been bought and enslaved by the white man"

There was a youtube video on MLK by someone called the alternative hypothesis justifying it through similar rationalizations.

That's a stormfront copypasta floating around. If you try bring up colonialism or anything then they list a bunch of racial minorities in the USA that they believe have done worse things.

tfw ur slave master in Africa sells you for pennies and the europeans bring you to America to work in terrible conditions because you're nothing more than property

fast forward 300 years later

"Slavery was great, it helped so many people immigrate to better countries!"

I swear these people could convert to Islam and their views would not change one bit.

Which is weird, since they're the same people who got mad that the Confederate flag keeps getting removed from public places

Close to? There's a guy in there arguing that freeing the slaves was against the constitution because it violated peoples right to slavery

Are those rightwing death squads finally coming?

Would a group of comically inept tim mcveighs count as a rightwing death squad?

These idiots are radicalizing themselves right before our eyes, lol.

You mis-spelled "becoming deranged fucktards with no grasp on reality"


The south and midwest trying to rise again will just give us an opportunity to finish what Sherman started. Make our day.


What makes you think a bunch of angry inbred drunkards are going to take down the DNC, FBI, DOJ, IRS, FEd, and CIA simultaneously? You aren't even in the majority, the vast majority of people are just fine with these institutions. You have no support. You're all tooth and no tail, and when I say "tooth" I mean just the one.


California has a roughly 20-30% gun ownership rate depending on survey. Splitting the difference, that leaves 25%, meaning over 9 million gun owners in California. There's also multiple guns per gun owner. California also has industry to make more.

You're outmanned, outgunned, outtrained, and outmatched, if it comes down to it.

I like you.

Try harder libcuck

Show me on the doll where the Deep State gave you autism

We’re radical centrists here. When we call you a retard, it’s due to your being a retard, not because we have an opposing political philosophy.

Sperg on, faget.

Make me, bitch. You're just jealous that California is so much better than the culture you identify with. Better beaches, better air, better water, better weather, better economy, better movies, better music, and better booty, booby, and bussy.

Admit it, you just have a humiliation fetish. Why else would you intentionally make yourself inferior by not adopting our superior west coast culture?

lol /u/Stahntheslasher don't delete your initial reply, it just makes you look afraid on top of being dumb.

What'd he say?

"try harder libcuck"

So, I obliged him.

/u/Stahntheslasher came down from his opioid binge and realized he was acting retarded.

Stahn, do you masturbate to Donny grabbing you by the bussy?

I at least jack it to Tyrone fucking your wife

Weak, I am Tyrone. Also I realize you’re used to safe spaces like t_d, but downvoting in this sub just makes you look like a snowflake.

Btw, do you think Melania should divorce Trump for cheating on her while she was pregnant with the cyber czar?

So you guys DO have a cuck fetish!

Aw fuck one of my words didn't type in

It's hard to type while you're jacking it to cuckhold porn.

lol this faggot and his freudian slip

no wonder you support a literal, actual cuckold as president

What'd /u/Stahntheslasher say, before he cucked out and deleted it all?

He said I jack off to Tyrone fucking your wife.


Imagine thinking you are so important that your personal shit posting is getting psyoped.

/u/Stahntheslasher is your life so sad you are fantasizing deep state is after you?

Imagine being too scared to leave your donald safe space.

Mueller Aint Going Away


Your frothing at the mouth replies when someone mentions drumpf made it totally worth it.

Not to mention all the spics being deported. MAWA

You just revealed your power level faggot, don't your masters tell you not to do that?

Imagine being so offended by the presence of brown people that you try to turn the whole continent into a safe space.

Genetics make the culture. A nice stable 90% majority of European- Americans like the US had up until 1965 would suffice.


Imagine being so offended by the presence of brown people that you try to turn the whole continent into a safe space.


"You just revealed your power level faggot, don't your masters tell you not to do that?"

What did he mean by this?

better water,

It doesn't matter how good your water is if you have a biannual drought.

It's better than being full of hookworms feeding off human shit.

Also we aren't actually running out of water, we just need to be careful with it so that we don't. You know, like most people should be careful with their resources.

I lost all respect for California conservation among your pistachio debate. Take your propoganda elsewhere.



pistachios are important though

have you ever tried one? they’re GREEN

There's better green things that they could have diverted water to. And they picked a nut.

