58  2018-02-11 by metro-jets


Have you posted bussy yet?


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I'm honestly curious to see if that shithole sub can get any worse

It was a good sub before all the brainless /pol/ kids from subs that got banned started taking refuge in there

It was a good sub


The hours of enjoyment I got from it.

I mean, source? source buddy?? Haha I get the meme

The hours of enjoyment I got from it.

You also seem to enjoy /r/Ice_Poseidon so this doesn't really help

Another entertainer that was good in his prime but not anymore. What a coincidence.

You could possibly be telling the truth and, fact, I think you are. Most likey you're just a hipster with bad taste tho

yeah, when i think "hipster" i think "watches twitch streamers" :thinking:

this but unironically

Damned if you like nu-Poseidon, damned if you don't

Ice was cr0_ for people who weren’t on twitch in 2014

i like mr hyde, he's a funny guy like the tom green of the right. timeless humer

fun fact that sketch was originally going to be called jews rule but adult swim didnt like that for some reason


Holy fuck, FINALLY

I'm just surprised it took him this long to realize that trying to save a bunch of edgy autistic teenagers from their own bottomless stupidity for free just because they like the same defunct YouTube sketch group is not worth it.


Just set automoderater to remove every comment with a naughty word

There's so much fun stuff you can do to abuse the users of a sub that you don't want anymore. The possibilities are endless

Snally, don't go getting any ideas...

You could just give moderatorship to a bunch of agendaposters and unmod yourself.

Browsing through the threads about rule changes and [removed]s is pretty fun. Being the spazz having to think up those rule changes isn't.

Only comments are allowed which are copy pasted from /u/Ed_ButteredToast's profile page.

/u/fjamesprice no give control of the sub to gamerghazi or SRS mods or, whoever would assblast your tard population the most. That is the Patrician option

Please 😒😘

Jewish mods are the only reasonable option at this point. These goyim need to learn their place.

/u/aliceunknown for top mod!

/u/fjamesprice pls πŸ˜™

/u/aliceunknown for top mod!

πŸ‘πŸΎ Reform πŸ‘πŸΎ Jews πŸ‘πŸΎ Don’t πŸ‘πŸΎ Count πŸ‘πŸΎ

We'll take what we can get over here.

Mod me!


Fake Jews.

Our covert operations team at r/Judaism is ready to handle it.

May Hashem have mercy on r/mde.

trust you to come up with an idea this faggy

Oh god please, don't @ me you melanoma-ridden Roofuck πŸ˜€πŸ’…

lol your insults are so bad but you try so hard

not surprising you like srs with all the bitching you do tbh


delet this post



What is going on? I thought MDE was a silly meme channel, can someone link videos of it going the Pewdiepie route?

The channel hasn't posted in a long while, the subreddit was taken over by chan retards though.

Sam is a chanretard. The channel has always been /pol/, sam tweeted about killing hillary like everyday of the 2016 election and mde.coms cursor was a scope on obamas head lol

It wasn't /pol/ a few years ago. I miss the Sam dream shitposts.

it is a silly meme channel but the mass murderer who runs it donated his last 5,000 dollars to the daily stormer sooo

Did he really or is this a Ben Garrison situation?

it's like 60-40 real-fake

Wasn't the donation just a means of bringing the concept of shitposting to real life? Even when he did, I thought he was just playing around, and was not serious. Kind of like when Max Tucker donated to Planned Parenthood.

you have brain problems

Lmao, he ironically gave the Nazis money.

>all those walls of text

christ, mde was the most autistic sub even before it went full /pol/

Lol amazing

There's a sizable portion of the r/mde users that are happy the sub will be put out of its misery like Old Yeller.

Except Old Yeller was sad

There are quite a few users that will have a blubbery cry over losing the sub. They probably should go out with it.

r/MDE is more Cujo than Old Yeller

Not as scary, really. It's more like a rabies free dog that you bring over to your friend from high schools house - someone you haven't even talked to in 6 years but wanted to catch up and watch some tv - with the sole purpose of letting it shit all over their property, drag its ass on the carpet etc. That's called post-irony.

Nah, more like this

Fuck, mde is a containment sub isn't it?

