Swedish teenage libertarian weeb can't understand why his shitty grades and inability to speak Japanese might stop him from going to university in Japan/finding a dericate Orientar waifu

42  2018-02-10 by MantisTobogganMD_PHD

OP deleted his post, but none of his comments (which is where all of the drama is).

I don't see any reason why I shouldn't, considering that most western universities nowadays are communist safe havens.

Have you ever lived in Japan for an extended period of time before?

I have stayed there for 2 weeks, loved the culture, people, energy, food and most of all capitalism.

/r/JapanCirclejerk liked this thread so much they linked to it twice.

He is right, western universities have been overrun my Marxists. ... That being said, if you have less than a 3.0 GPA in non-stem, then you might be a retard.

If you're a numale atheist or a radfem, University is your safe space.

Also, pedo drama, because this is libertarians and Japan we're dealing with after all.




  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. I don't see any reason why I should... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  3. /r/JapanCirclejerk - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  4. He is right, western universities h... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  5. If you're a numale atheist or a rad... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  6. pedo drama - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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I kinda want him to get into a Japanese Uni. Imagine this loner weeb getting rejected by Japanese girls after his pathetic attempt to find his waifu

The hostess clubs will be in the black for about a week though. Then hell run out of money and drop out.

Nah. He'll be convinced to spend everything in a night cause a cute chick working there smiled at him. Don't you know? That's love at first sight.

It's delicate. I know you're a good person and wouldn't resort to racist stereotypes for a cheap laugh so I'll assume it was a typo.

I know you're a good person

Pop quiz, name of this sub?

Drama is the most progressive, tolerant and accepting community I've ever been a part of.

You guys are great because you are all so nice and kind and this is probably unironically the kindest and most compassionate community I've ever been a part of. I love this place for its tolerance and compassion and I hope you all have a good day/Merry Christmas to those in the East Hemisphere.

If he wants to study in a capitalist country he should just come to America and go to a conservative campus like Liberty or Hillsdale. One of my best friends went to Liberty and she likes it there.

Stories about universities being left wing are overblown. At my university the professors hardly ever talked about politics or anything polemical at all. I actually had one professor who took it upon himself to random declare to the class one day that Iraq should be nuked... wtf?

A lot of the time people saying that are like that essay from the other day, where basic criticism of terrible work is seen as the professor pushing their agenda. In classes for shit that actually matters nobody ever talks about politics at all.

I actually had one professor who took it upon himself to random declare to the class one day that Iraq should be nuked... wtf?

Engineering? No offense to any engineers in the /r/Drama community, but that field seems to attract nutjobs somehow.

I actually had one professor who took it upon himself to random declare to the class one day that Iraq should be nuked... wtf?

Like all the high profile terrorists with university degrees were engineers lol

At Liberty the biology classes are literally creationism

Jesus, you weren't lying.

Liberty University Professor of Biology Dr. Daniel Howell, Ph.D., is challenging the widely held notions that evolution is science and creationism is religion in his latest book, “Sometimes Deceived: How Evolutionists Have Led Us Astray.”

He's studying cystc fibrosis and the effect of shoes on human feet so he's well qualified to publish books about evolution.

It kinda depends, the social studies field is dominated by postmodernists and quite a few marxists. At least in Sweden

It's funny that he would want to go to Japan to escape Marxists, when Japan has the largest actual Communist party out of any developed country. In the 2014 election they got a full 13% of the vote.