AngryDM shows that he can reflect as well as a black hole.

47  2018-02-11 by Ultrashitpost


Jews did this


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Xe is right about this one, even if xe's guilty of it xerself.

/u/Alwaystryagain its very impressive how delusional you are about your waste of a life. /u/SRSthrowaway524 you realize that the OP of that thread is a jobless loser who's given up on life right?

Bad faith is in the heart of the Reddit master debater.


But...I...You....Why bothe...I can't...

whacks head against a wall until it starts bleeding....then continues doing it

Ahhh some sense at last.

Anyone else wish that our brains where programmed to have massive nose bleeds if we made such disingenous statements, ones that lack self awareness and ones that ignored the shitty things we do.

Could you imagine the catastrophic nosebleeds AngryDm would get every single time he spoke, sure his head would just pop like a zit.

The redditor is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a neckbeard, fascist, mysoginist, Mexican, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call his argument a fallacy and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Wow, AngryDM is the least self aware person I know of.

Glass houses, /u/AlwaysTryAgain, GLASS HOUSES!

I've said it before and I'll say it again /u/angrydm is truly a pathetic individual

I frequently get overemotional, irrational and illogical and its all reddits fault!