Does voat have a mde board? Someone should start planting that idea.

There's something on voat that I'm pretty sure is currently dead, but that doesn't mean a mass migration isn't in order.

Voat deserves them.

One of them. I frequent a couple forums of people who got sick of the influx of retards and left. Been waiting for an "Of Mice and Men" situation for a minute now.

This might be bad for containment reasons. I hope they all go to r/kotakuinaction or something and not subs that I actually read

I predict they all head to /r/Ice_Poseidon.

It'll always be funny to me that Sam Hyde managed to lose an adult swim show because he couldn't stop pandering to his retard teenager alt-right followers.

World Peace was cancelled because a bunch of oversensitive faggots and TIM HEIDECKER told people to call advertisers and cancel the show, and people wrote bullshit news articles calling the show racist which made Turner drop the show (AS didn't want to can the show, they asked for 100 more episodes)


That all sounds pretty hilarious to me.

cry moar


Lol sorry to burst your fantasy but it's pretty obvious from the call Sam made into Tim's show that that didn't happen.

Maybe, just maybe the black face, JEWS ROCK skit, hidden swastikas etc. were the reason.

hidden swastikas

there were no hidden swastikas you retard. you sound like a buzzfeed article

get your head out of your ass and realize it came down from Turner and it was because of bullshit fake articles calling the show alt-right. there were no alt-right skits in the show

Ya jews rock is so edgy you cuck

Maybe people didn't like the show because it was "edgy" /pol/ shit that only 15 year old retards like.

if people don't like it thats fine, but the show wasn't alt-right

buzzfeed faggots runamuk in this thread

The tap water drinking bugmen at Turner took away my funny man TV show!

muh comedy

Blackface in World Peace? I don't recall. The closest thing I can think of is the multiculture bump with a black Sam, Jewish Nick, and an Indian Charls.

The breakup sketch

hidden swastikas

the whole show is on youtube.

link to the part in any of the six episodes that has a "hidden swastika"

because that's obvious bullshit

Imagine your career options are limited to pandering to a channel that works like that in the first place.

god i love Tim

captain confirmation bias to the rescueeee!!!!

"this guy hangs out with Weev"

"wtf you can't just say shit like that about him he could get fired"

posts in /r/drama

doesnt get jokes

actually i don't know what you're referring to in most of above comments, so i'm just kind of doing my own thing and pretending it's a response


he did this for the same reason he tells his fans to report him as the shooter every time theres a shooting

to make stupid people jump to conclusions

Proof on Tim Heidecker getting it cancelled? I've only heard butthurt mde fans claim this with no proof.

Tim didn't have a huge part in getting it cancelled, he definitely told his listeners to "call adult swim" if they didn't like MDE World Peace, but I can't find that audio clip.

Brett Gelman made a huge stink about it too, he was a huge vagina, complained to the execs about the show about it and he told people he left adult swim because if it (and because adult swim doesn't hire enough women, apparently)

of course he's lying out of his ass and he actually left because his shows suck ass

What got the show cancelled was shit like this -

The Turner execs are old dinosaurs so they think a shitty buzzfeed article with four comments is the same as a New York Times article printed on their newspaper. They told AS to can the show. AS ordered 100 more episodes but that was before they were told to can the show.



I'm sure it was cancelled for a combination of every reason everyone has given

Are you implying that jews dont rock?

Of course not. I love Jews!

why though? that's a banger

not the most interesting thing I saw on World Peace, but certainly the best



sure, but did u ever see season 6 of aqua teen?

Adult Swim lets white guys say β€œnigga”

This is how Steve Jobs died and by that I mean stress induced ulcers from taking himself too seriously.

Alright this sub is pretty funny

Also pretty retarded. Imagine the lack of self awareness to upvote this on a subreddit that blames everything on the jews.

Good lord what is that sub? It's literally every cancerous 4chanism into one place.


party continues here

james is in here right now in voice looking for new mods

There are way more important things for me to be doing

Like what exactly? u/fjamesprice could you tell me more about these "important things"?

Noodling on his keyboard belting out groovy midis.

Euphemism for masturbation. Only think it could be.