/r/Socialism flips out because Musk is a dirty advertising capitalist pig

57  2018-02-11 by justanotherusername_


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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/u/bayarea415 Tesla's are kick-starting the global shift away from petroleum cars. How is this not good for humanity as a whole?

Surely a true socialist would appreciate the need for a world free from CO2?

Tesla's are kick-starting the global shift away from petroleum cars.

Tesla's only entry-level car that they're actually delivering cost 50 thousand dollars. You've fallen for the same scam behind free trade kale and similar bullshit. You, a fucking idiot, really think that a car that costs almost as much as an E-Class Merc is doing anything other than lining the pockets of a hairplugged african fuck?

Someone who can't afford a $60K is a loser and should be killed, tbqh.

If you have $60K to spend on a car and you spend it on a fucking Tesla, you should still be killed, tbqh.

If you're thinking about retarded american muscle cars like your dumb corvettes or another shitty 500hp trolleys, you better not.

No, not at all - maybe a classic corvette, but certainly not a new one, because those things are ugly and made of plastic.

If I had $60k to spend on a brand new car I would probably buy a BMW or a Mercedes. But definitely not a Tesla - aka the car with a gigantic iPad in the dashboard.

Just stop being poor

Plus they only made like three cars last year.

Yes, their mass market car is a couple months late. That means it will never come. /s

because nobody will ever try to cut costs and make a cheaper car to get more potential buyers

I'm pretty sure that every socialist is an accelerationist in their heart of hearts (if not openly). It was quite obvious the last time we had a donation drive for Against Malaria Foundation, the reeeing in the tankie subs was unequivocal: better for the little negroes to die than to grow up being content with the System so everyone who buys them mosquito nets is an immoral oppressor actually. I'm not even exaggerating much.

You donated money to a scam foundation so that you could claim the moral high ground in internet arguments.

Also you identify as a neo-liberal.

Just because you hate the global poors does not make it a scam foundation

You donated money to a scam foundation

Wasn't nothing scam about it, in fact it's one of the few charitable organizations that actually try to measure how much good they do with your money and maximize that value.

so that you could claim the moral high ground in internet arguments.

That was one of the goals, yes. It's called "virtue signaling": when you do something very virtuous, besides directly improving the world and the enjoyment you got out of it, you also get to tell useless assholes who only pretend to be virtuous to get off their fake high horses.

Also you identify as a neo-liberal.

Radical centrist, actually. /r/neoliberal went to shit so I no longer want to share any kind of label with them.

What the fuck is a radical centrist

It's when you realize that people both on the right and on the left of you are not merely having differing opinions, they are fucking insane.

They don't even operate using the "if we do this then we get that outcome, and that's good because", about which you could discuss whether it would really happen or whether that outcome is really good. They don't think that way at all, they talk in bullshit cliches with the only purpose to score debate points for their team because they believe that the only thing wrong with the world is that it's not their team currently (or not "really") in power.

Just call yourself a neolib, radical centrist is even dumber.

I can't bring myself to care what tankies think is dumb, sorry bro.

At least a tankie calls themselves something. You're just a weirdo neolib who is ashamed of being a neolib.

I'm not ashamed of not having a label to conform to.

You probably are all about how nonconformism is so cool man, and yet you're so fucked in the head with the desire to conform that you try to shame me for not conforming and you honestly expect me to feel bad.

LOL. Shut the fuck up until you grow up, child. You can't force yourself to grow up faster than it happens naturally, give or take, so just shut the fuck up. Or at least make sure that your current reddit account could never be linked to your future grown up identity.

You straight up conform to a label though, you are just denying it.

That label of course being retard.

Dang u showed him

What are you?

You unironically post in /r/chapotraphouse yet you used the R word in a post title.

Side note how retarded is it that people say the R word now like it's as bad as nigger.

Where do you sit on the spectrum?

Who are you behind the casually insulting, seemingly middle class guy?

Also stop projecting what you'd like other people to be and arguing with that, it's is a boring tactic.

The guy is talking about the stupid ass malaria net charity thing, I’m not projecting that mr radical centrist is just a neolib poster that doesn’t like labels.

stupid ass malaria net charity thing

Yea fuck trying to help those Africans against malaria. How can American socialists be this insufferable I’ll never understand.

I'm so neoliberal that I'm functionally a tankie, and have been called a tankie by anarchists.

I'm a radical center-leftist, so not quite what you're looking for, but I'll break my stance down:

  • Capitalism, understood to mean hierarchical, centralized systems of production, is necessary for organizing mass economic efforts because of the collective action problem and the fact that most people need someone smarter telling them what to do.

  • State capitalism as practiced in Singapore and China and the FDR-era US is preferable to laissez-faire capitalism in the long run, because when capitalists compete freely amongst themselves there's a tendency towards instability, hoarding, and shortsightedness. The state's authority stabilizes the system.