A nut.

Also, just had a bowl, of pistachios. Thanks California.

Water was diverted, it was extracted from the ground.Youre embarrassing yourself

Didn't stop the weeks of handwringing happening beforehand.

For an entirely different reason than I think you realize. Has to do with mineral rights and geological stability

Nuts are the most important part of the ecosystem, and of a balanced diet


Nuts are legumes!

fake news


and fascism

That's three strikes in one comment. Be proud.

deez nuts > you

Fucking finally someone goes for the obvious joke.

Spoiler Alert, there are a lot more gun manufacturing plants outside of California than inside. Also, roughly half of those firearm owners are in rural California, the same people pushing for a secession movement at the moment.

Most of the people pushing the first secession movement were rural too, see how it turned out?

Civil War 2: General Sherman Boogaloo

I was loving your work before this but now I’m in awe

Keep telling yourself that. Hurling rubber dildo's isn't going to do much. Go back to Starbucks.

If the south and midwest are so great why does California, already, outperform them in every metric?

Because sister-fucking is not a productive pastime.

well youre gonna produce a lot of retarded children


Retard humor, always at its own vanguard.

How disconnected from reality and their fellow countrymen can one poster be? The /u/Valiazaner story

I thank god every day for fentanyl.

blessed post

hurling rubber dildos isn’t going to do much

someone’s never played Saint’s Row san andreas.

isn’t that how the Stonewall riots started?

I chuckled

Go back to the unemployment line.

TIL California, home of the Crips, Bloods, MS13...only have dildos

God damn you guys are dumb as fuck

i’d say a slim majority of people don’t care for the IRS, but their hatred is more on a petty “lousy Flanders” level

Hey don't lump the mid-west in with those retards, we're with you.

About 60% of us but we're out here

That's fair, I'll adjust my shitposting rhetoric.

sry bb

can one of you amerimutts explain what the dems are doing that these fags are REEing about?

Half of the time, they're REEing about stuff that didn't even happen. Like pizzagate.

Seriously, what are they sperging out about this time

They think the wiretap was illegal. This is an ongoing REE, but was ignited again due to the intelligence memo that was released last week.

It was legal, repubs think it shouldn't have been

Oh yeah, no doubt. If it was illegal Trump team would be pushing for an investigation, but they can't because it would just legitimize them.

Or daddy would take them to court as he loves to do.

I just love the turn around. The fbi was the best thing ever this time last year. Now the gop thinks fisa courts are broken.

I gibd it hilarious that they stereotype the left as wanting handouts and shit done for them, yet for all the price they're wanting imprisoned, no one on the right is actively doing anything but bitch online

First of all you dont get to call Americans, amerimutts, it's rude. Take that back. Second, i think they are freaking about that dumbass memo that cucked them or some shit.

la atrocidad...


Ok seppo

We wanted to retrain hicks.

coding ex-truckers meme nice

Honestly, I can't even figure out what they are talking about.

yeah the op is literally an unattributed snippet from... some sort of speech, i assume? like i have no idea what it is or why im supposed to care

You're supposed to care because "DEA HATE T_D?!"

Just saying.

I worry for your safety sometimes.

Thank you, Dr. Mantis Toboggan.

Well, I got your test results. You've got the HIV, big time!

i too watch It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia

It’s such a compliment that u think that’s copied from a speech-


Lol speeches don't have to be coherent. It could have been copied from a speech a schizophrenic dude on the corner gave to you.

Y’all have fun in you sad sad sub . Your replies don’t gratify further response. YAWN

Okay we will. Keep yourself safe.

Is that a threat ? Come and get some motherfucker

I like how you said you weren't gonna respond anymore than immediately do. Just like when you said you weren't going to explain your reasoning to us, then 7 minutes later you try to do just that. You can't help yourself. I find it hilarious. I think you are a treasure. When I say keep yourself safe I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

I replied only bc I take your comment as a direct threat you fucking cuck- Do u have any semblance of a life or is this what you parasites do all day ?


Now please really do stop talking about me .. I know I’m endlessly fascinating but really there must be more interesting drama going on .. I know I’m bored with you so off you go back into the abyss of truly pathetic cuckoldry and failed attempts at sarcasm

God I admire the irony that is the very existence of trumpets. You lot are so fucking dense, you bend the space time continuum around you. The cancer of conscience. Human mud.

