7 2018-02-11 by edc_svr_wxf_qaz
1 SnapshillBot 2018-02-11
We can submit quotes?
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 d4ddyd54m4 2018-02-11
Yes you stupid bot. Fuck you snappy, you piece of shit
1 YourLocalMonarchist 2018-02-11
neck yourself human trash. just cuz snappy doesn't let you suck her robot penis doesn't mean she's a piece of shit.
Kill yourself cunt. imagine worshipping a bit over the greatness of Allah
1 TheModsAreGayNazis 2018-02-11
You insult snappy again and I'll cut your balls off.
Come at me you NEET faggot
Brave words from a man about to lose his balls. Not that you used them anyway.
Literally jacking it as I type
I don't believe you.
I’d rather not post bus
1 morerokk 2018-02-11
This website looks like it was made by a college student in Angular and node.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-02-11
We can submit quotes?
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 d4ddyd54m4 2018-02-11
Yes you stupid bot. Fuck you snappy, you piece of shit
1 YourLocalMonarchist 2018-02-11
neck yourself human trash. just cuz snappy doesn't let you suck her robot penis doesn't mean she's a piece of shit.
1 d4ddyd54m4 2018-02-11
Kill yourself cunt. imagine worshipping a bit over the greatness of Allah
1 TheModsAreGayNazis 2018-02-11
You insult snappy again and I'll cut your balls off.
1 d4ddyd54m4 2018-02-11
Come at me you NEET faggot
1 TheModsAreGayNazis 2018-02-11
Brave words from a man about to lose his balls. Not that you used them anyway.
1 d4ddyd54m4 2018-02-11
Literally jacking it as I type
1 TheModsAreGayNazis 2018-02-11
I don't believe you.
1 d4ddyd54m4 2018-02-11
I’d rather not post bus
1 TheModsAreGayNazis 2018-02-11
1 morerokk 2018-02-11
This website looks like it was made by a college student in Angular and node.