  • Capitalism inherently seems exploitative because it sets some people up in positions of authority. Therefore, it's necessary to set up a welfare state to give the proles enough free goodies to make the risks of revolution seem not worthwhile.

  • I personally killed Rosa Luxemburg.

CO, not CO2.

I like my climate change bubbly

No, nobody gives a shit about CO levels.

No, CO2 is the one with the climate problems. CO just kills you then and there.

There will be much less C02 when the state owns all the cars and the vast majority of the populace spends most of their time in breadlines.

Socialists already fetishize the humanoid Darkspawn known as "coal miners," so they don't really give a rat's ass about the planet.

Of course they obsess over the working poor that literally die from literally inhaling carbon instead of the actual poor.

It's because of some big, messy, armed labor brouhaha that happened back in Tennessee in the 1920s. Honestly, fuck coal miners.

But hey, that link is pretty uplifting :)

yea but Musk has money and he hasn't so it isn't fair

Hey /u/just_an_ordinary_guy aerospace engineers can get any fucking job they want. The reason they work in spaceX and not some cushy government contact, believe it or not, isn't because they are unable to find a job elsewhere you twit. It's because you actually want to do something with their lives instead of whining on retarded subreddits all day.

Also boohoo, cry me a fucking river for people earning 200.000/year instead of 300.000/year. My heart truly breaks for them.

lol seriously, do they think the people working at spacex are wage slaves toiling away in the Musk mines whose kids will starve if they decide to get a new job? Probably tru in communism tho so I understand why they think that.

Eh spacex is known for a poor work/life balance tho

boohoo, this job i applied for and work with my own consent is hard. i'll bitch and moan about it on the internet for the next five years until i quit and can write my own ticket to anywhere.

Pretty much not at all what I said lol

boohoo, i've been misinterpreted by some fukkboi on the internet, guess i'll bitch about it for the next 5 years.

RemindMe! 5 years be super mad

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What's with socialists loving brutalism?

Look at that building. The concrete is crying out for mercy due to the non-compression loads those stupid overhangs cause. Yes, they reinforce it with steel, making it more expensive to compensate for the unnatural design, but it still makes me feel uneasy.

Brutalism is all about governments (or universities) spending MORE money than they need to, just to make a building look extra shitty, because they hope no-one will think that they're wasting lots of tax dollars if they make it look like a pile of shit. Oh wait, now I know why socialists like it - it leads to needless, inefficient, ugly government busywork.

The imposing and nondescript nature of brutalist architecture terrifies me, and the horror geek in me can't help but appreciate that.

I am not a tankie, but I like brutalism, because it show the superiority of mankind over nature, physic and good taste.

~~ mankind~~ peoplekind

Shut up Cannuck

Burn the Leaf

Day of the Rake

Ok, judge Holden.

Love it? I thought that was a sarcastic link, and two of the pictures on the front page are from fucking Blade Runner. The replies are whining about how suburbs are the worst tragedy inflicted on mankind and deepthroating some garbage TED talk.

Brutalism is a beautiful form of architecture that aimed to make concrete the single material in construction, reducing costs and creating timeless works of practical art.

Sure, it was socialist countries that lead the steed, but it was widely adopted by a lot of different social and political ideologies.

It's not my fault you can't appreciate it, you bussy smuggler.

Brutalism is a beautiful form of architecture that aimed to make concrete the single material in construction

Concrete can't stand tension (e.g. overhanging lego-style block bullshit), it's effectively a steel frame with a concrete facade.

reducing costs

If you want to reduce costs, get the engineers to design it, not architects on an ego trip.

creating timeless works of practical art

This is subjective. But if you want to claim brutalism is 'honest concrete' or 'cost effective' then I'd imagine you'd often be a little misled. There's a reason why only governments seem to be able to afford brutalist buildings.

It's not just ugly, it looks fucking tyrannical. I hate referring to the most over-referenced novel of all time, but it reminds me of George Orwell's description of MiniLuv in 1984.

Business idea for Elon Musk: Generator fueled by the tears of tankies who cry anytime Musk does something successful.

Really doesn't help to be posting fake images like this, people will absolutely think this is real. It's not real. Dangerous precedent to set here people.

Like when Stalin doctored images to remove people or make him and Lenin look like they’re hanging out. Never trust a leftist.

Yknow a leftist is everyone from a person who believes racial equality to a full blown tankie

racial equality

Those damn dirty leftists!!1

Yeah, but those "Radical Leftists" are what we would call "pretending to be a radical leftist leftist."

Which is really a polite way of saying: you're pretending to be retarded.


/u/SmashRetro, your flair is fascinating. Could you please come here and explain it to us?

wtf i thought we were anti rocket jesus

Whichever produces more drama.