Lol I have a few comments a day if that laughing at lolcows such as yourself. You spend at least 50x more time on Reddit than me judging by the number of effortposts you make each day. You're insults are so generic and harmless they could have been computer generated.

you begging me not to respond anymore plus your paranoia of being threatened says a lot about you. There's no need for me to even insult you back. Anybody reading this exchange can plainly see what kind of ""man"" you are.


please I'm white, rich, and beyond drafting age like I give a fuck who is president.

Your comment speaks for itself as to what type of “man’ you are🤣🤣🤣

I'm glad you think my line is so funny but the least you could do is try to come up with your own jokes

oh, right, i forgot the groupthink over there is entirely self-perpetuating at this point

I think that one of them said that freeing the slaves was wrong because it violated protection of private proprety.

Yeah, you realize how fucked up these people are when they are literally supporting slavery as a "property right" while ignoring the slaves right to life, liberty, and property.

It’s basically like a mad lib where you insert the current outrage of the day into boilerplate “ from my cold dead hands” pasta that ends with a call for librulcide. In this case the outrage of the day is the Nunes memo from last week.

so wait... the Nunes memo is the “act of war” then? like, what the fuck

More like a call to arms I guess


Don't worry, that's normal

It's from 8 days ago. I'm assuming they were mad about what they thought was in the Nunes memo? Which turned out to be a dud.

It is all true you dumb cunt

Are you a subreddit simulator?

Just Russian it sounds like.

You ok? It seems like you need a good nights rest, champ.

This is why the Russian Bots meme will never, ever die. These people are so stupid that they literally fail the Turing test.

holy shit

/u/Bootyfullkd come here and explain please

No u fucking weirdos figure it out yourselves and eat a dick !!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


People are making jokes, now. But the amount of distrust in government as an institution and growing extremism on both the left and the right means there's probably going to be another American civil war in our lifetimes.

Amazing assessment by our local retard. Nice.

You're on the thinnest ground possible to be making that accusation, Ed

Ask me if I care. Go on!

U care?

Not really 🐵
🤟🏿👔🤟🏿 👖

t. Brainlet

You'll regret not investing in an underground meme bunker with a decade of supplies, internet access and retro game consoles when society collapses.

Whilst you fags are being drafted to fight each other for the benefit of which Jew-controlled party you side with, I'll be honing my Zelda speedrunning skills and shitposting about your arms and legs being blown off on the wartime equivalent of reddit.

The irony being you can't even be good at speedrunning without forcing the (((jews))) at gunpoint to ace the games for your dehydrated bussy.

You guys have been wiped out by r/sweden outside of an actual civil war, what makes you think you're better?

That's fine by me. There are 330 million people here and even the National Forests have too many people in them.

My retarded grandma has been saying that since Obama got elected.

Says the retard doing concern trolling over this, while he publicly advocates civil war because his band of retards want the left to be cucked for life.


the best part of that thread is all the people pretending modern democrats are the same as confederates (because theyre the REAL RACISTS) getting in fights with people who are offended on behalf of the confederates (because they were the REAL PATRIOTS)

It's a well documented fact that the Civil War was fought between PC purple haired SJWs and alpha pussy-having Chads.

but which was which???

Well the union had more troops so that should tell you which one was having more sex

yeah, probably the side that didn’t regulate half (or three tenths, I guess) of their population having it and tell the rest that it was evil

puritans had sex in front of their ten kids, they didn’t give a fuck

Chads got cucked by the purple hairs?

The best part was them opening up with that and then moving to, wait, maybe the Union were the bad guys for taking away slavery.

The best part was them opening up with that and then moving to, wait, maybe the Union were the bad guys for taking away slavery.

Also the retard who said the confederacy tried to peacefully seperate from the Union.

Hey, /u/gobills13, what do you think those sick bastards were thinking when they had Ft. Sumpter attack those peaceful confederate cannon balls?

oh thank god, a Howlin’ Mad Murdoch for the rest of us

also wait does this guy play Ronaldo Fryman

This is satire right?

it’s extremely, obnoxiously in-your-face satire. but i love it, apparently

Cannons of peace

What’s the difference between a fart and a Donald Trump supporter.



u/gobills13 have you read the articles of secession from the various states? They directly mention slavery as a primary factor for secession.

