Shit like this,man...

37  2018-02-11 by BellyCrawler




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You need a hobby, /u/haydukelives999. Preferably one that doesn't involve meta-subreddits

Mmmm naw I got plenty of hobbies. Making cultists cry is pretty fun though.

yeah like lynching black people u fuckin nazi!

this sub is a place for all humans, not just neo nazis like u!1!

Three questions:

  1. Why do you hate the West and want to see it torn down?

  2. Did you say this unironically?

  3. Have you thought about cleaning your room?

Well, #2 is objectively right

u/haydukelives999 did you just tell millions of brown and black people you assume they'll murder you? Why are you such a racist?

I want to kill him and I'm a gamer, but those two are unrelated.


Eating your own cum isn't a hobby you batty

You could do what I do and not care about whoever this Jordan Peterson guy is.

If you thought Hayduke Lives was better than the Monkeywrench Gang, you need to keep yourself safe

You'd like AngryDM.

If you hate Elon Musk as well you'll get on like a house on fire.

If you actualy think you're doing anything by posting on reddit you should keep yourself very very safe

Being a piece of shit isn't a hobby, it's a lifestyle.

Making cultists cry is pretty fun though.

Not sure it counts if you do it by joining another cult.


active in these communities r/subredditdrama r/enoughpetersonspan r/mypartneristrans r/socialism r/circlebroke2 r/gendercynical r/topmindsofreddit

Other than videogames?

The correct answer is "all of the above".

SRDines vs Petersuckers? Both lose and we win.

Petersuckers might be the only people as po-faced as SRDines, this'll be a dry one.

dude pizzashill has the number one upvoted comment in this post I think its safe to say we take a big fat L as a community on this one.

Pizzashill is a Nazi now. He's good.

he totally owned the libs so we were literally forced to upvote

Why do SJWs feel the need to straight up lie about anyone that calls them on their bullshit?

Look at this:

Probably. He's extremely sexist and beloved in neo nazi conspiracies. He thinks all feminists secretly want to raped by Muslims and that's why they support Islam.


He found a law that makes it a crime to discriminate against trans people and started a massive transphobic shot fest by lying about the law. It's a fact.


Liberals in America make it harder and harder to stand with them. And it's not just here either; I've had similar conversations with friends about these issues and been baffled by what I hear. Thank goodness I can leave whenever I feel like.

I don't have too much interest in peterson myself, I've only watched the usual circlejerk discussions about him (either loving him or hating him) so I decided I'll just buy his new book and see what's what. I'll probably just find the book somewhat interesting but overall boring and that will be the end of it for me.

Hopefully most people assume a position similar to mine but honestly living in the reddit/4chan bubble for so long I'm not too sure anymore.

What the hell happened with SRD? That's where I used to go for internet drama, but one year it all went to shit

Maybe you just got woke to the shittyness that was always there

Lmao it's been shit for at least 5 years.

is stating facts sexist?

There's something wrong with humanity when that doesn't trip some sort of alarm.

Every time /u/haydukelives999 claims that this guy is the antichrist, people ask for quotes/sources, and he just says "REE HE ALWAYS SAYS NAZI THINGS" instead of actually posting the proof.

I don't really know shit about this Jordan Peterson, but this makes me assume he says pretty moderate things.