"Why are so many genderfluid people so weird, egotistical, and generally out of their minds?" - this kind of loaded question is like catnip for the mentally ill

106  2018-02-11 by IAintThatGuy


Jews did this


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Why waste time putting people in boxes when you can just box them all together. 99% of the population are shit. Fortunatley I'm a cunt so there's a bit more leg room, but the point still stands: what the fuck am I doing with my life?

Shit posting in the last sane sub

Think you misspelled "least"?

This but unironically

I love this comment, it seems unhinged in just the right manner.

You're a cunt? As in, a woman with a vagina, or an obnoxious person?

Either way, how does this give you more leg room?

What point is still standing?

What the fuck are you doing with your life?

Posting bizarre shitposts on the best subreddit God ever created


hey everyone look at this commie calling for the abolishment of all gender

We should put them in camps before we put them in boxes IMO.

Gender nonconforming could mean a woman who plays sports or a man who has long hair


When I go shopping, am a gender non conforming man? Or am I even gender fluid? Them folks are crazy.

As a straight man, every minute I go without raping anyone is gender nonconforming.

If i’m not shoving my male privilege down your gussy, I’m disappointing me daddy

Once I was walking with a girl to a party and needed to tie my shoe so I tried to hand her the bottle of champagne I was holding but she just said "girls don't hold things" and I had to set the bottle on the ground and that was the moment I joined the gender war.

"girls don't hold things"

Reminded me of this Soviet prostitute prison tattoo. "I don't lift anything heavier than a dick or a glass" + stuff about not breaking her back for Communist party.

Since when are women not playing sports and men not having long hair even stereotypes anyway.

woman who plays sports

In fatass America, anyone who plays sport is gender nonconforming tbqh

The fucking irony of these fucks. So desperate to act inclusive, but end up saying something incredibly sexist.

These people confusing gender nonconforming with memegenders. Like a butch lesbian or a drag queen is gender nonconforming, but they're not trans and don't think they're a special snowflakekin or whatever. It's just like a word for men who wear dresses or whatever.

Deliberate conflation of such categories is why statistics vary so much.

How is this dude finding so many genderfluid people

Looking at their post history, they have a degree in psychology and a borderline relative. This presumably puts them in contact with a lot of fucked up people.

“for some reason, the people i run into in my work with the mentally ill all seem crazy!”

He did the research

Birds of a feather flock together. If your social network overlaps with a couple of them, you meet the rest of their gender non-conforming friends.

why do the mentally ill act crazy?


This just in! The mentally deranged are fucking nuts!