I have an unrelated question also, that I feel most Trump supporters should answer: How would you react if Donald walked up to your mother and grabbed her by the pussy?

You’re one to talk you parasitic swine

💯 honest question, how many pimples do you have? And have you tried (((accutane))) stuff is a god send 🙏

Also, when I was the last time you got laid by someone who doesn’t use meth/opiates? I get it, life is tough in the flyover states, if you’re ever in the bay hit me up and I’ll buy you a drink bro. Life doesn’t have to be this painful, it gets better I swear

Oooohhh I sense projection .... typical liberal dumbass ..,You’re funny ! You’re actually talking to a beautiful woman and not a fucking white male but I know you’re numb to actual facts - have fun in your echo chamber circle jerk !

have fun in your echo chamber circle jerk

Said without a hint of irony. Sad!

this reads like a stream of consciousness from a floridian swamp cultist

When did this sub get so cucked and start attacking people on our side? WE ARE ON THE SAME SIDE IDIOTS, DONT ATTACK THE DONALD!

Ah you think /r/drama is your ally? You merely adopted the drama. I was born in it, modded by it.

Crazy fucking fantasy you live in


HAHAHAHAHA. It's like you live in your own little world and have your own little reality. Nobody in this country except your 32% of the_dipshit supporters like Trump. Even if you were all to rise up and coordinate an attack the rest of us, (who unbeknownst to you are not as anti-gun as you think) would put you all down way before the military got it's hands on you.

Fuck you and fuck Trump.

(who unbeknownst to you are not as anti-gun as you think)

So they're lefties AND child killers too? Damn, y'all retched.

yeah man fuck kids, bring em on they can’t stop us

I can tell that made you feel really powerful didn't it? It's like you went into the autistic version of super sayain.

so, a super saiyan?

Pretty much. I pictured him powering up right before he said it. It was a nice thought.





Literally is though. It’s in the rules that you don’t vote or comment in threads linked to in meta subs

i've been in this thread for 14 days you goof

anyway, redditwide that rule only applies to participation not in good faith, otherwise it just violates the SRD rules

So it’s breaking the rules as I said and is literally brigading

only if they came from SRD. which would have happened 13 days after he commented and was downvoted

They did come from a linked thread, that’s how I came here

they didn't come before it was linked though, and that's when the trends you attributed to brigading started

Brigading is when Sub A links to Sub B, and users from Sub A comment and vote all over Sub B.

oh wait I thought you were trying to answer the thread parent comment's question with "brigading" this whole time, my mistake.

yeah that guy was brigading, unless he had already made an appearance in the thread before the link

That might explain the downvotes if everyone thought the same as you lol

user reports:

1: This is spam

1: Complete fucking retard

If you unironically suck off daddy then gulags are the way to go.

Suck my dick you french fuck

I'm not French you dumb mong. Lmao. Murican af!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

What side? You fucking dumb cuck

The fucking anti-sjw side you retard. why the fuck are you attack people who are committed to fighting sjw and leftist when the purpose of this sub is to fight sjw and leftists aswell?

No comrade

We make fun of retards on both sides

Hey, there's a lot of good drama on both sides. ON BOTH SIDES!

you apologist bastard


you better

This is the first and great commandment upon /r/drama.

You do understand that you're completely retarded, don't you?

no youre the cuckold retard dont you

my wifes boyfriend told meto tell u that thats rude & ull never get a girlfriend till u clam down

hey, i enjoy watching tyrone fuck my wife, dont kinkshame


Tyrone? Really Chad????

The only thing we're committed to is mayocide. Go suck on a fentanyl patch and try not to fuck your sister.

You are literally a SJW, just the right-wing version.

I believe the medical terminology is clinically insane.


So fucking accurate

Youre a stupid polack joke.


I think everything is serious after my accident.

thoughts and prayers.



When did this sub get so cucked and start attacking people

Since the inception of /r/Drama lol

Only these retards could get their guy elected and still want to go to war

We control the executive, legislative, and judicial! And now, for our next trick... Burn everything down!

We control the executive, legislative, and judicial! And now, for our next trick... Burn everything down!

/u/Bootyfullkd. No seriously, what is the context for this?